Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 655: 657 Bewitching Flute

Chapter 655

Niu, who was watching from afar, saw the scene, and his chin almost fell off. What the **** is going on, how did the life-and-death enemies of the previous moment become Lang concubines in a blink of an eye?

"Isn't my bewitching flute not working? This is impossible!"

Niu couldn’t believe his eyes. At the moment, he also controlled Lin Tianyao with a knife to kill Estes. Why did this plot develop, there is no routine at all?

On an unbelievable occasion, Niu raised the black flute in his hand again and blew out the bewitching flute again. Emperor Gu's stunt, every time it is used, has a great consumption of Emperor Gu itself. Niu's bewitching flute can only be used three times a day!

As the melodious flute came, Lin Tianyao, who embraced Estes, shivered suddenly.

Seeing Lin Tianyao's subtle reaction, Niu could not help but snorted softly.

He said to himself: "I thought you could resist my bewitching flute. In this case, you can only shorten the duration!"

This bewitching flute sound is mainly to find the weakness of others' inner hearts, so as to control their minds. Anyone has seven emotions and six desires. If the desires are not balanced, and a certain desire is too strong, the longer the person will be controlled.

If it is an ordinary person, the time of this bewitching flute control can even reach a lifetime.

However, Niu was a little surprised that he started to control Lin Tianyao and released it for the second time. It took only one minute!

Regaining control, Niu almost gave no instructions to Lin Tianyao to kill. At this time, if he rushes out to kill, Estes has no precautions!

"Kill, kill me for me! This empire is mine, this world is mine!"

Niu was almost crazy. His body began to tremble, and the corner of his mouth pointed out that his white teeth had broken his lips and came out!

However, he was shocked again. Lin Tianyao's body shuddered a little, but he didn't move at all. His control seems to have no effect at all!

Lin Tianyao gently pushed Estes away from her arms, looking at her face that had completely changed from ice to snow in March, and a soft touch flashed at the corners of her mouth. He whispered: "I should do the right thing!"

Estes looked at him stunnedly for a long time before she whispered: "Are you going to kill someone? They are all my subordinates, you don't have to do this!"

It can be seen from her sentence that she still has a kind of tolerance for her subordinates. As a general, this mind is unmatched by ordinary people!

Lin Tianyao frowned, and he glanced at the vet members present. Everyone was looked at by him, and his heart was suddenly cold. Esdes's heart was taken away, but they are still standing on the empire's standpoint. Without Estes, they don't say that they are dealing with Lin Tianyao, even members of the night raid, and there is no big problem to solve them!

"You don't have to be afraid!" Lin Tianyao said: "As for your stay, it is entirely up to you to decide, but right now, there is a person who must die!"


The members of the croaker looked at each other, and they did not understand anyway. Who among these people offended Lin Tianyao!

Just when everyone was suspicious of each other, Lin Tianyao's body suddenly disappeared!

When he disappeared, everyone put on a defensive posture. Their defensive positions were concentrated behind their backs almost simultaneously. Because every time Lin Tianyao disappears, the place where the next moment appears is behind others!

But this time, they were disappointed because Lin Tianyao did not attack them. On the contrary, they couldn't even feel the slightest murderousness.

Niu in the distance, when Lin Tianyao suddenly disappeared, there was a panic in his heart. Because if his bewitching flute sound succeeds in controlling Lin Tianyao, this will never happen!

With this idea in mind, almost in a flash, he wanted to run!

Two failures, which has already explained everything, his bewitching flute cannot control Lin Tianyao. On the contrary, the situation on the court has begun to stabilize. He continued to stay here without going out to show up, and Esdes would definitely find him!

The reason why he didn't fight head-to-head with other kangaroo members, but because he was hiding alone, was also because of his emperor's relationship.

What he and others revealed is that this flute emperor is just an exciting auxiliary emperor!

As an auxiliary type, he is not suitable for frontal combat, and if he appears on the battlefield in a hurry, he will be distracted to protect him. Therefore, Estes will arrange for him to perform hidden assistance!

Among the squad members, he and Daidala, Vali, followed Estes a long time ago. Who knows, he was in the background, and it was Osnet who resigned earlier.

In this move, Osnett had already inserted it very early!

If Lin Tianyao and others found or caught him, then he would really have no time to live next! In the eyes of those people, human life is the mustard! He couldn’t guarantee that after being caught, he would not be able to stand the torture, and finally he trusted!

The more I thought the more panicked my heart was, Niu's forehead had begun to sweat!

He put the flute in his waist, his hands slammed on the trunk, and his body flew with it. The next moment, his feet were already firmly on the trunk.

Just when he turned around and was about to leave, he found a man standing behind him! Looks like that, it seems to have stood for a while!

When he saw this man's face clearly, he was so scared that he was about to explode! This man is no other than Lin Tianyao, who has disappeared from the battlefield!

Lin Tianyao was aspiring with both hands, so he looked at him quietly and did not speak!

Such a calm appearance, but it does not seem to be plain at all. The blood on his face made Niu almost go crazy on the spot! ....