Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 571: 573 Commander

Chapter 571 Commander 573

The next morning, the night attacked the camp's conference hall. At night, the crowd sat at the table.

At the table, Najieta looked at the battle report in her hand and pondered with her chin in her hands.

It took a long time for her to say: "This alien mercenary raid has already sounded a warning bell. Such things will definitely happen one after another in the future, everyone must be vigilant!"

Everyone heard it and nodded.

Subsequently, Najta took out a photo and placed it on the table: "This is a portrait of Iokal. Originally, because of the many tasks, the guy was allowed to live a few more days. Unexpectedly, he did not know what to do, and took the initiative to come to the door. That’s it, we solved this cancer as soon as possible!"

Iokal’s guilt, Lin Tianyao had heard from Chi Tong. If this kind of scum stays in the world for a day, it will harm many young women.

"BOSS, when do we act?"

Leonard asked coldly. She was a woman, and she was extremely resentful about the sinful behavior of Iokal.

Najieta reached out and pressed her hand, instructing her not to worry, and then said: "According to the investigation by the headquarters, there are five extremely strong guards around Iokal. Those guards used to be the famous boxing temples of the emperor-the King Boxing Temple. Monk instructor. Be careful when you act!"

"Huangquan Temple?"

Brand clenched his fists, and his muscles shook with a naked arm: "I have long heard that the boxing techniques of the Imperial Boxing Temple are well-known in the practice of physical fitness. I really want to understand it!"

Seeing his intense desire to fight, Najieta smiled slightly: "The time for action is chosen tonight. Iokal will have a party tonight in his own palace. Also, the command of this operation Right, I decided to hand it to Lin Tianyao!"

Everyone's eyes turned to Lin Tianyao's face with Najieta's words.

Lin Tianyao was also stunned. He stretched his finger to his nose and said: "BOSS, why let me be the commander, I'm just a newcomer!"

"A newcomer?" Najetta shook her head softly: "Your action last night, I have clearly seen it in the report. If it was not for you to act decisively, came up with such a way. Our camp has been exposed. !You have outstanding commanding abilities!"

"However, I just joined the night raid, and as a killer, I need to pay attention to a lot of things. I don't understand. If you rush to command, it's not good to go out of the way!" Lin Tianyao refused euphemistically.

In fact, he knew very well that after testing with so many copies, even speaking of commanding ability, even Najieta could not compare with him. However, he has just joined the night raid and is still a newcomer. It is inevitable that these old people will be commanded.

However, contrary to Lin Tianyao's expectations, Brand even reached out and said: "Tianyao, don't refuse it. We have always been lacking in the combat plan. I wanted to let you join the night Attack, just fancy your combat ability. Under the guise of the error, a commander was retrieved!"

"Huh, although I don't deal with you, but I can barely see your commanding ability, since BOSS let you serve as the commander, you take it!" Ma Yin said with a lip.

Although the others did not express their opinions, the expression on their faces already explained everything. There is no objection to Lin Tianyao as commander.

So far, if Lin Tianyao does not agree, he appears to be pretentious. He had no choice but to agree: "Since you trust me so much, then I will answer it. If there is something wrong, I hope everyone can remind me!"

"Haha, the humble little guy, it's really charming!" Leonai leaned over to Lin Tianyao and stretched his hand around his neck.

Things have been accounted for properly, and Najta has no intention of staying. She got up and left the seat and told everyone: "Yesterday, I left a lot of things in the headquarters meeting. I will deal with it first. Tonight's task, you all listen to Lin Tianyao's arrangement!"

After Najieta left, everyone's eyes were fixed on Lin Tianyao. The meaning is obvious, waiting for him to arrange.

Lin Tianyao didn't speak. He took over the materials that Najieta had left on the table and read them carefully.

I don't know how this information was obtained. The above message is very clear. Even Iokal's habits are clear.

Thinking a little, Lin Tianyao threw the information on the table. His serious face also began to relax, and there was a faint smile in the vagueness.

"How do you think about it?" Tazmi whispered aside. There was an excitement in his eyes. Although he joined the night raid together, he was not very familiar with others. Only Lin Tianyao is a partner who knows the roots and the bottom.

Lin Tianyao is now the commander, and he is also very happy.

Lin Tianyao blinked at Tazmi, and then said: "I have a preliminary plan now, this plan can only be said to be a main body. Because we do not yet know about Iokal’s palace. So some things have to wait Only after confirmation on the spot can you decide!"

"Tonight, we chose to start when Iokal's banquet was over and take advantage of the crowd. This can create confusion and facilitate evacuation!"

This statement is only one-sided, and there are not many specific matters.

Brand frowned: "Tianyao, you thought about this for a long time, and came up with this?"

He was confused, and even began to doubt the previous choice. Perhaps, it was really Lin Tianyao’s extraordinary performance last night. The stunning view of the overall situation was only a flash in the pan!

Facing Brand's suspicion, Lin Tianyao explained: "I'm talking too much now, just talking on paper. I can't make a decision without observing on the ground. Waiting for the night, we went to observe the palace of Iokal After that, I will naturally give you a satisfactory answer!"

"Okay, what you said makes sense! But don't let us down!"

Brand's face was slightly dignified, and Lin Tianyao's eyes became weird! ....