Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 244

"Eldest martial sister, the master really values you. He even gave you such a treasure. Great. It is said that this net is displayed in the way of a snare of heaven and earth. Even if the monster condensing internal alchemy enters the net, you should catch it obediently. No wonder you are so confident that you can deal with the demon king in Nanman. It turned out that you have such a treasure."

A woman said admiringly, glancing back and forth on the silk net from time to time. Not only one, but all the other monks looked at the girl headed by him with surprise and envy.

These people, speaking of, can be said to be the number one enemy in the eyes of the demon family. They have always regarded them as the God of plague, the star of disaster, and even the disciples of the beast sect.

What makes the beast sect rich and what makes it stand in the immortal world, and it has also become a top sect, which is respected by countless monks. Without him, it is entirely a means to capture spirit beasts, spirits and even monsters in the demon family, enslave them by special means, sell them and exchange them for huge benefits.

It can be said that the reason why the beast sect has been so prosperous and brilliant is completely based on the flesh and blood of the demon family. It can be called the existence of the executioner. All along, I don\'t know how many demon families want to destroy the beast clan, but they can\'t do it. It\'s really that they have absorbed enough blood from the demon family and cultivated a strong foundation for many years.

I\'m afraid of the Revenge of the general demon clan. It\'s good not to go. Going to one and catching one just saves their Kung Fu. In the matter of capturing the demon family, the beast sect does have a set of terrible means.

The beast clan is divided into four generations,