Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 454: 456 stupid is no way

Chapter 454 Chapter 456

"You're welcome! Haha." Jin Mu responded quickly, shaking his head desperately. It seemed to feel that my thoughts were exposed too quickly, my fair face was reddish, and I looked to Lin Tianyao for help, "Tianyao thinks so, right!"

Lin Tianyao nodded dismissively.

The sun was dim and it was about to fall below the horizon. The strange trio walked one street after another. Downhill all the way, the buildings on both sides do not seem to have too many people living, and there are construction sites under construction nearby.

Jin Mu's expression was a bit frustrating, and it seemed to disturb his love confession. Lin Tianyao thought badly. But this lovely-looking woman is the one who is in their mouth, and the creator of the successive massacres in the 20th district.

Jin Mu in the original work is because this woman has become half-human half-bare! No way, since he was shouted by him, and was set up to live with him by sharing the system-he has no doubt that this is Xiaoxian's revenge for his bad taste. It doesn't matter if you save him by the way.

The **** Dai Lishi and Jin Muyan, who had been talking about each other, were silent because Lin Tianyao kicked in the air. After all, the two people only met on the first day, at this time they were thinking about each other. Jinshi Lishi coveted Jin Mu's meticulous skin and could not understand Lin Tianyao's details; Jin Mu's thoughts could be seen at a glance, and he was still wondering how he could seize this opportunity to confess to the goddess in his heart.

Lin Tianyao looked around boringly, and the desolate house was not popular at all. Only the wood trapped in love can't find the strange thing here!

"Okay, here it is." God Dailis stopped with a smile. "Thank you Jin Mu for sending me home. Let's go to the bookstore and discuss other works of Gao Xiaquan together another day!"

"Ah... so fast..." Jin Muxiang was interrupted by someone's thoughts, and looked at God Dairis disappointedly. His smile seemed to encourage him, tilting his head and waiting for Jin Mu's reply.

"That, Tianyao, can you please avoid it, I want to talk to the gods about some things." Jin Mu finally made up his mind and looked at Lin Tianyao seriously.

"Okay! Then I will go back first." Lin Tianyao shrugged his shoulders and turned around neatly. He was not a nanny. If he was too stupid, he would have no way.

"Student Jin Mu, in fact, I also like you very much, and I want to be with you forever..." Just like the whisper of a lover, the voice of God Dai Lishi came from behind Lin Tianyao.

With a single syllable of unknown significance, Jin Mu seemed at a loss, and was blinded by happiness again.

Staring closely at Lin Tianyao's farther and farther back, he realized he was a fool who didn't want to be hugged by himself. Jin Dai Li Shi took a hard sip on Jin Mu's shoulder.

"Ah!" The pain of tearing the heart made Jin Mu look incredulously at the body in front of him, exuding a tyrannical atmosphere. The four dark red tentacle-like things flew behind the **** Dai Lishi.

"Compared to "Black Goat", I prefer Gao Xiaquan's description of that part of the human organs pulled out by hand. I read it many times a day!" The blood was on the lips of Goddess, and she used her index finger on the shoulder of Jinmu Gently stroke and enjoy sucking in your mouth. "Ahhh, help...Tianyao!" Jin Muru woke up in dreams, only to realize the surrounding desolation, and desperately rushed towards the construction site.

"Struggle! I like this feeling, this cry of despair before human death." Scale He who flew the **** Dai Lishi quickly caught up, pierced Jin Mu's abdomen, and threw him across the low wall, Hit hard against the bricks in the construction site.

"Who will save me, Tianyao, or who... please, let me go!" Tears and nostrils poured out, blurring Jin Mu's vision. He was already in the hands of the ghoul, what could be more clear than this? !

"It's time to enjoy delicious food." Goddess's scale armor slammed hard and flew Jinmu away again.

At the construction site where the twilight has fallen, a white figure slowly emerges from the shadow, just enough to be enough, this woman looks like crazy.

Before Lin Tianyao shot, a bundle of steel bars suddenly broke from the highest point on the high-rise of the construction site, a huge black shadow enveloped the **** Dai Lishi, and instantly smashed her to the ground, only a white hand was exposed, blood was flowing down The wrist slipped.

A black figure escaped from the top of the tall building.

"It's really a conspiracy everywhere!" Lin Tianyao touched his chin, picked up the coma's golden wood with one hand, kicked the steel bar with one foot, and held in his hand the **** Dai Lishi, whose wound was healing with the naked eye.

"Where should I send them? Go to the hospital!"

Jinmu and Shendai Lishi were sent to a nearby formal-looking hospital. Lin Tianyao sat on a row of chairs in the intensive care unit and began to use his consciousness to contact Xiaoxian.

"Xianxian, don't be angry! You can't go back and you've materialized, I'll ask you to take a soup..." Lin Tianyao decided to come up with his killer tool, even though there was no response.

"Keng? What kind of soup, is it delicious?" Xiaoxian was tempted and asked curiously.

Lin Tianyao smiled evilly, "Of course it's delicious."

The door of the emergency room was suddenly pushed open, and two comatose people could be seen performing surgical rescue at the same time. Several small nurses hurried past and asked him, "Sir, may I ask if you are Jin Muyan or God's Generation? family?"

They held a letter of guarantee in their hands, and a pair that they wanted Lin Tianyao to sign immediately. Lin Tianyao smiled, "What's wrong?"

The smile took their eyes and shook back. The headed nurse explained quickly, "The male injured person's organs failed, and the other female injured person was brain-dead on the way... Now I have to contact my family ."

"Oh, please do whatever you want. I'm not Jin Muyan's family, I'm his friend..." Before Lin Tianyao finished speaking, several little nurses nodded and hurried back to the emergency room with anxious expression.

Lin Tianyao listened effortlessly to the movements inside, when he heard that the doctor in the emergency department decided to transplant the organ of God’s generation to Jinmu and was willing to take all responsibilities. Lin Tianyao instantly noticed something wrong with this doctor. ....