Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 553: 555 Battle

Chapter 553: 555 Decisive Battle

"Is it?" Lin Tianyao and Aite glanced at each other: "This sentence should be for me!"

After saying this, Aite's body suddenly disappeared, and the speed of the limit is almost to keep up with Lin Tianyao's flying thunder gods!

Lin Tianyao's mouth gleamed with a weird arc. He didn't move his body, but just raised his hand gently and smashed towards Ait's body. He wanted to see how strong Jia Tengmingbo's experiment was.

"Do not control yourself!"

Aite sneered, and rushed over the body in a roundabout, swiping his foot towards Lin Tianyao's neck. The power of this blow, even Jiahe, can easily be swept into ashes.

Lin Tianyao's arm bent, as if holding an invisible shield, gently standing on his face. Aite's whip leg hit his arm directly.

The imaginary fracture sound did not appear, and Lin Tianyao still had a smile on his face. Instead, Att suddenly withdrew his body, pedaled back on the ground a few steps, and swept the leg against his neck, shaking slightly.

"Do you need any help?" You Magui will rush to Lin Tianyao while they are separated after the move and ask anxiously.

Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said: "At this level of battle, you only get into those broken corpses on the ground! If you have such a skill, it is better to go out and gather CCG. When my affairs are done, just talk about our previous agreement! "

A surprised look flashed on Ma Guigui's face. He stared at Lin Tianyao and asked, "Are you really sure?"

"Do you want me to lose?" Lin Tianyao asked back.

This is also true. If Lin Tianyao loses, then no one can resist Jia Tengmingbo. Even Ma Guijiang, even a fool, hopes that Lin Tianyao will win.

Looking at Lin Tianyao's confident eyes, Ma Gui will seriously nod and say: "Since this is the case, I will not be confused. I must not lose!"

After that, Ma Gui will turn around and lead Black Rock and Yuki Shinohara towards the elevator.

At this time, a residual image flashed suddenly, and the body of Shen Daicha Rong appeared in front of You Ma Gui.

He rubbed his fists and said: "Without my permission, no one wants to leave from here!"

Lin Tianyao snorted coldly. This **** is for Rongrong. Don't weigh your weight!

With a move in his body, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes opened instantly, "Man of Susuke!"


A loud noise followed, and a huge evil ghost with only half of his body emerged from above Lin Tianyao's body. Holding a light blue sickle in the hand of the evil spirit.

Without waiting for the response of God Daicha Rong, the sickle in the hand of the evil spirit cut directly towards the top of his head. It happened so suddenly, when a sparkling stone sparkled, a bright red blood rose into the sky between a head. The actions of the god-generation fork Rong also solidified.

"Good... so strong!"

Hei Panyan stared at Lin Tianyao staring stunnedly. He had previously fought against Lin Tianyao in his arrogant land, which is simply looking for his own way!

"Huh, Jia Teng Mingbo, your experiment, can you bear this?"

With a single blow, the **** Daicha Rong was killed, and the evil spirit above Lin Tianyao's head pointed the sickle at Jiateng Mingbo and sneered.

Jia Teng Mingbo didn't have a nervous look on his face, and said without panic: "Tianyao Jun, don't worry, look carefully!"

Lin Tianyao turned his head to look at Shen Daicha Rong. His body without a head still stood in a straight position, and the flesh above his neck quickly squirmed. In a blink of an eye, a new head grew.

Shen Daicha Rong shook his neck and scolded fiercely: "Damn guy, it really hurts me! I'm going to eat you alive!"

Aite yelled towards Shen Dairong: "Be careful, Lin Tianyao's strength is not simple, let's join hands!"

Shen Rongcha Rong is not a fool, and arrogance depends on the occasion. Lin Tianyao made him unable to dodge with a single note, and cut off his head. He was also somewhat daunted.

Aite's body turned around in the air, and Hebao unfolded. An all-blood red armor appeared instantly, wrapping her petite body in it. On her two hands, there appeared two thin and long swords thin as cicada wings.

No matter what kind of seed, there can only be one kind of hero. But what appears on Ait now is the defensive Jiahe and Yuhe who formed the long sword!

It seems that Jiateng Mingbo has given Aite two kinds of heroes through experimental transplantation.

Seeing that Aite used Hezi, Shen Daicha Rong also made a deafening roar. On his shoulder blades suddenly appeared two large black wings. A huge **** battle axe also appeared on his hand!

Jia Tengmingbo's experiment finally showed his true face in front of Lin Tianyao.

The combination of the seed and the one-eyed seed makes the new life form possess two kinds of heroes. Moreover, its own strength also surpassed the one-eyed one. Looking at Tokyo, no one other than Lin Tianyao has the power of a battle!

"Double Swords and Silver Scales!" Aite shouted, with two long knives in his hand, stabbing directly at Lin Tianyao's chest.

"Kaishan!" Shen Daicha Rong was not behind, and the big axe in his hand was fiercely split against Lin Tianyao's head.

"Forget it, my curiosity is satisfied by you, and it's meaningless to continue to fight!" Lin Tianyao shook his head gently after watching the two of them rushing towards him madly.

Subsequently, his face changed, and his hands gently pinched the seal. Four words came out of his mouth: "Tian Wai Fei Xian!"

A wonderful manlike fairy figure flew from above Lin Tianyao's head. The woman's movements are graceful, like a dancing singer In the gentle movements, all smiles were real.

Both Aite and Jindaicharong were stunned. They couldn't understand how this sudden beauty was all about.

"Aren't you going to regenerate? If I cut you into millions, how would you regenerate?" Lin Tianyao's face flashed a playful look! ....