An A-Ranked Adventurer's “Slow-living”

20 Cooking for four

When the flora is ready, we move to the kitchen with Zorozoro.

"I\'m not so good at cooking and I wonder if I should stop?"

"What did you say?-A little help. You could cut vegetables and meat or boil down the sauce."

Toac catches Aisha trying to return to the living table.

"Let\'s sometimes cook Aisha too. It\'s more fun to do it together."

"I got it"

I also know Toac and Flora\'s skills, so I want to leave it to me, but this time I want to enjoy making it together. If you hunt now, you will eat venison many times, and I definitely want to learn how to cook from two people who are good at cooking.

While everyone is washing their hands, I prepare what I need.

Salt and pepper, wine, olive oil, frying pan. With a kitchen knife, cutting board, and venison.

As I stepped into the kitchen, Flora removed a small wooden lunch box from her bag.

"Oh, this was pickled yesterday. It\'s salt, pepper and olive oil. It\'s pickled with red wine and herbs such as marjoram."

"Oh! I\'m ready. I can make a delicious saute."

"It\'s really a flora. You can eat it right away."

"Thank you"

We admire the goodness of the flora.

I\'m glad I brought my precious ingredients to my house and I\'m gonna tear it. While cooking my family and my food, I was even pickling.

If the prey is caught in the next hunt, I will have to go to the side again.

"Well, what to make?"

"Steak and stew!"

Aisha immediately raises his hand to Toac\'s muttering.

"Oh? Stop making stew because it takes time."

"Well, isn\'t it a stew?"

"It\'s not good, but if you make it now, it will be over lunch."

He doesn\'t seem to agree with Toac or Flora. Stew is cooked for hours, so it takes time.

If you are doing it now, it will be evening by lunch.

"Is it safe to bake?"

"Roasts and sautes are delicious enough. If you want soup, you can make vegetable soup. You\'ll get tired of all the meat."

"Oh, good. By the way, even if you try to imitate Toac, you can\'t get that taste."

"Hahhh, it can\'t be done right away, because it\'s no use just cutting it in normally."

After a brief discussion with the four of us, we decided on a menu of venison steak, sauteed venison, fried red wine, roast and vegetable soup.

It is a very luxurious menu, but there are also venisons with flora soaked, and it seems surprisingly easy to make, so I will start immediately.

Basically, I and Aisha undertake simple dishes such as steaks and roasts, flora fries in red wine, and sautees and toacs supervise vegetable soup and Aisha.

Flora, I, Aisha, and Touac line up around the kitchen in that order.

The kitchen is rather spacious, but if you have four adults, you will feel quite small.

Flora brings her homemade apron and attaches it.

Aisha didn\'t think so, perhaps because she was dressed up by her sister, so she decided to use my apron. It\'s no use if you pollute your beautiful dress.

When Flora was looking at Aisha, she was a bit sloppy because of her height.

"It\'s really big"

"... Yeah, but not so."


"No, nothing! Aldo! Let\'s start cooking."

I\'m worried about Aisha\'s strange words, but I don\'t care because Flora tells me to start cooking.

I cut the venison chunks into large pieces and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Then add a little oil to the pan and fry the sliced garlic to transfer the taste.

The savory smell of garlic drifted and became amber.

"It smells really good."

"Okay, you cut the meat quickly. I only have two knives, so I can\'t use it."

Two voices can be heard next to me.

There are three cutting boards, but only two knives. There is no more than two frying pans where you can set a fire, and if you don\'t turn them efficiently, you\'ll waste time.

When I started living in this house, I wouldn\'t have thought of cooking for four.

I feel nostalgic as if I was cooking at a black silver party.

"... Aldo, it looks like it\'s fun."

Flora smiles and looks into this, as if her cheeks were loose.

"Remember a bit of the old days. I cooked with my friends this way."

"Well, what did Aldo do in the past? I don\'t need to say it if I don\'t want to say too much.

When I mutter so, Toac asks scaredly.

A 27-year-old man suddenly came to the village. You will be wondering what you were doing.

"No, there\'s nothing hard to say. I\'ve been an adventurer a while ago and came here because I made some money."

While saying that, confirm that the taste has been transferred to the frying pan and remove the garlic.

Then add a little oil and heat until smoke comes out of the pan.

"Hey! Possibly! Possibly you\'ve defeated goblins, orcs, and ferocious monsters."

