An A-Ranked Adventurer's “Slow-living”

15 Hunters and the mountains

"Well, what do you do, Mr. Aldo, come to my father today?"

On the way from the vineyards to Elgis\'s house, Flora, walking next door, asked with caution.

"Oh, my life is about to settle down, so I\'m going to introduce the hunters in this village."

"It\'s still the fourth day since we arrived? Cleaning the new house and arranging the furniture would have been tough, right?

Flora is surprised to see her crisp large eyes.

Certainly, as Flora said, getting a house, cleaning it, furnishing it, preparing a meal and starting a new life were all too difficult.

Even if I\'m confident in my physical strength, I still want to relax for about two days while watching the flower garden.

"I came to this village and took care of a lot of people. I want to work fast and help everyone in the village."

But now, such feelings are strong. In just four days, Elgis, Fiona, Flora, Aisha and Toac took care of as many as five people. There may be people who are really taking care of things you don\'t know, and others like futons and clothes.

This is something we want to support because we are supported by everyone.

"... I see. Then, there will be many meats on the table from now on."

Flora smiles carefree and says so.

I haven\'t hunted here yet, but it\'s a cloudless smile as if it were.

"... I can\'t guarantee it, but I\'ll do my best to line it up."

"It will be"

She was vulnerable to the pressure of Flora\'s strange confidence, and said she was in a good mood.

What is this trust? No, her desire to do so? Or is Flora under pressure? No, I don\'t think Flora is such a child ...

Despite the flora walking lightly, I thought I had to do my best not to disappoint.

◆ ◆ ◆

"Oh, Flora is back. Aldo is with you."

When I arrived at Elgis\'s house, there was Elgis working in the backyard.

He would have pulled out the weeds because of his crouching gloves.

"Hello, Mr. Erugisu"

As I and Flora approached the field, Elgis raised her waist and pounded her waist.

"Hello, What\'s the house going?"

"After cleaning the house, I was able to live with the purchase of furniture from Toac."

"Is that so"

Elgis smiles calmly after hearing my current report, but looks wide open.

"Speaking of which, I forgot about food, is it okay to eat? If you don\'t mind, I\'ll give you ..."

"Oh, the food is okay. I got food from Toac."

"Yes, it was good. I remembered about the house and furniture, but forgot about the meal, and now I\'m really impatient."

Elgis holds her chest down so as to relieve her heart.

Elgis is also a human. Sometimes I forget.

"No, I forgot about me, but I hadn\'t hungry because I had the rest of my meal yesterday."

I didn\'t really have any meals during the trip, so I was hungry the next morning and had a breakfast in Toac.

After all, it\'s worse to forget about your meal. Ergies is not liable for mistakes.

To conclude this story, I will tell you today\'s business.

"Mr. Elgis. I\'m planning to work from today, can you ask me about the hunter in this village I mentioned earlier?"

"Is it just just arrived in the village? Is it okay to be a little slower?"

Just like I had the same worry, Flora and I would laugh.

Elgis, who didn\'t know it, was wondering at us laughing.

"No, I would like to work faster, so please give it a try"

"... I see. It\'s good that hunters increase early. Let\'s introduce it soon. Flora, can you ask for a field?"


◆ ◆ ◆

Elgis calls the hunter, Lauren, into the square, and I return home to change into huntable clothing.

Take off the white short-sleeved villager\'s clothing and change into green long-sleeved, leather gloves, long trousers, and leather boots. Wear a breastplate over your clothes, and insert a throwing knife into your belt or holster around your waist.

"... I don\'t really need a long sword."

I mutter with my favorite sword wrapped in cloth.

At last, I picked it up with my old habit. I\'ve been using this sword for three years now. It was this sword when I confronted the dragon, and can be said to be a partner who shared my hardships.

This sword is a little noticeable, though monsters may appear.

A sword made by a man who is said to be the best blacksmith in the kingdom.

It is made of expensive ores such as Mithril and Orichalcum, and high-grade monster materials. Even non-weapon-savvy humans know that they are in love, and that they are not just swords.

This sword is sealed, as strange rumors may flow if you pull such an object and roam the village.

He puts a long sword wrapped in cloth behind the closet, and instead wears a dagger for protection on his waist.

Then take out the bow and check the strings.

"Yeah, it looks OK .... but I don\'t really care about the arrow."

The bow is not damaged due to hunting during the trip, but there are only eight remaining because the arrow was not replenished.

I completely forgot. I would cut and make my own wood yesterday.

"I can\'t help it.

Muttering so, equip a bow on the back and a quiver on the waist.

Finally, put the emergency food in a small hemp bag and you\'re ready.

I moved on to check my condition and jumped out of the house to the square.

When we arrived at the square, the ladies were chatting happily today and changing food.

Looking back at the dialogue that Toac said yesterday, the woman in the village was still dressed in a way that would not detract from the vividly blooming flowers, or would not detract from the atmosphere.

The more beautiful the village, the more beautiful the woman.

When I was delighted with the costumes of private houses and women colored by such gorgeous flowers, there were a large man and a blond boy in the center of the square with brown hair all over.

If there are men with raised muscles in the flowering plaza, that is already noticeable.

He\'s a bow and arrow on my back, so is he a hunter, Lauren?

As I walked with suspicion, she waved her hand to see if she had noticed the other side too.

"I\'m Loren. I\'m a hunter in this village. You\'re the Aldo that the village chief was talking about?"

"Yes, yes. I\'m sorry to have you suddenly be introduced. Thank you in advance!"

When I lowered my head lightly, Lauren nodded at Takaage.

"I\'m behaving differently than someone else."

"Please don\'t take the old story"

Loren pokes at the boy with his elbow, and he answers with a frown.

This conversation alone can somehow tell the relationship between them.

"Yes, this is my disciple, Kyle. I guess that\'s not this cute little boy, isn\'t my son?"

"No, I\'m sorry. Kyle, I\'m twelve. Thank you."

Kyle bows down as she is introduced by Lauren.

I knew she wasn\'t a parent and child because of her appearance and tone, but they seemed to be good friends.

"Today I\'m telling Aldo about the mountains here, and I want to make sure I\'m not wrong with Kyle\'s knowledge. Can I go with Kyle?"

It is natural for hunters to take disciples and raise them, so I accept it.

"Oh, good. Later I asked the mayor that Aldo was good at hunting, but how long did he do?"

"I\'m not a hunter, but I was traveling and used it to catch prey on the road. I\'ve hunted in the mountains."

Bows are used for hunting and special quests, so I\'m not so confident. Let me not exaggerate.

"That\'s okay! That\'s fine. I\'m not going to be an amateur as far as I can see the equipment, and I\'m looking forward to Aldo\'s skill!"

Loren looked at my gear and laughed loudly, hitting her back and walking.