America's Road To Fame

Chapter 90: Goldman Sachs in action

John Paulson is not alone in seeing that the real estate market is now on the brink.

Goldman Sachs.

Principal analyst Danielle Cardoso, along with investment chief Carsten Bond, knocked on the door of CEO Lloyd Blankfein\'s office.

After entering, the two reported to him their recent analysis of the real estate market.

"Ten days ago, we began to reduce our holdings of CDO bonds and began to buy CDS bonds as a hedge. However, we still hold a lot of CDO bonds. After analysis, because the Fed continues to raise interest rates, now The enthusiasm of homebuyers is clearly dissipating, and we believe that the entire housing market has reached a very dangerous time and needs to speed up."

"How is the market sentiment now?" Lloyd asked.

Carsten looked at chief analyst Danielle and motioned him to answer the question.

"There have gradually been voices that are not optimistic, but they have not yet become mainstream, but I think that in this case, the huge capital pressure is accumulating, and the market may not last long. And we also found that there is a huge short-selling of CDO bonds. Funds come in."

"What kind of funds?" Lloyd asked with interest.

"Some are fund risk hedging strategies, but one interesting point is that the funds from Meta Investment Company, they seem to be shorting with a purpose, and some CDO bond short orders are signed with us." Daniele Er continued.

"Meta Investment Company?"

Hearing the CEO\'s question, Carsten, head of the investment department, said: "That is the company of William Chen, who is called a prodigal son, and his fund manager is an acquaintance of ours. Paulson. Shall we teach them a lesson and eat their money by the way and connect with other people, like we did two years ago?"

"Do you think it can still be done now?" Lloyd asked rhetorically.

Now Carsten thought about it and stopped talking.

"We succeeded two years ago because our strength was stronger, so we could swallow the kid who jumped out to make trouble. But now it\'s different. We pushed a boulder and climbed to a higher peak, It took too much effort, so it\'s not allowed to do that anymore."

Lloyd continued: "Come as planned, speed up the reduction of CDO holdings, suspend short-selling services for CDOs, and buy CDS. We must take precautions and reduce losses. Maybe we can make another profit. "

"But Lehman Brothers and the others are still optimistic, and many other banks are also continuing to invest. Do we need to reach a consensus with them?" Carsten hesitated and asked.

"Don\'t worry about them, it\'s better for them to have different opinions, so that we have room to turn our heads, and when everyone starts to turn their heads, then we can only be blocked in a dead end. Remember, if you replace them today, the same I don\'t care about our lives!" After Lloyd warned them, he sighed and said, "Go for it, be fast, and try to hide as much as possible."

After they left, Karsten walked to the window and looked out.

Today\'s weather is gloomy and dark clouds are rolling in the distance. He knows that a heavy rain is coming.

"William, I have an idea, but I don\'t have much data to support it yet. I want you to give me a reference first."

In the morning, Ivanta still had some aftertaste on her face, she leaned against William Chen\'s arm and said softly.

After getting up, William Chen went to the gym to exercise for a while. When he came back to take a shower, he wanted to wake Ivanta up, but he couldn\'t hold back...

Now that he heard her words, he asked, "Tell me."

"I have observed it in the past few days. It feels like what you said, Huaguo is full of vitality and has great potential. And I can also see from my chat with Wendi that Huaguo has changed a lot over the years. You said that if I put How about the development of the family’s business to Huaguo? Now that the number of rich people in Huaguo is increasing, I think both commercial real estate and entertainment industries have great potential.”

Ivanta didn\'t have a temporary idea. In fact, since she came to China and saw a thriving scene that was completely different from what she imagined, Ivanta had this idea. These days, when she was playing, she also paid special attention to it. I have experienced many emerging real estate projects and hotel projects in Yanjing, so I will say this idea today.

"I believe that the potential of Huaguo has already been seen by your family. If it is purely from your idea, I agree very much, but I don\'t think your idea can be realized, at least it is difficult to obtain the family\'s agree."

When William Chen said this, Ivanta sighed after thinking about it after hearing it.

Because her family company has not thought about exploring the Chinese market. In fact, just last year, when the vice president of Hengda Real Estate went to the United States to look for a partner, he chose Troup Group, and the two sides hit it off.

Even when they signed the contract at the Troup headquarters building, the three children, including Ivanta, were present, and they saw their father chatting with each other very happily.

The first project they collaborated on at that time was to jointly bid for a high-rise landmark building in Yangcheng, Guangdong Province. As a result, the project ended in failure, and the building was bid halfway by a HK company at a low price.

So the follow-up cooperation between the two parties did not continue, and Ivanta\'s family business also turned its attention from the Chinese market to the real estate hot America.

Therefore, if Ivanta proposes to open up the Chinese market at this time, the result may not be optimistic. After all, she is only the vice president of the group now, and it is not her who can really make decisions.

Seeing that she looked a little lost, Chen William hugged her and said, "But don\'t worry, my dear, you can use this time to do a good job of investigating to make the plan more feasible, even if you don\'t get the family\'s approval. , I will also support you. Because I agree with you, and I am very optimistic about the development of China. "

William Chen saw some opportunities from Ivanta\'s proposal. Moreover, he knew that the subprime mortgage crisis was imminent, and the real estate market in the United States was about to enter a long-lasting recession period. In contrast, the real estate industry in China still had a golden period of 8-9 years of rapid development. It is a very good time to shift the focus of the real estate group from the United States to here.

"You support me?" Ivanta asked suspiciously.

"Yes, don\'t you believe me? Darling, you will see that day soon. But before that, I hope you can prepare."

Just when Ivanta excitedly changed her schedule and began to study the development status of Yanjing\'s real estate and hotel industry, Chen William also lamented that this woman is indeed more professional, but at this time he is also happy to see this. occurrence of a situation.

However, his good mood did not last long.

"William, why do I find out that I\'m not on Twitter?"

Ivanta was talking and showed Chen William the interface of her mobile phone. After UU Reading clicked the white dove icon, the interface kept spinning in circles, and nothing was displayed: "Is there something wrong with my mobile phone? You try yours."

At this moment, William Chen seemed to understand what happened. Sure enough, after he turned on his phone, he saw the same situation on his Twitter.

"It\'s alright, my dear, let me ask about the situation. Go for a walk first, I\'ll go find you later." William Chen pointed to the cafe next to him, and then walked in.

After finding a seat and sitting down, William Chen picked up his mobile phone and called Williams, CEO of Twiiter, only to find out that Twitter was banned from accessing it.

It turns out that China has already warned Twitter that it is required to regulate user content in accordance with domestic laws and regulations, but Twitter has always used freedom of speech as an excuse and ignored it, which has led to the current result.

"F**K, Williams, you put away your **** freedom of speech here with me, Twitter is a company, not the United Nations, and not a **** American politician. When we enter any country, the first thing we do is to obey the local rules. Laws and regulations, don’t let me teach you this, not to mention that the United Nations is not as broad as you are, and you don’t have the least respect for a fast-growing big country!”

"I bought Twitter to develop it well, not to export your set of values. I hope that after I return to the United States, I can get a detailed explanation of this matter. And from now on, I need you Start to develop a content identification and review system for me, display the corresponding content according to the laws and regulations of different countries and regions, block the illegal content, and don’t let me see this kind of thing happen again.”