An Expert Is actually By My Side

Chapter 148

Different from the employees of Yunmeng group who are vacationing in the hot spring hotel, because of the risk control investigation suddenly launched by Jiangcheng bank, the whole senior management of Lingfeng real estate are worried.

One of the most anxious is undoubtedly Chen Siguang. If this matter can't be solved as soon as possible, the capital chain of the Swan pond mansion project will be broken, even if he wants to cover it.

If this matter is spread out, it will have a greater impact than losing a farm!

Early in the morning, Chen Siguang got up, prepared the necessary procedures for house transfer, sat down in Maybach's garage, and planned to visit president Lin of Xialin group.

However, as soon as the car started, before it was driven out of the garage, a string of white smoke came out of the hood, and then the engine just started stalled.

"What the hell is going on..."

With a cursing, Chen Siguang got out of the car and slammed the door back.

Just as he was about to open the hood to check what was going on inside, a lump of black shadow fell from the sky and hit him on the forehead.

This pa Ji of a, directly hit him to be hoodwinked.

Subconsciously, he reached out and touched his forehead. A mass of water like slimy things dropped down his fingers on the ground.

The sour smell of bird droppings almost made him nauseous even for breakfast.


Chen Siguang was shocked and angry when he found that what hit his head was a piece of bird excrement. He subconsciously looked up to find the culprit. However, he could see nothing except a few birdsong from a distance.

"Damn, even TEMAO can't get along with me..."

What a bad day today!

After wiping the bird excrement on his head with a paper towel, Chen Siguang tried to calm himself down.

The meeting with Mr. Lin was about nine o'clock, and now it's eight o'clock. It will take at least half an hour to drive there.

It must be too late to repair the car. I'm afraid it will take a while for my secretary to come.

Thinking of the meeting at nine o'clock, Chen Siguang was worried. He immediately took out his mobile phone and called for a car.

Soon, his order was received, and a Mercedes Benz stopped at the door.

The driver in the driver's seat is actually an acquaintance. This generation is a wealthy area. There are only a few luxury cars available on the Internet. It's always those drivers who are taking orders. As time goes by, they all know each other.

At the sight of Mr. Chen, the driver immediately said hello with a smile.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, why didn't you drive by yourself today?"

"The car broke down." Chen Siguang sat in the back seat with a gloomy face, took out his mobile phone and called his secretary, "... You came to my house, my car broke down, and helped me drag it to the repair shop to repair it."

The driver didn't dare to ask more when he saw that Mr. Chen didn't seem to be in high spirits.

Especially when he saw the eye-catching bird droppings on his hair in the rearview mirror, he was even more afraid to speak.

Seeing the driver looking up in the rearview mirror, Chen Siguang frowned and asked.

"Is there anything on my face?"

"No, No." The driver of online car Hailing was embarrassed and didn't dare to talk much.

Chen Siguang frowned and didn't say much. He closed his eyes.

Because it happened to be the rush hour of commuting, the main road of the second ring road was blocked. It took more than 50 minutes to drive 30 minutes to get there.

Chen Siguang got out of the car in a hurry and slammed the door. Without even looking at his watch, he trotted all the way to the door of Xialin group building.

Along the way, Chen Siguang noticed that many people were looking at him, but he didn't have time to think about it. After entering the lobby of Xialin group building, he panted, slowed down, arranged his collar and went to the front desk.

Grinning at the receptionist, he cleared his throat and said.

"I'm Chen Siguang, President of Lingfeng real estate. I have an appointment with your chairman, Mr. Lin Wuyan. Could you please take me there?"

The lady behind the front desk looked at him suspiciously, especially for two seconds in his hair, but still nodded.

"Just a moment, sir. I'll call to ask..."

"OK, please hurry up. We'll meet at nine o'clock. It won't be good if Mr. Lin's time is delayed."

The little sister at the front desk picked up the phone and dialed a number. After a few words, she nodded quickly, then looked at Chen Siguang waiting at the front desk with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, I have confirmed it here. Please come with me."

