Another One Piece Fanfic

Chapter 12

Yami ate Size Size no mi, he can go from 1 cm to 100 m. Other stats change with size of the user. Ren gets information of any fruit when he touch the user or fruit. So, when Yami pushed Ren, he got all the information. He instantly copied it.

Ren and Yami exchanged blows and the vault is trembling with shock waves. He made a huge door on the ground. Everyone present inside were dragged outside the vault near the entrance of the auction house.

Ren want to fight all out and building will be in the way. Yami grinned and got bigger double the size of Ren. He too smiled and got bigger, punched him.

Yami was shocked but blocked the punch using haki. He is only a beginner so, Yami was not able to use it properly and was sent flying. Yami got scared by his strength and started running leaving his comrades.

Seeing Yami not moving from the smoke, Ren cleared the dust and saw Yami missing. He searched for him and saw a tiny Yami running away. Ren was furious seeing Yami like that. He got small and punched with full strength. Yami was not able to block it and was knocked out. They both turned to their normal height.

Ren wanted to kill him but he also want his devil fruit. So, he carried Yami and opened a door to his home.


Marco adapted to his fruit after fighting with Xang for some time. It was mostly Xang thrashing him and he will heal all his wounds.

Xang got frustrated seeing him completely healed. Marco got stronger with it and irritated when Xang use flashy moves to defeat him.

" Flying lightning kick ", Marco sighed when heard it again. He hands and legs turned into wings and claws, flew towards Xang. He did a back flip in the air and kick him on the face.

Xang fell down but soon got up. He took his guns and fired at Marco. He tranformed into phoenix to get near him and kick him again. It was one sided fight where Marco is beating Xang.


White Bay is fighting with Zen having hard time killing him. He ate dice dice fruit making his body steel. Zen is a madman who like to cut his opponents till they bleed and die.

He was not able to do it now because this girl is blocking all his attacks. But she is not stronger than him and he will slice her eventually. Zen is laughing thinking that but he doesn\'t know that Bay is not using her devil fruit at all.

White Bay is not using her powers as she feels a breakthrough to her sword. She can attain master swordsman after cutting Zen. Feeling his strength more than her, she used her devil fruit.

Bay smirked seeing Zen who is shocked seeing her and striked him. Zen blocked it but the strength on the attack was more than normal.

Zen was having hard time to stop the attacks but he was not afraid as a sword can\'t cut steel. After some time, Bay felt she can cut the steel now and Zen is panting hard.

She aimed at his neck when they got near. Zen made his neck into steel but was smoothly cut by Bay. Zen was in disbelief and Bay was smiling sweetly at him.


Katakuri was eating donuts at that time when a door opened suddenly inside his Mochi room. He quickly covered his mouth and decided to kill anyone who arrive but stopped seeing Ren.

" Hello brother. Kill him and get his fruit, it\'s an interesting ability ", Ren dropped him and ate a donut before leaving. Katakuri stood there shocked.

Katakuri removed the Mochi and got out with Yami. " Katakuri - sama, this is... ", one of guards asked him. " Sent him to prison with sea stone ", they took him as he ordered. Katakuri thinks his devil fruit is interesting too.


Ren whistled seeing Bay in her tiger form. She blushed seeing him. It was quite a view seeing her with blood slowly dripping on her sword. Marco defeated Xang but left him alive.

" What is your devil fruit? ", Ren asked White Bay. " Hey, My is... ", Marco got interrupted by Ren with \' I know your devil fruit \', look. Bay giggles seeing Marco depressed.


" Who are they? ", a man wearing glasses and a vice admiral cape asked a employee working under auction. He saw the damage they created. Yami the owner was missing, Zen only has torso and Xang is bȧrėly alive." I don\'t know their names. But... ", he described the fight between them.

If Ren was here, he would be shocked about him. He is future Fleet Admiral, Sengoku the Buddha. " Hey, Garp. Where were you ?", he frowned.

Garp left the group when the ship landed. So, Sengoku thought he went to destroy something. " This island is famous for crackers. So, I went to eat ", Garp laughed, touching his head. Sengoku beat him in anger.

" Tell CP to find the culprit ", Sengoku said to his subordinate which he complied after venting his anger on Garp.
