Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 1005: Eve of the 1007 war nine

1005 Chapter 1005

Lin Tianyao's words not only did not have any effect, but attracted a more crazy attack by Xiao Binai, or more like a little girl to keep the secret in her heart, struggling hysterically, the knife flashed faster.

"Wordy guy! I hacked you!"

Xiao Binai's eyes were red, and a drop of tears flowed out of her eyes. She shook her head constantly and waved a knife to Lin Tianyao, trying to hide her emotions.

It is a pity that no matter how little Binay conceals, her tears, which are like pearls on the ground, will eventually become the truest portrayal of her heart.

Hiroki Yingyin stared at Xiao Binaisili's attack on Lin Tianyao, and kept saying different words. Hiruko Yingyin didn't know how to suddenly remember when he first met Xiao Binai five years ago.

At that time, it was when Hiruko Yinyin had just become a mechanized soldier.

Zhizi Yingyin remembers himself at the time just like those **** teenagers who were willing to give up everything for the motherland on TV. Lizi Ziyin also gave up the right to be a complete human being and volunteered to participate in the army's 787 battle against gastroenterology, special Recruitment notice for mechanized troops.

Hiroki Yingyin is very lucky to survive the new human project with a very high mortality rate. He thought that through the most difficult step, Hiruko Yingyin was extremely eager to fight the gastrointestinal animals bravely on the battlefield. Then return triumphantly like a hero.

Hiroki Yinyin did a heroic triumph on the battlefield to kill the enemy, but failed to achieve a triumphant return like a hero.

After each war, Zhiru Yingyin and his companions, who were also mechanized soldiers, were all taken care of by the chiefs who were afraid of their power in a large iron house. That day was like a cattle...

In such a day, Leizi Yingyin has long lost his blood, but in the heart of Leizi Yingyin, there is still a trace of hope, hoping to restore his human identity after the war.

In such a day, every minute and second is pain and suffering, and the leeches Yingyin are like a string puppet, being manipulated and not angry at all. Until that day, Hiroko Yingyin found Xiao Binai caught in the nest by a gastrointestinal animal of stage lv3 during the mission. The ghost was so disturbing that Hiroko Yingyin's body was like being completely out of control at the time, regardless of danger. Go in and rescue Xiao Binai.

At that time, Zhizi Yingyin was not as strong as it is now. In the process of saving Xiao Binai, Lizhi Yingyin's face was also eroded by the saliva of stage three at that time. Although he finally saved his life after treatment, the face of Zhizi Yingyin was destroyed once, and finally he could only wear a mask and live under the mask all his life.

Despite such an outcome, Zhiyin Yingyin never regretted it, but instead raised Xiao Binai as her own daughter.

In the days when there is no mission, Hiroko Yingyin teaches Xiao Binai swordsmanship and teaches Xiao Binai to improve her ability. When there is a mission, Hiruko Yingyin goes out to fight, and Xiao Binai is practicing swordsmanship in the barracks, waiting for Hiruko Yingyin to come back.

In such a day, Lizi Yingyin gradually lived some vitality, and no longer lived like a string puppet like before. But when there is time, Hiruko Yingyin will be like ordinary people, and will draw with Xiao Binai, after the war, where to buy a big house, only he and Xiao Binai live in the big house, they will live forever and forever Are not separated.

It is a pity that such longing can only exist in fairy tales, such as fishing in the water, will not come true.

The good times don't last... The war ended in the second year, but it was different from the imagination of hope of being liberated to go home.

Because the destructive power of the mechanized force is too strong, although there are only a few hundred people, it is enough to threaten the foundation of ZF.

As a result, a conspiracy against mechanized troops came.

Under the guise of restoring the body of the mechanized soldier, ZF tricked his companions to go to the operation, but was pulled into secret execution by the ZF army and destroyed. The companions who were pulled out never came back. At that time, Zhizi Yingyin was still full of joy, thinking that they really recovered the identity of the human being after the operation, and left here, so Lizi Yingyin was still very excited to do normal human beings. Sweet dreams.

Such a beautiful dream was not broken until a powerful companion ran back to report the letter that day.

When the hope shattered, only the despair was left, and then the anger of hatred.

The remaining mechanized troops ran out of the barracks in anger, and began to slaughter and destroy them in the barracks. In just one hour, Zhizi Yingyin gathered tens of thousands of lives on their hands.

At the same time, the high-level military command issued a death order to destroy the mechanized troops at all costs. For this purpose, the army dispatched heavy warships and moved out the heavy weapons against the twelve constellations.

Under the power of that cannon, in addition to the escape of Lizi Yingyin and Xiao Binai, the remaining dozens of mechanized soldiers turned into ashes even with the entire barracks.

Hiruko Yingyin, who had escaped his life, did not want to take revenge, so he took Xiao Binai to wander in the city, because Xiao Binai was the cursed son, and because Zhizhi Yingyin was not a policeman, both Zhizi Yingyin and Xiao Binai were in The crowd's disgusted eyes were expelled from the city again and again.

Being expelled from the city time and time again, the grievances of the people of Zhizi Yingyin and Xiao Binai increased their grievances to the world a little bit. These grievances broke out two months ago.

Hiroki Yinyin decided to destroy this world. When he learned of the plan, Xiao Binai, despite being shocked, chose the plan to help Hiroko Yingyin without hesitation.

For his own plan, Xiao Binai had accumulated hundreds of lives in her hands when she was 10 years old. Despite being disgusted, Xiao Binai still pretended to be very happy. No matter when, Xiao Binai was also accompanied by her side. Don't give up.

Until today I met Lin Tianyao, after Lin Tianyao's words, and Xiao Binai's tears, Zhizi Yingyin woke up and realized that she had fallen into a magic barrier unconsciously. ....