Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 590: 592 sneak in

Episode 590

What Chelsea does not know is that the reason why Lin Tianyao looks like this is not because of fear, but because of the situation of the virtual circle.

Pointing his finger to the prison in front of him, Chelsea sneaked over to his head and said, "How are you, recruit eggs, are you afraid?"

Lin Tianyao looked at her little thief, and instantly guessed what she thought. With a playful mind, he replied following Chelsea's words: "This, I do have a bit of weakness in my legs and feet. This prison looks terrifying. The sound of the crying wolf howling made me goose bumps!"

"Coward!" Chelsea rolled his eyes and proudly said: "Now I know why I won't let you participate! It's terrified before I even go in. When the time comes to perform the task, don't you have to be in a hurry? Follow me obediently, When I meet the guard, I hide in secret and I will open the way for you in front!"

With that said, Chelsea summoned her disguise emperor again, only a moment of effort, and saw the yellow light flashed in front of her, her appearance has changed dramatically.

What appeared in front of Lin Tianyao was a soldier in armor, a steel helmet on that end, and a red beaming top.

According to the Empire's establishment, this type of armor belongs to the captain's establishment.

Chelsea made a booing gesture to Lin Tianyao, and then took a step and swaggered towards the prison door.

I don't know. When Chelsea was looking for Lin Tianyao, he quietly took advantage of the time of changing his guard to quietly turn this team captain into a result.

Going to the gate of the prison, the searchlight was instantly covered. The captain posing as Chelsea took a real photo.


Above the fence, a guard called to Chelsea.

Chelsea waved his hand and scolded: "Don't you guys even know you little boys? I just went out for a drink and checked me up. See how I can clean up you later!"

This dress-up emperor of hers can not only change her physical characteristics, but also her voice.

The guard soldier listened to Chelsea's scolding and hurriedly said: "Captain, we are just a routine. Please understand it! Do not punish me!"

"Less nonsense, open the door! Lao Tzu really has no time to abuse you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the chain behind the iron gate made a series of noises. Then the iron gate was also pulled up.

As Chelsea walked towards the door, the searchlight moved to another location.

She leaned over slightly and waved towards Lin Tianyao's position. Lin Tianyao received the signal and flew at the speed of Thunder God's feet at half speed.

"Your speed is not bad!"

Seeing Lin Tianyao's rapid movement like this, Chelsea couldn't help but whisper. Lin Tianyao found a corner at the door to hide his body and did not speak. In such a place, too many words can easily cause unnecessary trouble.

Chelsea gently shook his finger at him, meaning your kid said.

Then she moved on and walked inside.

Behind the fence, there was an open space, and guards patrolled from time to time. After that vacant lot, it was the gate of the prison.

Chelsea went directly to the guards and scolded them: "You guys, there are searchlights at the gate of the gate, do you want you to patrol? Lazy to this part, believe me or not, kill you? Hurry and go over there! "

While scolding, she directed the guards elsewhere. Where did these soldiers dare to disobey the command of the chief, so frightened that they ran into the other direction.

After passing through the outer area smoothly, the two came to the gate of the prison.

At the door, two guards guard the door. The identity of Chelsea as the captain of the team is only responsible for the periphery, the prison film, and she has not lost her control.

While Lin Tianyao was waiting for a good show, Chelsea suddenly shook his feet, making him look like a drunk. She dangled to the gate of the prison, and hit her directly against a guard.

The guard wanted to fight back and saw that it was the captain of the squad. Although they are not under the leadership of the squad leader, their positions are still higher than theirs.

Chelsea mumbled with a "drunk" mouth: "Boy, open the door for me quickly, I'm going to sleep!"

The guard was full of black lines, and while reaching out to support Chelsea's body, he explained: "Sir, you drink too much, this is not your house, it's the prison gate!"

"is it?"

Chelsea pretended to raise his head and glanced at the door. At this moment, her right hand moved suddenly, touching the guard's neck, where the helmet and armor jointed.

A silver needle stabbed the guard's neck at a rapid rate, and the guard stiffened and stopped on the spot.

Lin Tianyao saw Chelsea in action, and also shot, he directly grabbed the neck of another guard, twisted gently, and turned him into a result!

"Oh hey, it's not bad to reach out! It's no wonder that Najetta is trying to recommend you!

Chelsea's voice returned to its original appearance and giggled. Then she retrieved the key from the body of the guard and opened the prison door.

After she entered the prison, Lin Tianyao re-arranged the bodies of the two guards to their original postures. Because of the armor and the night, no one could tell that the two were dead.

In this way, the two guards continued to use the corpse as a cover to guard the prison gate.

"Next, let's go to the center of the prison, where there is a central monitoring room! As long as the people in the monitoring room are killed, you can control other systems in the prison at will!" Chelsea pointed to the end of the black-pressed corridor in front, To Lin Tianyao.

By this time, Chelsea had replaced the costume with a guard. Because of the identity of the captain of the squad, there must be suspicion of others in the prison.

Lin Tianyao didn't feel smooth after such a smooth infiltration, but instead felt a little nervous in his heart. He glanced at the relaxed Chelsea and muttered: "Is there a ruthless character in this prison?"...