"yeah, I guess so"

I defeated the dragon at the end, but I don\'t have to say that, so keep it silent.

"If there is a hunter who has experience of defeating monsters, it is safe at all times."

"I can count on you"

"I\'m retired, don\'t use me too much?"

Hunters and villagers usually deal with small monsters such as goblins, and if there are uncontrollable monsters, they usually wait for the dispatch of adventurers and knights. It may be encouraging that hunters who will deal first are former adventurers.

If there is a monster coming to this village, it will take your own life and everyone\'s life, so we will take the initiative, but if possible we would like to refrain from such work.

It was warm enough to emit smoke from the frying pan, so I put venison.

Aisha began pouring meat into the frying pan to see if the cut and taste were over next.

The pleasant sound of the juicy oil reverberates, and the scent of meat drifts in the living room.

"I\'m hungry."

"me too"

Aisha and I muttered while watching the venison skipping the gravy.

The smell of burning meat works well on a hungry stomach. I realize that the more I smell the scent, the more I feel hungry.

In the back, Toac and Flora chopped the vegetables with the empty cutting board.

The space for moving the kitchen knives is very fast.

Now that you\'ve started living alone, it\'s more important to get used to kitchen knife handling than swords.

Once the meat has been baked for a minute, turn it over and repeat for another minute. The surface of red venison has been burnt and turned brown. The inside is still red, but this is roast, so it doesn\'t matter.

Then remove from the heat, cover the frying pan and leave for a while.

"Hey, Aisha. Don\'t bake too much on high heat. It\'s hard to cook slowly over medium heat."

"I know that much."

Listening to the good words of the two, I pull the plates out of the cupboard for serving.

I like a round plate with a shallow bottom because it\'s roast. Aisha will bake it soon, and will he bring a steak dish?

Nowadays it is fun to choose a dish as much as making a meal.

Then, make sure that the remaining heat of the frying pan has entered, and slice the venison thinly.

The outside is moderately lit and the inside is beautiful pink. It will be about halfway between rare and medium. It was just enough to make me happy.

Serve roasted juicy gravy on a plate.

Aisha next door is also serving the round steak on the plate I set aside to see if the steak has been burnt.

After serving the roast, the sauce is made by boiling the wine or honey into the gravy using the rest of the roast. The fire was stopped around the area where the sweet smell and thickness came, and it was completed.

As I served the roast I served, I noticed that the number of roasts was a little short.

Suddenly, when I stopped, I could see Aisha\'s healthy skin growing to the roast.


Did you eat Aisha? When I opened my mouth to say, something warm was packed in my mouth.

The taste of salt and pepper is appropriate for the broth that spreads at once. This is roasted venison.

Nobody is too hard thanks to not overcooking. If you bite it, it tastes like rich meat that dripping blood as you chew it and it is very delicious.

As soon as he chewed what was in his mouth, Aisha stood with his index finger against his lips.

This guy made me an accomplice. Forcibly stuff the roast into the mouth.

Well, I wonder if the two people behind are not looking.

I think tasting is more than cooking.

The act of recommending food to others without tasting it is rude.

So let\'s taste the roast as it is, but there is no problem. Yes, this is not something like picking and eating. It\'s just to make sure the roast is ready for everyone to eat.

"What happened to Aldo?"

"No, nothing."

As soon as I reached for the roast, Toac looked back with a suspicious voice. Withdraw your hand that was just stretched out.

Aisha, who was also tasting, pretended to be a breeze with a plain expression. Aisha is good at deceiving himself.

"... is something suspicious?"

Toac narrows his sharp eyes and comes to our eyes.

"You can use a frying pan because you\'re done here."

I give the used frying pan to Flora as soon as there is nothing wrong.

"Oh yes, thank you"

Flora receives the frying pan with a smile.

When I look at this carefree smile, I realize that Toac is a suspicious guy.

"Oh, Aldo. Do you have sauce on your mouth?"

"Huh? Really?"


It is pointed out by Flora and wipes his mouth in a hurry.

At that moment, I heard my words muttered from Aisha\'s mouth and realized my mistake.

-I was put on Flora.

"Ah, you guys picked and ate it?"

She glanced staringly at the flora that she was in, she smiled and started cooking again.

The smile was a lovely soft smile as usual, but for some reason it was a smile that stood in my back.

Did I do anything to offend Flora ...?