Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 650: 652 Rescue

Chapter 650: 652 Rescue

Brand spurting blood, this is something that no one thought of!

The other side of Wally was holding his hand with a sinister smile.

Lin Tianyao stopped suddenly, his hand reaching Brand also stopped. He stared at Wally coldly and said coldly: "What did you do to Brand?"

Wallie's beard moved and shook his head and smiled, "What can I do? This kid lost half of his fighting power when he saw my old boss! Since he respects me so much, how can I embarrass him?"

This old guy is a smiling tiger!

Lin Tianyao was already very strange. With the strength of Lubbock and Brand, it is absolutely no problem to deal with this old man and the strong man carrying two short axes! How could it be captured?

Now it seems that things already have answers, and they are acquaintances!

Almost most people are acquaintances on one-third of an acre of land in this imperial capital!

Suddenly, Lin Tianyao found that the old man's left hand only pinched Brand's right finger. And on the finger of Brand's finger, a small mouth was pierced with something, and a drop of blood was faintly oozing from it.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Tianyao immediately had doubts in his mind.

He asked Vali: "What is your emperor's tool, what is your ability? Since everyone is at war, this is no need to hide, right?"

Where does Wally know that Lin Tianyao is pregnant with ghosts? He laughed: "What a problem, anyway, you have to use it! My Emperor Black Marlin can control all the liquids I touch!"

"Sure enough!"

After listening to Wally's explanation, the light in Lin Tianyao's eyes flickered! Just before Brande vomited blood, it was not due to his hand or being hit by Wally. But he can control the blood in Brand!

"What are you doing there, don't you do it yet?"

Estes yelled at Wally, and her ice sword, at the same time, slashed towards Lin Tianyao!

This has been countless times. This Estes is really as always!

Estes's swordsmanship said that the actual is not superb. It can only be regarded as excellent! Her attacking method mainly relies on ice, and swordsmanship is only used for close defense!

This kind of swordsmanship, compared to Lin Tianyao who has been trained by the copy of Death, is far from it!

After receiving the order from Estes, Wally didn't continue to rub it. With a move in his hand, a control force attacked directly toward Brand's heart. The next moment, his heart must be exploded by the chaotic blood!

On this side, the attack of Ice Sword, Lin Tianyao must also choose to dodge, so close, Fei Lei Shen has not played much role! At best he just dodges faster!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyao's mind suddenly flashed!

He looked at Wally next to him, and then looked at the attacked Estes, a trick, suddenly jumped into his mind!

He glanced at the timing of Estes's attack and gently moved his body towards Wally's position. This action is very small, even in the eyes of Estes, it is to adjust the position and contrast swordsmanship!

"For so long, you are facing my sword for the first time! How can you get your face, just die under your sword? I can be looked down upon by anyone, but you can't!"

Esdes shouted, his eyes full of pleasure.

The pointed tip of the ice sword in her hand also began to drift out of snowflakes.

However, unexpectedly, Lin Tianyao did not raise his knife, but stood still, standing still, seemingly waiting for something!

This action, in Estes's eyes, although I do not understand the intention. But she also has another explanation in her heart, that is, he must be waiting for the sword at the critical moment!

But the situation is not as Estes thought, Lin Tianyao stood motionless, like a statue, and never meant the sword!

When Esdez's sword was about to penetrate his body, Lin Tianyao suddenly disappeared!


Seeing the disappearance of the person, Estes suddenly startled. At the next moment, her face became pale. Because the official Valley now appears in front of her!

The position where Lin Tianyao flew to the thunder **** was officially beside Wali! When he spoke to Wally, the distance between them was only half a meter!

Wally was also dumbfounded at the moment because he saw Lin Tianyao the moment before. At this moment, it was replaced by Esdes, and he still pierced his Esdes with an ice sword!

"Flash away!"

At such a distance, Estes can't take it anyway! Even if it was Lin Tianyao, it took a huge price to accept the move!

Wally is now controlling the blood in Brand's body. If he wants to simply kill this guy, I'm afraid it will have been done already! But he has an alternative idea, that Brand, as his men, he cares about the old feelings, and does not choose a rude way, so the time is much slower!

Of course, this point, Lin Tianyao has also observed early! Because when Wally spoke to him, he didn't do anything to Brand.

Combining the previous relationship between the two, so he dare to implement such a plan to borrow a knife to kill!


The sound of the sword across the skin reached everyone's ears.

A fluff of blood spewed out from the back of Wally, and in the bright colors, there was an incredible expression.


Wally opened his mouth wide, and he stared at Estes in front of him. A blood in his throat did not spur out of it, and it stuck in it, making him speak with a "groove" strange sound.

"I can't die, I can't take the trick, so the position of the long sword is cheaper for your heart, but serious injuries are inevitable!"

Estes was expressionless, and the ice sword in her hand immediately dissipated in Vali's body!

Wally hurriedly controlled the blood in his body and blocked the bleeding from the wound. And with the effect of Ice Sword, his wound has been sealed!

"Can't you really die?"...