Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 564: 566 Emergencies

Episode 564

Looking at Ma Yin's face, he became flushed with anger and anger, and Lin Tianyao couldn't help laughing. He waved his hand and said casually: "Ma Yin, if you can win me, whatever you want to do!"

"Dark Wolf, I'm so mad!"

Ma Yin stomped on and off. Lin Tianyao's skill, even Najieta is not an opponent, how could she beat it? This clearly stimulated her on purpose.

Leoni looked at the two men helplessly and pulled himself in the middle, saying: "The two of you have been arguing from the moment you met, it's really an enemy!"

Maine's eyes widened and she screamed: "Leonai, what are you talking about, who is the enemy with that nasty bully?"

"Okay, don't be noisy, we still have things to do tonight!" Najieta stood up straight and said to the night attack.

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's face changed instantly, and even Brand's face twitched. His voice shivered: "BOSS, today's task, we are really a bit big. But we brought back new partners, did we make up for it?"

Najieta shook her head gently: "No, I'm not talking about this. I just returned from the headquarters meeting and saw something bad on the road!"


Lin Tianyao raised his brow slightly.

Although everyone looked different, they didn't speak and waited quietly.

Najta continued: "Our camp seems to be unsafe. I saw a lot of foreign mercenaries coming around the mountains and seemed to be searching for something. It must have been leaked!"

"What are you waiting for BOSS, you tell me where they are, I will bomb them now!"

Ma Yin seemed to find a vent point. The anger that Lin Tianyao had previously provoked turned directly to those alien mercenaries. The pumpkin in his hand was already high.

With Maine taking the lead, the others also followed. There was a hint of excitement on their faces, and they seemed interested in hunting.

Lin Tianyao watched for a while, this kind of life-threatening thing is very addictive. He couldn't figure out how long he would be obsessed with this.

Seeing everyone's high spirits, Najieta smiled at the corner of her mouth. This scene, she is most willing to see. However, if it is not necessary, she will not choose this extreme way.

"What is the purpose of these alien mercenaries, these still need to be traced. You must catch a few lively mouths. If I guess well, this matter must be related to the minister!" Najieta waved his hand and told everyone.

Brand stretched his hand in his chest and said: "Reassure BOSS, I can't beat the Imperial soldiers by the means of torture!"

This remark came from Brand's mouth, but it made Lin Tianyao quite surprised. From the beginning, he was just like a big brother, how could he become like a handyman in a blink of an eye? Seeing Lin Tianyao's expression is not right, Leonai quietly came over and explained: "Little handsome boy, do you think Brand is a little weird?"

"You know?" Lin Tianyao asked with interest.

Leonard whispered: "Brand was a soldier of the empire before, and all the means in the army, he was in his hands."

Lin Tianyao suddenly realized that it is no wonder that Brand's body has always revealed a masculine righteousness. As a soldier, this is an essential feature.

After narrating the matter, Najieta's right-hand steel fist was ejected like a hook, falling on the stingray in the sky. Immediately afterwards, the rope attached to her hand pulled her up.

"Everyone should be careful. The origin of these alien mercenaries is not simple. There must be no fish in the net. If the news is leaked, then our situation will be passive!"

After saying this sentence, the stingray's huge body fluttered gently, flying towards the distance.

"BOSS's dangerous kind of mount is really enviable. When can I catch a ride for a ride?"

A small star gleamed in Mahin's eyes, looking at the giant stingray in the sky and muttering to himself.

Lubbock pointed to Main's pumpkin on the side, disdainful in his mouth: "Cut, that kind of dangerous species is so excited? Don't forget, you have it in your hand, but it's much stronger than the one in the sky. Now!"

"Lubbock, did BOSS just hit you too lightly, and you also want to **** pumpkin?" Maine's mouth turned slightly and his eyes narrowed.

"Okay, the chat time is over, we are ready to do the right thing!" Brand waved his hand, pointing in the direction of the edge of the mountain.

Leonard pillowed her hands behind her head, her voice frustrated: "Hey, performing two tasks a day, BOSS is really not considerate!"

Brand reached out and grabbed Leonora and said: "Leona, you don't have to complain. It's still the old rules. You and I are in a group. Lubbock and Main are in a group. As for Chi Hitomi, you take two newcomers, Lin Tianyao and Tazmi!"

Chi Tong stood beside him all the time, without saying a word, and suddenly Brand was arranged to take the worst errand with a newcomer, and his face also changed.

She just wanted to refuse, but Brand said first: "Chi Tong, when we are fighting, because of the ability of Emperor Gu, we need to cooperate with each other. Only you have always been alone, this time with a newcomer It’s up to you!"


Chi Tong seems to be lonely and doesn't like words very much. This was arranged by Brand. Although he was unwilling in his heart, he didn't say much, and he agreed.

After Brand and others had divided the team, they left. After they left, Chi Tong suddenly said to Lin Tianyao: "Your strength should not require me to protect it, how are we going to act?"

Lin Tianyao froze for a moment: "Brand arranged for you to take me and Tazmi to familiarize with the rules, but you promised it. Now it is not appropriate to pick a pick?"

Chi Tong stared coldly at Lin Tianyao: "I don't like to perform tasks with others."

"You can compile such a bad excuse? If you don't take me, I'll go back and complain to Najieta!" Lin Tianyao laughed happily and decided to eat the red pupil! ....