America's Road To Fame

Chapter 92: fight for beauty

Regarding the matter of wishing to invest in Ali, William Chen also talked briefly, and then he chatted with Boss Ma about other things at will.

It can be seen that Boss Ma is indeed very interested in the film and television industry. He specially chatted with Chen William about some topics in this area and asked about Hollywood filming.

William Chen also knows everything about these aspects. In the eyes of Boss Ma, he is a very cheerful person, and he has a little more affection for him.

William Chen knew that he couldn\'t be too eager for success. The main purpose now is to have a good relationship with Boss Ma first.

His goal was almost achieved. Boss Ma didn\'t stay here for too long. Before he left, he exchanged contact information with William Chen. He also agreed to wait until the next time he went to Hangzhou, he would do his best as a landlord.

Next, the Wang brothers came over and introduced some important figures from the company to William Chen. The first one was naturally the director who was very important to Huayi Company - Xiaogang Pao.

"Has Mr. William seen my films before?"

Hearing Chen William talking about his long-standing reputation, Xiao Gangpao asked curiously.

Of course, he had seen it in his previous life. William Chen didn\'t panic at all when faced with this question. When he said the names of several films of Little Steel Cannon, he finally mentioned that his films were the most famous among the Chinese in America. At the time, Xiaogangbao still felt very face, with a smile on his face.

Next, I introduced Cult Master Huang, Young Master Zhou and others. Although Young Master Zhou was very famous, he wasn\'t William Chen\'s food either. He just talked briefly.

"Hello, Mr. William, I\'m a fan of your movies and have seen several of your movies."

When William Chen heard the other party\'s words, he felt that while the two were shaking hands, the other party\'s little finger hooked his palm, and he heard Wang Zhongjun introduce:

"This is Miss Huo Siyan, whom our company strongly supports."

William Chen looked at each other, wearing a red low-cut evening dress with dazzling headlights.

Uh, there is still some expectation, but it looks too coquettish, Chen William shook his head silently in his heart, the name seems to be familiar, but it is really not the one that he likes.

Wang Zhonglei, who was beside Chen William, has been paying attention to his expression. Seeing that he is still indifferent, he can\'t help but feel a little distressed in his heart.

What exactly does this grandpa like? Famous, pure, charming, and now even the all-powerful public relations tools have been offered, how come there is no one that makes his heart move?

However, it is also to blame that Wang Jinhua led many stars to leave a few years ago, so that the number of female stars in Huayi Company has not fully recovered until now. Otherwise, he will be able to guarantee that whichever Huanfeiyan is thin, he will find it for the other party.

"Mr. William, hello, can I toast you a glass of wine?"

At this time, a pleasant female voice came from Chen William\'s side.

William Chen turned his head to look, his eyes lit up.

The woman on the opposite side had a beautiful face and looked mature and elegant. The white evening dress outlined her beautiful figure. The unfathomable career line sucked most of his attention in an instant.

"It\'s a pity that I can\'t drink. It would be great to have a glass of water, beautiful lady, can I know your name?"

At this time, Wang Zhonglei next to him took the opportunity to introduce: "William, this is Miss Chen Zihan."

When Chen Zihan heard Chen William\'s words at first, his expression was a little lost, but when he heard the meaning behind him, his face brightened, and he quickly said, "It\'s okay, I\'ll get it for you."

"How can I ask the lady to work for me, or let\'s go there together."

Just now, Huo Siyan, who wanted to work harder, changed her face when she saw this scene, and looked at Chen Zihan who came over to cut her beard.

The other party didn\'t care about her reaction, she showed a charming smile, and walked towards the distance with William Chen.

Seeing that William Chen finally took action, Wang Zhonglei finally felt relieved. When William Chen was not paying attention, he gave Chen Zihan an encouraging wink, and the meaning was self-evident.

Although everyone else at the reception was chatting, everyone knew who the protagonist was today.

Therefore, although they are doing their own things on the surface, they will set aside a bit of attention on Chen William\'s side.

Huo Siyan\'s frustration here is also seen in everyone\'s eyes, and many people are also gloating about it.

At the same time, they also looked at Chen Zihan with admiration. They didn\'t expect that she, who is usually low-key in the company, would have such a performance today.

Seeing Chen William and Chen Zihan, they walked over to the bar and chatted. Wang Zhonglei left with a smile and went to greet others. Huo Siyan gritted his teeth and left with a bad expression.

But she also knew in her heart that even if she had an opinion on Chen Zihan, she couldn\'t act rashly now.

Because today\'s incident is very obvious, the two bosses brought people here, and some actresses have a stable position. If they think they don\'t need to climb, they can naturally sit on the Diaoyutai; On the matter.

If she acts rashly because of this matter, the first one to stand up to her will definitely be her two bosses.

After chatting with the Chen Zihan in front of him, William Chen also knew some TV dramas she had acted in. Only then did he realize that there were some that he had seen in his previous life.

No wonder she felt a little familiar just now, but most of the dramas that Chen Zihan starred in were costume films, and there were some differences from her modern appearance.

And in his previous life, William Chen didn\'t pay attention to the information of those actors, so it\'s normal to be unclear about them.

And the next thing happened naturally. Chen Zihan "accidentally" spilled the wine from his glass on the skirt, so Chen William accompanied her back to the hotel room to deal with it.

Then, because Chen Zihan\'s dress was zippered behind the back, which was very inconvenient, Chen William helped her to pull the zipper down again...

A good person is done to the end, um, that\'s it, William Chen thinks he is a good person.


The next morning, after Chen Zihan woke up, seeing that William Chen was no longer around, she couldn\'t help feeling a little disappointed.

But when William Chen returned to the room sweating profusely, she realized that after getting up, he went to the hotel gym to exercise for another hour, and then came back to take a shower.

She has only one feeling at this time, that is, this guy is simply a super (bian) person (tai), and after tossing herself for so long last night, she still has enough energy to go to the gym in the morning.

However, when she saw the obsessed bodybuilding physique of the other party, she couldn\'t help but have a special idea, but she knew that she must be unable to fight anymore, otherwise I\'m afraid I won\'t even think about it this day. something else.

At this time, Chen Zihan really had an urge to use all means to tie the man in front of him, which can be said to be the most perfect man he had ever seen, to his side.

But the next moment she realized that her idea was really unrealistic.

Not to mention that the age gap between the two is a bit big, and Chen Zihan also doesn\'t think that, with the other party\'s conditions, she can really tie him up.

Then the most realistic idea is to give what you can give, and then get the other party\'s return.

I just hope that he can be a person who is nostalgic. There is no way to do this. After all, when two people are not equal in status, it is like this.

Chen Zihan also knows her own situation. At the beginning, she also entered the TV circle by virtue of her reputation as one of the "three school beauties of Beijing Film".

But after so many years, although she has a lot of works, she still lacks such a role that can make him popular.

And what depresses her the most is that she always misses the protagonist and has always been the life of the second girl. As for the reason, she also understands that she still can\'t spare herself to fight for the role.

Like the other two of the "Three School Flowers of Beiying" who were as famous as her back then: Jiang Qinqin had already soared to the sky with poor rock dramas; and Jin Qiaoqiao, who also changed her body after becoming famous, became the proprietress of the US-listed Bona Company.

Now it seems that the worst development is herself, so when she encountered yesterday\'s opportunity, she also decided that she could not wait any longer. This rich and handsome man with a deep background.

Well, she is worthy of the name, rich and handsome, and she can\'t stop in a certain way.