Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 562: 564 vs. Najieta

Chapter 562: Battle against Najie Tower

With a smile on his face, Lin Tianyao shouted: "If you want to ask someone's name, shouldn't you report yourself first?"

As soon as this word was spoken, everyone was shocked at night. They looked at Lin Tianyao's eyes, and they all started to tremble.

"Speaking to BOSS like this, is this kid living impatiently?"

Everyone's mind flashed such an idea at the same time.

Especially the red pupil, the expression on his face became strange. When she asked Lin Tianyao's name earlier, he answered the same way. However, the answer depends on the target!

Leona's mouth twitched, and she quietly moved to Lin Tianyao, and whispered in his ear: "Little handsome boy, arrogant and arrogant should also have a sense of proportion. You said to Chi Tong, after all, they have already dealt. BOSS It’s not as good as Chi Tong, you’re in danger!"

Najieta glared at Leoni, screaming, "Leonai, you hid me aside, I talked to this kid, what small report did you secretly hit?"

Leonai's neck shrank and secretly spit out his tongue, and left Lin Tianyao beside him.

Najieta continued to ask Lin Tianyao: "Boy, although I don't know who you are, but the first time I met, your personality made me interested! My name is Najieta!"

"I heard it!" Lin Tianyao smiled slightly, and he pointed his finger to Lubbock, who was hanging on the tree by the silk thread: "That guy just called your name!"

This is a naked flirtation. If you know the name of the person, you even ask it deliberately. What kind of mentality is this?

When Brand wanted to calm down, he couldn't calm down. He wanted to take the opportunity to recommend Lin Tianyao to join the night raid. But his style, no one likes this, how can Najeta accept it?

However, unexpectedly, Najieta suddenly smiled. The hearty and wild laughter resounded through the night sky.

She smiled and shook her head: "Boy, are you giving me a challenge book? Since you came here with my ministry, you are either a captive or a fancy person they want to recommend. !From my observation for so long, you should belong to the latter!"

Lin Tianyao nodded and said in a serious tone: "Yes, you guessed it! Right now, in this world, standing out among this corrupt empire can no longer catch my desire. On the contrary, I am very good for you night attack Interested! It's just that if you want me to join, you can't do without enough strength!"

"Do you want to die?" Chi Tong slowly opened his mouth. Murakami crossed an arc in his hand and pointed towards Lin Tianyao's nose. "No matter what your strength is, if you dare to talk to BOSS, I can't recognize you. !"

Lin Tianyao was not afraid, and Chi Xiao gently waved in his hand: "Just in the imperial capital, I and you haven't had an addiction. I also want to see how good you are!"

Tazmi saw that the situation had become tense again. He hurriedly held Lin Tianyao's arm and said: "Tianyao, are you crazy? These people are killers. Do you want to kill them?"

The name of the killer is always not so glorious. Even if these killers attack at night, they are very kind. However, this does not mean everything.

In Tazmi's bones, he was still very resistant to the killer. Even if he lost faith in the empire of today, he would not turn around and mix with the killer. In other words, the rigidity of this character is pedantic. Don't know how to work around.

"All right!"

Najieta shouted to Chi Tong: "Chi Tong, you put away the knife first." said, her body jumped and jumped off the stingray. Such a height fell suddenly, and the huge falling force made her feet sink into the mud at the moment of landing.

She patted the dust on her body, walked out of the pit, came to Lin Tianyao and said: "Fight against me, always say your name?"

"Lin Tianyao!"

A soft smile flickered at the corner of Najetta's mouth and said: "My subordinates recommend you to join the night raid. You must have a certain ability to take you. If you lose to me..."

Before the words were finished, Lin Tianyao grabbed the headline and said, "If I lose, I will join you. If I win, it will be another matter!"

"Do not!"

Najieta extended her index finger and shook in front of Lin Tianyao: "You are wrong, if you lose, I will kill you! Because of your arrogance, I feel uncomfortable! Of course, if you win If yes, I agree that you join the night raid!"

"Did you seem to have made a mistake?" Lin Tianyao licked his lips and said, "I won, will I still join your defeated organization?"

There was a trace of surprise in Najieta's eyes, and her voice also began to become cold. "You are so sure, can you win me?"

"Of course!" Lin Tianyao said seriously: "The one who can win me has not been born yet!"


A loud noise rang at the moment Lin Tianyao's words fell.

Najetta's iron right fist hit him directly in the face. On the occasion of the electric light and stone fire, Lin Tianyao ran across the sky and blocked it in front of him.

Without a hit, Najieta turned around and whirld a whirlwind on her right foot, kicking towards Lin Tianyao's shoulder.

At the moment of the shot, Najieta's eyes narrowed and her mouth spit out a few words: "Lin Tianyao, if you lose today, you will definitely die!"

Lin Tianyao flashed a sneer in the corner of his mouth, flying the thunder god's technique, and flashed the blow in an instant. His body also disappeared into Najieta's sight.

"That trick again! BOSS, be careful behind you!"

Mahin suddenly screamed. The shot of her previous pumpkin was evaded by Lin Tianyao. Realizing the terrible place of this move, her eyes became terrified.


The moment Najeta was reminded by Mann, she turned over and the steel ring on her right was ready to resist.

But Lin Tianyao's voice rang at the moment she turned around.


Another muffled noise came, and Lin Tianyao punched Najieta with a punch. She staggered all over her body and staggered towards the front for several steps.

Lin Tianyao put Chi Xiao on his shoulders and blew his breath toward his fist: "Oh, your bones are really tough, and my fists hurt!"...