Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 659: 661 deep inside

Chapter 659: Deep inside

What they hate in their hearts now is not Estes.

Because the vet came here, Estes was determined to win the night attack. Although this and her personal feelings between Lin Tianyao accounted for a lot of ingredients, but its roots are still in line with the purpose of the formation of the kangaroo!

It's just that the words that Niu said earlier were really scary!

General Bud had just died. After the Revolutionary Army and the northern aliens learned of this news, they also accelerated the momentum of development, and the front began to gradually pull away!

It can be said that the only people who relied on the empire in the end depended on only the first two, and the remaining Estes!

However, at this juncture, Minister Osnet, the man who wore a pair of trousers with His Majesty on weekdays, did not even think about how to calm down the rebellion and how to defend against foreign enemies.

Almost everyone has an idea in mind, if you continue to let Esdes stay in the capital, then Osnet's various plans will gradually enter practice!

This final result, I'm afraid that Estes could not escape!

Anyone, betrayed by the object to whom they are loyal, and find opportunities to murder everywhere. Even if it is a person who has reached the level of stupidity, there will be repulsion in his heart!

Leaving this issue aside, right now, what did Esdes do have a tendency to betray members of the garter?

Estes clearly took them to exterminate the night attack. But in a blink of an eye, the situation changed instantly!

It became either that they surrendered or chose to leave hermit. Otherwise, there is only one idea!

They are not afraid of death. On the contrary, as a killer, it is a privilege to be able to fight to death!

It's a pity that they now have no reason to fight, even the purpose of the fight has disappeared! Their main backbone, Aides, where spiritual pillars generally exist, has come together with Lin Tianyao!

Will lowered his head and looked at the black lion in his arms, so lonely and scared. There was a bit of bitterness in the corner of his mouth. He asked softly, "Black pupil, what's wrong with you?"

When asked by Will, the black pupil slowly raised his head, and his large eyes flashed with confusion and pain: "Do you remember, I told you about my sister before?"

Will froze for a moment, then asked: "You didn't let me say it at the time? Besides, your sister's identity, everyone now sees it, the red pupil of the night attack, right?"

"Well!" Black pupil nodded gently. "How similar is the relationship between my sister and General Estes and Lin Tianyao? The two people with hostile positions have a constant cut. Relationship! You said, how do I choose?"

The question asked by a person who is at a loss of choice also has to be considered by the person who answers it. Because of this answer, it will lead to a biased decision of the interrogator, and the final consequences are extremely serious!

Will knows clearly that if he rushes to give the answer, the black pupil may feel that there is finally a relief after the decision. But in case he sees too much in the future, he will be the culprit if he regrets it!

For this problem, he dared not give the black pupil any selective guidance. Because of that terrible consequence, he cannot afford it! In this regard, he can only smile bitterly: "Black pupil, I can only say, do it according to your inner thoughts! The answer that you are biased in your heart now will be your choice! Of course, no matter how you choose, maybe in the future You will regret it! But now, you can be relieved!"

Although this answer is very vague, for the black pupils who are lost, they have analyzed the essence of this matter!

Black pupil widened her eyes and looked at Will's face, vaguely, she seemed to think of something.

After a moment of silence, the black pupil whispered: "Will, let me go!"

Will knew what she was going to do, and crouched down slightly, letting the black pupil down. Then stood aside, waiting quietly for her answer!

Black Hitomi's footsteps seemed to be a bit unstable. The sword that Lin Tianyao had hacked out at that time was forcibly taken, but the huge sword spirit still caused her unending damage!

Seeing the black pupils as if they were swaying in the wind and rain, the footsteps of the wildflowers were floating in vain. But no matter how distressed she is, she can't even step forward! Even though the girl in front of her is her sister!

In today's situation, there is no so-called affection. She and Black Hitomi are still enemies.

The more I think about it, the more my heart hurts! She lowered her head and buried her thoughts in her heart as much as possible, but the trembling body made the members of the night raid around seeing it for a while!

Black pupil pursed his lips and turned his gaze to the side of black pupil. After reading it for a long time, she slowly said, "Sister... why can't you learn Lin Tianyao or General Estes? Obviously, we all have that idea in our hearts, but no one wants to say anything. Are we destined to end in tragedy?"

As soon as these words came out, Akoto suddenly raised his head! In her eyes, tears had filled her eyes, and she was about to overflow!

Seeing her like this, Black Hitomi suddenly laughed, and in that smile, with a complaint: "If I join the night raid, will you still treat me like before?"


Almost everyone present was very surprised by the words of Black Hitomi! They can all see that although the tone of the black pupil's words was asked in a rhetorical tone, the meaning is already obvious!

On the side of Will, after hearing the words of the black pupil, he couldn't help but smile. His eyes gradually moved away from the black pupil and turned to Lin Tianyao.

The battle of the blind date conference at the beginning gave him a deep sense of worship to Lin Tianyao.

This kind of powerful master is like a magnet for someone like him who is passionate about force! ....