Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 639: 641 Birdman is Birdman

Chapter 639: 641 Birdman is Birdman

"go to hell!"

Lan held a feather bow in one hand and held out her index finger to hold his chin in one hand, shouting loudly in her mouth!

Brand closed his eyes slowly at the moment. If he wanted to hide, this arrow would definitely be able to escape. But with Lubbock on the side, he can't leave anyway! Therefore, this arrow is destined to take away his life!

"No, Brand, you flash away, I don't want you to pay my favors, I don't want it forever!"

Lubbock's eyes widened, and the cry in his mouth was terrible. In the past, the look of a child who had been a child is gone now!


Lubbock's cry has not fallen, and Lan's feather arrow has been slammed into Brand's heart!

Brand has closed his eyes, waiting for the arrival of death! However, he suddenly froze. The feather arrow, as expected, had penetrated his heart at this moment. Why doesn't he feel pain at all?

He opened his eyes slowly, but saw Lan in front of him, his mouth was growing, and his face was unbelievable!

Brand is unknown, so he looked down and saw that the feather arrow hit his heart, but the arrow was just the armor that just touched his heart!

The one that stopped the feather arrow was a hand, a hand that was still bleeding!

"Heaven... Tianyao!"

Brand's voice trembled, and even the words began to become unclear!

Keeping the feather arrow on the ground, Lin Tianyao shook the blood from his hand. He shrugged towards Brand and said, "Fortunately, I have caught up. If I take a step late, my task will be over!"

"Mission?" Brand scratched his head. Lin Tianyao's going out today was purely voluntary. Why did anyone ever give him a task?

It is natural for him to be so puzzled. What Lin Tianyao said is not the task of the night raid, but the main task of the system.

That task was a rigid rule, and no member of the night raid could die. If Brand hangs, he will be finished!

Without continuing to pay attention to this topic, Lin Tianyao turned his head to look at Lan Dao: "Oh my God, it turns out that there are really bird people in this world! I thought it was an angel at first sight!"

The second time he was called Birdman, Lan's heart began to feel bored for a while, and he was almost depressed to vomit blood!

It's true that things are grouped together and people are grouped together. Why are these guys so poisonous at night?

Lan Ke is a serious teacher, he is a civilized person, he is very repelled from the bottom of his heart for these crude words! "Damn fellow, I shot you!"

Looking at the playful look on Lin Tianyao's face, Lan finally couldn't help it. He yelled and pulled a feather arrow from behind again, ready to shoot towards Lin Tianyao's head!

"Bird, you are so cute and stupid! The same trick, do you still want to use it twice in front of me?"

Lubbock suddenly gave a smirk, and his hands moved, his fingers together.

As his fingers closed, Lan suddenly felt a large invisible net surrounding him. And the net was still shrinking, and in an instant, he was all strung together.

Was the pair of wings behind him also reprimanded, and the feathers on it were scattered and crooked? It made his whole person look like the divine and solemn before, but like a falling crow!

"Damn, let me go, what the **** are you doing!"

Lan wanted to struggle, but the more he struggled, the tighter the net. He was quite sensitive, knowing that it was not a way to struggle like this, so he just stopped and started talking to Lin Tianyao!

In the hands of the enemy, only by cooperating can you gain a first-line life, and then wait for the opportunity to escape!

Lin Tianyao stretched his thumb towards Lubbock, then walked along the silk line to Lan, and stretched his hand to hold his white chin: "Boy, no matter whether you cooperate or not, I will not kill you now. !Because next, I have a lot to ask you!"

After that, Lin Tianyao beckoned to Lubbock, beckoning him to send Lanab back.

"Quick release me, you rude guys, as long as I have a chance, I will kill you!"

Seeing that she was about to become a captive, Lan was about to collapse! He is not afraid of death, he is concerned about famous festivals, especially a scholar, he values ​​face more! The garter came and attacked the enemy at night. He was the first to become a captive. This is simply a weak performance!

Seeing this situation in the distance, Celio asked anxiously in the cockpit of Mr. Fashion: "Doctor, what should we do? Mr. Lan was caught!"

Mr. Fashion is also angry, and Lan's look is like this. Mo said that among the vets, even in the imperial capital, that's also a high level. That beautiful face, gentle gentleman style, is simply fascinating!

In the heart of Mr. Fashion, Lan is almost a sign of a perfect man.

Seeing that he was taken away, Mr. Fashion couldn't bear it any more. He pulled the joystick hard under his hands. The robot's horsepower ran to the extreme, and he rushed in the direction of Lin Tianyao and others.


Lin Tianyao looked at the robot driven by Mr. Fashion and couldn't help but open his mouth! This world is really crazy, how did it instantly change from the age of the empire to a robot war?

Suddenly, there was a coveted look in his eyes, the kind of robot driving, but it was more pulling the wind than the dangerous one! After all, it is high-tech, can it be compared to that kind of silly beast?

Thinking, Lin Tianyao reached out and directed to the crowd: "Wait a second, don't ruin that robot for me. That kind of windy thing makes me a perfect car!"

Brand scratched his head behind him with a somewhat embarrassed tone: "Tianyao, it's really embarrassing, the robot and I have already had a fight before, the chainsaw has been penetrated by me!"

"Violent thing, you are a vicious thing!" Lin Tianyao gritted his teeth and looked at Brand, desperate to the extreme! ....