With that, she handed over the reception work to her colleagues, and then took Chen Siguang through the entrance guard to the direction of the elevator.

Behind the front desk, Chen Siguang took a look at his watch and was relieved to see that there were still five minutes left.

Although everything went wrong early in the morning, I still didn't miss this important meeting.

Here comes the elevator.

Chen Siguang just wanted to move forward, but his shoes accidentally stepped on the tile that had just been dragged, and the sole of his feet suddenly slipped. The whole person went straight to the elevator entrance that just opened the door.

At the same time, the door of the elevator just opened.

A 40 year old woman with a Jiangcheng evening news work card on her chest is coming out of the elevator with a photographer and assistant.

There was no time to react at all. Chen Siguang directly plunged between the two Everest peaks and bumped into the aunt who came out of the elevator.

The smell of pungent perfume came, and there was the intense sense of impact, which made Chen Siguang brain blank.

It happened all of a sudden, in a flash.

Standing next to the front desk little sister, and is out of the elevator, and standing next to waiting for the elevator people are all silly.

Chen Siguang was the first to come back.

For a moment, he realized his situation at the moment. His face changed slightly and he was about to explain. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, his left face was slapped firmly.


"Change state!"

This slap directly confused Chen Siguang.

He was caught by the collar for a long time before he came back to himself and explained in a panic.

"This lady, this is a misunderstanding! I didn't mean to -- "

"How dare you say that! I'll tell you, I'm not finished with you! " The aunt was angry and angry, especially when she saw the bird droppings on her collar.

There was a lot of discussion around. Many people took out their mobile phones and took photos and videos while watching.

Seeing that this situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to him, Chen Siguang, who is in the center of the crowd, anxiously explains, and at the same time casts his eyes to the front desk lady standing beside him for help.

However, the receptionist has no choice.

Never encountered such a situation, she can only hurry to call the security, first pull the two apart.

However, the aunt was reluctant, staring at Chen Siguang with indignation on her face, holding his collar firmly with one hand, and shouting words like "change. State" and "sexual harassment" in her voice.

Around the crowd to eat melons spread an uproar, looking at Chen Siguang's eyes instantly filled with strange.

This man

I have a good appetite.

Chen Siguang was also angry and yelled at her.

"You smelly woman, are you crazy! I'm so blind and I'm insulting you? You don't look in the mirror to see what you look like. I said it was an accident. Do you understand it! You don't understand people? "

Although this is true, it ignited the powder keg.

Voice is almost just down, the aunt's face is instantly changed.

It was only at this time that Chen Siguang noticed that the four words Jiangcheng evening news were written on the signboard in front of the man's chest.

"No, I don't mean that. What I want to say is..." the momentum softened. Chen Siguang wanted to explain, but it was obviously too late.

The aunt let go of her grip on his collar and pointed her index finger to his nose. Her twisted makeup looked like a deadly devil, and her nose was full of anger.

"Good... The surveillance is here. The eyes of the masses can testify. Remember what you said today. I'll see you in court!"

The photographer standing next to him pressed the shutter crazily and recorded their expressions.

Good guy, I came to interview Xialin real estate today, but I didn't expect that the news manuscript had not been written well, so I became the leading role of the news.

And look at this man so familiar, like Mr. Chen of Lingfeng real estate?

This melon is not small!

Meanwhile, Lin Wuyan, sitting in the office, frowned and looked at his watch.

"Why haven't people come up yet?"

He hated waiting, especially waiting because he was late.

If it's a friend, it's just that Chen Siguang doesn't like him.

The Secretary standing next to Lin Wuyan whispered in his ear.

"People have come... But there's something wrong downstairs."


"Yes..." the Secretary also had an embarrassed expression. He seemed to be struggling with how to explain the matter clearly. After hesitating for a few seconds, he continued quietly, "Mr. Chen seems to have a little conflict with the reporter of Jiangcheng evening news... Do you want me to go down and have a look?"

"No need."

Lin Wuyan stood up from the conference table.

"Let him come to my office later."

After a pause, he continued in an indifferent tone.

"If he doesn't come up in five minutes, tell him not to come to see me."