Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 452: 454 Enter the copy

Episode 452

Lin Tianyao got dressed and looked at Su Man seriously. "I'm leaving now. Don't work so hard when you work. Your body is the most important!"

Su Man nodded and smiled. The golden light flashed, Lin Tianyao disappeared in the lounge, Su Man, like the disappearance of the main heart, was lying in a daze in a small bed, his nose sour.

"Xianxian, I'm going to enter the copy!" Back at home, Lin Tianyao immediately meditation in the heart according to the method of Xiaoxian account.

"Ah~ Master, you still have to enter the copy in advance!" Xiaoxian's soft tone, a little drowsiness just awakened, which made Lin Tianyao who was always thinking about Xiaoxian a bit speechless.

"Enter the system space." Lin Tianyao meditated in his heart.

White light flashed, and he appeared in the system space.

"Where is the copy this time? Xiaoxian." Lin Tianyao asked curiously. Is there any difference between the emergency copy and the copy he entered earlier?

Lin Xiaoxian Miaoman in white clothes walked from the depths of the white space.

With a delighted expression on her beautiful face, she plunged directly into Lin Tianyao's arms.

"Master, Xiaoxian misses you so much!"

"Do you really miss it? Why did I just wake up when I saw you!" Lin Tianyao exclaimed with a smirk.

Xiaoxian's dissatisfied mouth said, "Is there any other way for the system to sleep, I can only sleep with it! And people dream about you in their dreams! Bad master."

Lin Tianyao flicked the fairy head.

"Huh, bad master, you don't want Xiaoxian, woo..." Xiaoxian lowered her head and cried. Lin Tianyao was about to speak. Xiaoxian waved his right hand, and a clear blue aperture appeared in front of Lin Tianyao.

"Are you still copying?"

Lin Tianyao looked back and saw Xiaoxian naughtyly peeking at him from his fingers. A corner of the lips, "Confirm to enter."

Lin Tianyao's white figure disappeared in the aperture, and Xiaoxian stood up with a complex expression, and sighed quietly, "Master, get stronger now!"

Beep, the red light flashes in the system space. It is the hidden program set in the core that senses the opponent's approach and promptly reminds. Instantly the red light went out again. A faint shadow appeared in Lin Tianyao's house and disappeared quickly.

Current World: "Tokyo Ghoul"

The proportion of time in the main world is equivalent to twenty days in this plane. )

Host identity: Lin Tianyao, first-year student of Shangjing University. (Friends of Jin Muyan and Yong Jin Yingliang)

All this seems to be no different from the previous copy! He thought strangely.

"Xianxian, haven't you been angry yet?" he said sarcastically.

"Well, bad master, Xiaoxian don't care about you!" Xiaoxian said angrily.

"Okay, okay, the owner is wrong, don't be angry, Xiaoxian, let the owner look at the property board... look back, the owner rewards you a big kiss!"

"Hum~" Jiao's hum, Xiaoxian softened obviously. Then a light blue panel appeared in Lin Tianyao's mind.

Host: Lin Tianyao

Sex: Male

Lineage: Three-legged golden black (purity 82%)

Hitomishu: writing round eyes (eternal kaleidoscope: insight, copy, hypnosis, illusion attack, illusion rebound. Active skills: Tianzhao, Yuedu, Shenwei, Suzuo Men)

Race: Half Demon (Reaper)

Practice: Demon Emperor Yan Tian Jue (Fourth Floor)

Skill: Lieyang (passive bloodline skills: use light and fire skills, increase the power by 500%, immune to all light and fire skills.)

True Flame (active bloodline technique: set off a real sun fire, burning the enemy.)

Flying Fairy from the Outside

Rule of Kendo (prototype): When using sword-shaped weapons and moves, the power is increased by 200%

Time and Space Rule (Early Form): When using time and space skills, strengthen the effect by 300%

Flying Thunder God's Technique (Revised)

Art fire escape **** fireball

Top Three Bleach Skill Pack (All) Fairy Three Laws (Finance)

Weapon: Chixiao (Sword of Soul)

Special reward: Hezi

Strength: 2310

Flexible: 2412

Physique: 2260

Intelligence: 2150

Comprehensive evaluation of energy value: A combat power 32190

At present, the remaining function points: 29260 (opening automatic cultivation has been consumed: O function points) belongs to the point: 0

Final mission: unify all regions in Tokyo, mission completion reward: function point 80,000, task failure penalty: deduction of function point 160,000 (function point is negative, the system disappears.)

Main task 1: Become the leader of the bronze tree before the end of the task. Task completion reward: 20,000 function points, punishment for task failure: 40,000 function points are deducted.

Main task 2: Turn ghouls into humans. (Optional) Reward for task completion: the function point is 50000, and there will be no penalty for failure to complete the task.

Main Quest 3: Get at least one female lover's heart (this quest is not limited to races) Quest completion reward: Summon couples, followers and pets from the plane for free .

Lin Tianyao recalled the previous task panels and suddenly found that something was wrong. The main task 2 has become optional, there is a new thing below the function point: Hezi (not activated)

Hezi? This anime happened to be the one that appeared shortly after he traversed, but just ran through the first 10 words, and he only had a general understanding of the plot. But this is the root of the powerful ghoul, I did not expect him to have it.

He touched the gray button curiously, "Master, do you activate Hiroshi now?"

With the clear voice of Xiaoxian, a light blue box popped up in front of Lin Tianyao, "Please confirm!"


The itchy sensation spread all over the body from the back, and something grows in the body and breaks out.

hiss. Suddenly I could feel that there were more arms behind me. Lin Tianyao was moved, and the bright red and thick scales suddenly moved, holding Xiao Xian Lingkong.

"Ah. Master. Let me down!" Xiaoxianhua lost her color, but her limbs were tightly wrapped in scales.

Lin Tianyao manipulated the scale feathers curiously, mastered the scale feather control method, and quickly put the fairy down.

"Master, isn't it fun?" Xiaoxian turned black.

"Hehe. In general!" Lin Tianyao was a little embarrassed,...