Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 631: 633 persuasion

Episode 631

Estes frowned, and she was savoring Osnet's words carefully.

In this way, it seems really reasonable. With a slight movement of her hand, the ice sword turned into a burst of ice chips scattered with the wind.

Seeing Eszter received his weapon, Osnet's eyes flashed a fine mans, he continued: "Now, night raids have become a climate, and there are many masters among them! Moreover, these guys are emperors! If ordinary people go, naturally there is no chance to fight!"

With that said, Osnette took out the list again and handed it to Estes: "Look at it yourself, these are the information I collected from the Emperor Guzheng. They have agreed to join the hunter! The same is true The battle between the emperor and the emissary is much better than the unnecessary struggle before it!"

Estes carefully looked at the information, and it turned out that the characters in it were all outstanding, and it could even be said that they had the wrong courage!

Seeing Estes had thoughts, the Minister hit the railroad while it was hot: "These people, all of you are in charge! You don't have to worry about me making braids for you in the emperor city! When you kill the night raid, you will be calming the rebellion No. 1 hero. By then, you can still come back to take over the military commander's department. No one can shake your status!"


Estes kept the list of vet members still on the ground. She sneered at Osnet: "Do you think that I am looking for identity and status? As long as it can destroy Najetta, this That’s enough! Where are these people now?"

Osnet pointed to the distance and said: "After an hour, go back to your palace to gather!"

Estes said nothing, and turned away. When she walked to the door, she suddenly turned around and said, "You seem to have forgotten a little bit, my men and three emperors are still there! I want to make up the head of Najta!"

Osnet swallowed the roast like a jujube, and promised in a hurry: "You can rest assured that Lin Tianyao, I can wash him white! You just wait for Lang concubine!"

At this moment, a smile appeared in the corner of Estes's mouth. This smile, like a midnight bloom, is really rare!

Osnet couldn't help but see it. He clenched his fists fiercely and secretly annoyed, "This is a great beauty! It's a pity that fish and bear paws can't have both. For the sake of rights, I can only grieve my selfish desires!"

Successfully convinced Estes that Osnet was in a good mood! When he heard that there were three emperors and ambassadors under Esdes, his mood was even more peach blossoms in spring!

In fact, how can he conceal his thoughts? Once the Revolutionary Army is judged, he bears the brunt of it. With the merits of selecting candidates and making suggestions, it must be the trust of the little emperor to him!

What's more, the strength that attacked everyone that night was so arrogant that if Esters wanted to destroy Najetta, it would be difficult for her to retreat. In this way, as a nail in the eye, and she and Bude in the flesh, also disappeared from Osnet's blacklist!


After returning to the palace, Estes used it earlier. It is quietly waiting for the arrival of the vet members.

At this moment, she had already made an abacus in her mind! She fell in love with Lin Tianyao and it was a mistake. If you want to correct this error, you must change the real answer!

Najta must die so that she can completely bury her mistakes!

In the meeting hall, there are already three people sitting beside Esdes.

Of those three, two were the teenagers and elders who had followed Esdes.

The two are Niu and Wally!

The remaining man, with a relatively burly figure, is a middle-aged man. Behind him, carrying two huge hatchets, this man's name is Dajdara!

The waiting time is often longer than usual. After a while, a few figures appeared at the entrance of the hall.

Among these people, apart from Will, Estes has never seen it!

The man who walked in the front was a little girl with two pigtails in his back, which was very cute.

As soon as he saw the little girl, Estes's pupil shrank. From her, she can clearly feel a strong murderousness, which is a stark contrast to this naive face!

The little girl walked in front of Estes and said, "General, I am a member of the hunter, black pupil!"

With her taking the lead, everyone in the back came to introduce themselves one by one.

The second is Lan, a man with orange hair and a beautiful face. His graceful movement makes people look at first glance, it is the scholar's habits.

The third one, named Mr. Fashion, is a researcher in a white coat. This person is either a doctor or a scientist!

The fourth one, named Celius, was a young woman wearing military uniform, apparently serving in the military. When she saw Estes, her face was a little timid. In her hand, still holding a puppy.

This fifth person is called Borus, which is the most peculiar. With a gas mask on his face, he couldn't see his face clearly. He is shirtless and has a relatively burly figure. With the skull-like gas mask, people feel a little scary.

However, he didn't introduce his name for the first time, but stood a little timidly and didn't even dare to sit down.

This seemingly terrifying guy turned out to be a timid heart in the hinterland. The feeling of this sharp thought surprised everyone.

After everyone was there, Estes announced: "Everyone, after joining the hunter, your mission must be very clear! What we will face next is the cancer of the empire, the infamous rebellion. Force Killer-Night Attack!"

Everyone heard it and nodded.

"We haven't heard of the plan for the next attack on the night. But after the disturbance at the blind date meeting last night, Minister O'Neill has sent someone to pursue them! As long as they find their home, we will go directly Go all over the net and wipe them out completely!"...