Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 573: 575 sneak in

Server SkyVids Link 573

According to the situation depicted in the distribution map above, Iokal's palace, the main body of the building, does not have any defensive capabilities. To be precise, most of the palace is constructed of mirrors, which can be easily broken by a small group of people.

Mainly around his building, there are three checkpoints.

If you want to infiltrate and kill Iokal, you must pull out all the outside checkpoints. This also has the premise that you cannot alarm others.

Judging from the previous situation of the alien mercenaries, Iokal, the old fox, and his sentinel checkpoint, there must be hidden mystery. There is a risk of exposure if you are not careful.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Tianyao began to distribute: "I and Chi Tong went to a head-to-head confrontation first. Both of us shot quickly, and there shouldn't be much chance of reaction on the opposite side. Leonai and Brand, you two The person is responsible for outsourcing around, and if there is a leak, immediately kill it!"

Brand and Leoni looked at each other. When the two of them had cooperated before, they were engaged in head-to-head combat, and both were good at melee. Rao is Chi Tong and Lin Tianyao, both of whom are more focused on assassination.

Although they didn't understand this layout, they didn't say much. After all, Lin Tianyao is the commander now, and they cannot protest.

Lin Tianyao turned his head and said to Ma Yin: "Ma Yin, you continue to be responsible for detecting the enemy's situation, always paying attention to our position and the enemy's movements. Once there is a situation, report immediately! Tazmi, you have no actual combat experience and are not suitable. Go to the front, you are responsible for protecting the safety of Maine!"

Tazmi nodded heavily, and he had no objection to Lin Tianyao's arrangement. It's just that Ma Yin pouted her mouth and seemed a little dissatisfied.

Finally, Lin Tianyao turned to Lubbock and said, "Lubbock, your silk emperor has a very important role. When we go to the sentinel attack, you must use silk thread between us and Mann. Build a suspension bridge that can move quickly. This is convenient for us to move, and you can also send us messages at the fastest speed!"

Lubbock has been lazy. Not only did Lin Tianyao arrange such a leisure trip for him, he was not upset, but he was happy. He extended his thumbs and said: "No problem, wrap it with me!"

After arranging the responsibilities of everyone, Lin Tianyao glanced at Chi Tong and said, "How are you sure to destroy them all?"

Chi Tong raised the village rain in his hand, his lips slightly raised and smiled: "Last agreement, we don't seem to have fulfilled it yet! I don't know if you arranged this deliberately, but tonight, we must divide Compete!"

After she finished, she flashed and rushed towards the checkpoint. Looking at her back, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but smile bitterly and said to herself: "It's a strange woman!"

The location of the checkpoint is a very simple tree house. A binoculars is also placed around the house. From time to time, it will glance around to observe the vision.

This raid not only killed these people silently, but also continued to operate the position of the looking glass. Once there is a pause here, it will definitely be observed by the post behind. Chi Tong took the lead, and regardless of Lin Tianyao behind him, he flew directly and cut across the throat of a guard.

The guard stood on the tree trunk, and Chi Tong was pierced with a neck by Murakami from the back. His eyes were staring at the boss, and he didn't know who died until he died!

Lin Tianyao's heart was a little surprised by such a quick and popular method. Although Chi Tong's strength is somewhat inferior to him, but this method of assassination did not show any disadvantage.

Now that the red pupil has been opened, Lin Tianyao cannot be left behind. He walked quietly along the shadow of the grass, and he didn't move the surrounding grass between the actions.

He quietly walked under the tree house where the sight glass was located. As soon as he arrived at the location, the technique of flying thunderbolt was instantly transported and he cut off the guard who was turning the sight glass.

After killing him, Lin Tianyao reached out and grabbed the looking glass, and then started to push it up at the original speed.

The shadow under the light is the darkest place. The lights of the looking mirror illuminate the front. Lin Tianyao stands behind the looking mirror, and it is not easy for others to find out.

The reason why he killed the guard first was that he was afraid that there would be a mistake in this look-out mirror, and he captured the figure of the person in the night attack. Now he came to control, and naturally avoided the position of his own people, giving enough time for everyone to assassinate.

Only at this moment did Brand understand what Lin Tianyao's previous arrangement meant.

At the level of Lin Tianyao and Chi Tong, killing the guard of this checkpoint is a breeze. Why bother to arrange Brand and Leoni to intercept?

The purpose of this supplementary killing by Lin Tianyao was that he and Chi Tong first killed the people in important positions, and then mastered the operation of the sight glass, allowing Brand and Leoni to continue their work.

In this process, Chi Tong and Lin Tianyao seem to be the first assault team, in fact, both of them became substitutes!

After Brand and Leone took over the position, and their rapid speed, they killed the others. When they finished confluence with Lin Tianyao, Brand said apologetically: "Tianyao, I misunderstood you earlier, I am ashamed!"

"Misunderstand me?" Lin Tianyao unclearly said: "Why misunderstand me, where did I do it wrong?"

"No, no!" Leonai stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Tianyao's neck, said: "Brand is just making a joke with you!"

Lin Tianyao had some monks who were puzzled by his head, and he used the looking mirror to make a quiet movement according to the previous reservation.

Seeing the signal in the distance, Mann and Lubbock saw the signal and then slipped along the thread. In this way, the crowd successfully occupied the first checkpoint.

After Lubbock came over, Lin Tianyao threw the look glass in his hand and said to him: "Lubbock, you are bored and idle, give you a turntable to play with! According to the old rules, Chi Tong and I'll go to the next checkpoint!"...