Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 647: 649 in a round

Episode 647


Chi Tong suddenly screamed, the scream, almost heartbreaking, and the members of the night raid all around were on the spot!

The most terrible thing is Lin Tianyao, this knife has been hacked out, if at the beginning, he can still close. But now this force has been used. Under the instillation of internal force, the falling force on Chi Xiaodao can no longer be stopped!

At such a distance, unless Estes uses a stunt to freeze the space, no one can flash over to stop!

Called by Chi Tong, Lin Tianyao remembered in a trance. This black pupil was as imaginative as she was, and the name was almost the same. Could these two...

With such a thought, and then looking at Chi Tong's face, it was clearly heartache to the extreme.

Before Red Eyes, she was always indifferent to her moods, whether she was happy or unhappy, she was all plain and plain. But at this moment, she showed such a look, then everything is obvious! Only the most important person in her heart can make her personality change!

"Esdez, stop me!"

Lin Tianyao's eyes suddenly widened, and he opened his mouth to shout to Esdes. If he accidentally killed Black Hitomi, this heart knot can't be solved anyway!

Even if it is a companion relationship, Chi Tong will not blame him, but the relationship between the two, I am afraid that they have completely fallen into a frozen state!

Facing Lin Tianyao's shouting, Estes's face suddenly turned pale, and the kind of painful pain almost destroyed her entire body.

The hard nails on her fingers have been deeply plunged into the palm of her hand, and the red blood flows directly along the lines of the palm and flows out!

Lin Tianyao's heart began to tremble a little, like Esdes looked like this, he looked in his eyes, and his eyes were already beginning to grow!

At this moment, he felt what is called deception and what is a real conspiracy!

Under normal circumstances, Asdes is the leader of the night raid. She talked during the truce. A black pupil, one of his men, was extremely bold and arrogant. Can't he shoot so rashly?

The only explanation she did was that Estes had already given orders in advance!

It was just that Esdes spoke out to stop it, but she still started, which has already explained everything!

"What a vicious scheming, Estes, is this your true face?"

Lin Tianyao roared, and the huge roar revealed the anger that seemed to have been hidden for many years!

This roar has been interspersed with huge internal forces, which are not Lin Tianyao's intentions, they all broke out unconsciously!

The domineering roar, yes, the surrounding earth trembling. Even the black pupil who sat down earlier had been dismantled by Lin Tianyao as a dangerous species of old bones, and the faint flame flashing in the huge head began to sway!

At this moment, all the people watching around had a kind of trembling deep inside their bones!

Lin Tianyao in front of him seems to be no longer a person, but a demon, a devil from hell, which is more terrifying than the ancient dangerous species!

Estes is stupid, she is completely stupid! She wanted to use the relationship between black pupil and red pupil to distance Lin Tianya from the inside of the night raid. Let them misunderstand, and then separate him. In this way, once Lin Tianyao loses confidence in the night raid, he will inevitably have a different mood for the revolutionary!

If Lin Tianyao left the revolutionary, she could take him away. In this way, there is no need to go again because of this matter, the two sides fighting are dead and alive!

But now she found out that she was wrong! The result of stimulating Lin Tianyao in this way is tantamount to the most terrifying thing!

Looking at Lin Tianyao, a demon born from the abyss of anger in the depths of hell, she regretted it! I am afraid that after this incident, the already vague emotions between the two have completely cracked!

"Get me up!"

Lin Tianyao's body moved fiercely, and the right hand that he had chopped up in flames actually stopped in the air!

And his left hand has been pressed hard under his wrist.


The crisp sound reached everyone's ears!

The scene suddenly stopped at this moment.

And Black Hitomi's petite body has fallen to the ground. Looking close at hand, the high temperature had scorched her forehead with a flaming blade, and she was completely dull!

Between life and death, she seems to have put down all the mustard in her heart. Just as she was about to leave the world, the hand of Death actually shrank back!


Seeing Will in the distance, the noble chariot was armed immediately, and he traced a residual image and flashed out directly. He hugged the black pupil who had been completely scared and left under the blade!

Just a breathing time after he left, the flames slammed down!


Mixed with a huge powerful blade, it was severely cut on the ground. With this knife, all the soil on the ground was cut open, exposing the hard rock below!

This knife crack spread to the distant cliff and the whole ground, then began to shake violently.

The violent punch of the previous robot did not reach this level at all!

After everyone was shocked, cold sweat began to ooze from his forehead. This knife, Mo said, was chopped on the human body, which is an ancient dangerous species, compared to being directly split in half!


After being slashed by Lin Tianyao, the mountain wall finally could not bear the great force. From the crack, the whole ground began to collapse and fell towards the bottom of the cliff!


Lin Tianyao's Chi Xiao also fell to the ground. His left hand, from the wrist, turned completely soft.

The entire left hand was also slumped in the air. Just like the yo-yo, just the skin of the forearm, still connect it together!

Lin Tianyao's left hand is broken! ....