Another One Piece Fanfic

Chapter 21 - CHAPTER 20

Whitebeard pirates waited in an unnamed island with flora and fauna. " So, who are we fighting this time? ", Oden asked taking his swords.

No one replied because the sky which was clear formed black clouds. Kaido was in the middle of the clouds appeared. " What the hell is it ?", Oden was shocked by that sudden creature. " My father ", Ren replied and turning into dragon.

He is now 30m length and used size size fruit to match Kaido\'s size. King beside Kaido was shocked to see a dragon identical to Kaido\'s dragon. Kaido opened his mouth for fire breath and Ren did the same.

Kaido was on other side of island and their two breaths got contact above the middle of the island. Many wild lifes and trees caught fire and the whole island turned into a fire ball.

Seeing that, Kaido stopped his breath and moved towards Ren. He doesn\'t care about fire since Ren didn\'t stopped his breath. Ren was still using it to see whether the fire can burn Kaido\'s hair. But it seem like the fire couldn\'t burn any part of Kaido so he stopped his breath and moved forward.

They both grabbed the hands to push each other. Ren was being pushed back so he increased his size. He can go up 3000m size. Kaido then hit his head which sent him down into a mountain which got destroyed. Kaido changed back to human and landed on the island. * THUD *,* BOOM *, his landing put out the fire and a giant crater formed due to impact.

Ren changed into his hybrid form to match Kaido\'s height. He made Ea into a double edged 6m saber and rushed towards him. He saw Kaido after many years who doesn\'t have any scars on his body. Ren can guess that the wound he saw in the anime was due to Oden. He has same physique but looks much younger with small moustache and beard compared to anime.Kaido saw Ren, took his club and called for thunder.

When they were 10m apart Ren made a quake bubble near the tip of his sword. Their clash caused an other change on the island as Ren\'s quake didn\'t harm Kaido but his backside of the island was crushed. Even Mobydick was forced to move back by the pressure. And Ren couldn\'t match Kaido and he won the match which sent Ren flying again. Ren stabilised himself by thrusting his sword on the ground.

Since he couldn\'t use haki that proficiently, he didn\'t fight with Ea as it can broke due Kaido\'s strikes. He is now using his fist to fight Kaido. Ren simply used Gekishin to break his defense but Kaido used Armament haki to block and punch Ren. Since, Ren was not using sword he felt no need to used his club. Ren felt like he is fight an immovable human fortress because Kaido didn\'t budge at all.

Ren was still trying to use armament haki which he did after some tires and punched Kaido. He smirked seeing him stopped. Kaido felt like he needed to teach his son a lesson because he is ċȯċky only by one punch. So, he punched him at his gut. Ren was surprised to see Kaido using advanced Armament haki and he put his guard down for a second. Ren spat a mouth full of blood but healed himself.

He wiped his mouth and started his offense instead of standing and receiving Ren\'s attack. He roared and used Advance Armament haki to beat Ren because he know his physique. Ren couldn\'t keep up with the rapid punches and kicks even with his haki. Ren felt like he could increase his endurance and used phoenix fire to increase his durability. He was totally on defense side but he wasted a whole lot of stamina.

Kaido felt like he used too much power as Ren was motionless whole time. When Kaido stopped his ȧssault, Ren took his chance to strike him again. He again used Gekishin along with haki which was far bigger than last time. Kaido didn\'t made mistake and used Advanced Armament haki on his hand and punched him. Ren lost the fight with the price of his cracked arm which was healed easily.

" You can\'t win, why don\'t you give up and join my crew? ", Kaido said in a deep voice with his conqueror haki which brought Ren to his knees. Ren was feeling shocked by the pressure he felt for first time but Kaido\'s words snapped him. May be due to anger or feeling helpless, Ren felt like his body is free of restraints and he said in a heavy tone, " MY LIFE, MY RULES ".

He doesn\'t know that he used conqueror haki on Kaido and every living thing near him. But the haki clashed with Kaido\'s haki and pushed everything on and off the island. The clouds got dispersed and ship near the shore moved backward. Weak willed people were knocked out by it. Even Whitebeard, Marco and others were surprised seeing him using conqueror haki.

Ren felt weak, undo his tranformation and fell down due to his stamina drain out or his over using of haki. Kaido catched him from falling down and Ren smiled sheepishly. Kaido laughed feeling proud of Ren. Not many can hurt him and Ren is also a conqueror.
