An S-ranked Party's Burden Tamer, I Awoke My True Power by Having My Familiar Killed

CH 51

Chapter 51: Earl the Dragon

“How did it go?”

“I succeeded.”

“I see. That’s great,” Milim said with relief, and the magical energy that had been swirling around her suddenly dissipated.

At the same time, the golden eyes and prominent fangs that had been shining brightly also returned to their normal state.

“It’s called the Ancient Dragon, Grand Menas,” Milim said, looking at the status of the dragon that had just appeared.


‘It’s cute when it cries, but it’s still really loud. It’s not that big compared to the dragon zombie we fought earlier, but…’

‘The dragon was still larger than the wyverns ridden by the knight order. It was large enough for Milim and I to ride on it.’

“I might be wrong, but this dragon looks younger, right?” Milim suddenly asked.

“Well, since we just fought against a fully grown dragon, you should know, right?” I asked.

“Well, yeah, but…now that I think about it, that dragon was ridiculously huge,” Milim replied.

“It’s too late for that,” I said.

Although it was in spirit form, the majestic aura of the dragon had not disappeared. Its well-defined features exuded a sense of elegance, and even as a young dragon, one could sense the power that it would eventually possess, which would be more than enough to match that of Rei and Ace.

“Grand Menas isn’t its real name, is it?” I asked.

“No, it isn’t. It’s probably because of the name that the surrounding villages and countries called it, which became attached to its soul, but it’s not its true identity,” Milim explained.

The dragon seemed to be requesting something.

“Alright, how about we give it a name?” I suggested.

The dragon looked at me with expectant eyes.

“What about Earl?” I proposed.

The dragon seemed pleased and rubbed its head against me.

“How about that? It seems happy,” I said.

“Oh…,” I said as I felt the sudden surge of power.

“I never thought I would become this strong… Being with you is always full of surprises,” Milim said.

“I’d like to say the same thing to you,” I replied.

Since we had some space, we decided to practice a little before heading back. Although we had just finished a difficult battle, I was curious about my newly acquired skills.