Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 595: 597 tiger hole

Chapter 595: 597 Entering Tiger's Den

Zanke's muscles on his face were twisted because of the pain of his broken tongue. But the moment he opened the machine, a vicious sneer appeared on his face. The combination of these two expressions makes it very strange.

Coupled with the matching of the scars on his face, his appearance became extremely unbearable and terrifying. At first glance, it was as if the dough in the master's hand had been crumpled together.

"What are you stupidly doing, don't organize him yet!"

Chelsea saw Lin Tianyao standing still, and his tone became hurried.

Fang was only a move, Lin Tianyao defeated Zanke, the appearance of the battle was unhurried, it was almost calm to the extreme.

Why was Lin Tianyao scared and stupid in a blink of an eye now that Zanke started the organization?

Chelsea doesn't know what medicine Lin Tianyao sells in his gourd, or how he thinks about it now. However, if Zanke activated the organization, then the two of them could not escape!

At this critical juncture, Chelsea can't take care of that much. She flew straight up and flew towards Zanke. Want to prevent him from starting the organization.

When Zanke saw Chelsea rushing, he couldn't help pressing his cheeks to relieve the pain, and he threw a punch.

The skinny dead camel was bigger than the horse after all. Although Zanke was injured, he did not suffer any serious damage, and it had little effect on his own strength. When this fist was waving, there was a trace of breaking air, which showed the strength of the force. If Chelsea gets this punch, I am afraid it will be crippled even if it does not die!

Seeing that the fist was about to hit Chelsea's heart, the cold expression on Zanke's face grew stronger. His closed mouth also opened slightly, and a large amount of blood ran out of the gap between his teeth.


Zanke couldn't think of it anyway. When he was about to be able to end Chelsea's life, his hand stopped in the air.

Immediately afterwards, his arm seemed to separate from his body and fell directly from the air to the ground.


A scream, almost torn apart. It was a bit worse than when the tongue was cut off earlier.

Lin Tianyao standing in front of him, gently holding Chelsea in his arms, and then spit out: "I said you have no memory, don't admit it! I said it earlier, my speed, super It's your imagination! You offended me, I cut off your tongue, but dare to hit a woman in front of me, I can't keep you!"

Chelsea shrank his body in Lin Tianyao's arms, staring in shock, looking at Zanker's arm that had been cut off by Ziegen on the ground.

She didn't see what was going on at all, just felt that her body was pulled by someone, and then she was already embraced by Lin Tianyao!

Zanke's arm was cut, and the hand that stretched to the joystick was retracted, covering the wound of the broken arm, the pain, even he couldn't bear it.

"Quick, kill him quickly, if the organ is activated, we're done!" Chelsea pointed to Zanke and urged Lin Tianyao.

Lin Tianyao chuckled and stretched his hand to cheer on Chelsea’s forehead: "This guy's screams are more miserable than the filial son of his dead father. This prison is so quiet that even a fool can tell the offender. Screams and his voice! Even if the organ is not activated, someone will come soon!"

Chelsea locked his head and pressed his body tightly to Lin Tianyao's arms. She is no longer a god. The only comfort is Lin Tianyao's wide chest. The recruit egg in her mouth seemed to be a rookie, but everything seemed to have predicted the end.

Seeing Chelsea as if a frightened bunny nestled in his arms, Lin Tianyao's face couldn't help but show an ambiguous look. No matter when, heroes save the beauty, it is always so romantic!

Zanke had his tongue cut off and could not speak. What Lin Tianyao wanted to ask, there was no way to ask. In this regard, he also regretted a little, knowing that he had not shot so early!

Since there is no value for interrogation, this guy has no need to stay!

Without even thinking about it, Lin Tianyao reached out with a thorn, and Chi Xiao punctured Zanke's eyebrow with precision. The long tip of the knife rushed straight out of his back, and he still carried a small white brain worm that was still crawling.

Later, Lin Tianyao took advantage of the situation and directly cut Zanke's head away from the edge of his eyebrows to take out the Emperor Gu with five visions.


Lin Tianyao shook his blade, and his blood-stained five-view omnipotence drew a parabola directly in the air and landed on Chelsea's chest.

"Oh, dirty!"

Chelsea was in a panic, not knowing whether to extend his hand or not. After a moment of hesitation, the eyeball had fallen on her dress.

Seeing her frowning and looking like she wanted to vomit, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but feel a hurry.

He said in heart: "Let your girl always call me a recruit egg, and now it's disgusting to see a little blood, I don't know who is a rookie!"

As soon as he lifted his feet, he kicked Zanke's body to the side. Lin Tian stepped forward slowly, using Chixiao to swing on the organ, and opened it directly.

Chelsea took out his handkerchief and was wiping Emperor Gu's omnipotence. The afterglow of the corner of his eyes glanced at Lin Tianyao's movements. She yelled: "What did you do to kill Zanke and stop him from opening the organ, why did you do it yourself?"

She couldn't really understand Lin Tianyao's move. To put it bluntly, it was no different from death.

Imagine that a thief stole something from his host. Before leaving, I suddenly turned on the lights in the house and shouted to the owner, ‘I’m stealing something! ’

This behavior is simply like stupidity!

"Does smart people often make such low-level mistakes?" Chelsea slandered!

Her look in Lin Tianyao's eyes became weird. If it weren't for Lin Tianyao's previous rescue of her, she must now slap! ....