America's Road To Fame

Chapter 86: careless

"Mr. Ma of Ali? Of course I know him. He is a friend who is familiar with me. He is also one of the shareholders of our Huayi Company. What? Have you heard of him?"

Wang Zhongjun is the chairman of Huayi, and Wang Zhonglei is the general manager, so Chen William used Wang Dong and Wang as a distinction.

At this time, William Chen also remembered that it is said that Boss Ma and Wang Zhongjun are both members of the Taishan Association. Because of this, Boss Ma invested in Huayi Company two years ago and became one of the shareholders of Huayi Company, holding about % ten shares.

Speaking of which, the listing and financing of Huayi Company has a lot to do with Boss Ma.

When Boss Ma first founded Ali, he didn\'t know anything about the standardized company system and the introduction of capital, but Cai Chongxin, who later became Ali\'s chief financial officer, changed all of this.

It is precisely because of his arrival that he helped Ali\'s original "Eighteen Arhats" team to clarify the equity interests, and he completed the actual execution of all subsequent financings of Ali.

It is under the influence of this CFO that Boss Ma has a profound understanding of the operation of capital.

Therefore, after Boss Ma got to know Wang Zhongjun and learned about the current situation of Huayi Company, he said to the Wang brothers: "You are so famous now, but your industry is so weak, why don\'t you take advantage of capital?"

It was also because of this talk that the Wang brothers were awakened, and then in 2006, Boss Ma invested in Huayi Company, and now Huayi is actively raising funds.

It can also be seen from these things that the relationship between Boss Ma and Wang Zhongjun is still relatively close.

At this time, facing Wang Zhongjun\'s doubts, William Chen said with a smile:

"Yes, I\'ve heard of him before. I know Mr. Jerry Yang from Yahoo. He once mentioned Ali\'s boss Ma to me and spoke highly of him. Therefore, when I come to Huaguo this time, I also hope I can have the opportunity to discuss it with him face to face.”

In fact, the main reason, William Chen didn\'t say it, is that he took a fancy to the Alibaba shares in Yahoo\'s hands and was ready to take it down at the right time.

But it doesn\'t mean that he wants to buy and Yahoo is willing to sell, so the deal can be reached. Because when any company accepts investment, it will sign a detailed investment agreement with the other party, and there will be many restrictions on the sale of shares.

Otherwise, if any major shareholder can\'t think of it, and directly sells shares to your competitors, wouldn\'t it be controlled from here.

Therefore, before William Chen acquires the shares of Ali from Yahoo, it is also very important to obtain the approval of Boss Ma for this matter.

Of course, Chen William will not be in a hurry to clarify this matter right now, but if there is a chance, it would be good to get to know the other party first and make friendship.

And Chen William also understood that in China, it would be too abrupt if he went to the door so directly. And now, if there is a friend like Wang Zhongjun who can introduce it, it will be a matter of course.

After hearing William Chen\'s idea, Wang Zhongjun pondered for a moment and said to him, "Wait for me to contact Boss Ma. If he has time, try to arrange a meeting for you."

"Then thank you so much, Director Wang."

This conversation with the Wang brothers can be regarded as the biggest gain tonight. After the party was over, Chen William saw Ivanta and Deng Wendi sitting in the yard as if they were still unfinished, chatting while feeding the koi.

William Chen saw Nelson\'s missed call on his cell phone, so he went back to the bedroom and called him back.

On the phone, Nielsen told William Chen that he had pledged some of the shares held by Meta Investment Company as a mortgage, and loaned out a fund of $300 million.

And within today, New York time, these funds will be transferred to Chen William\'s personal account in the name of repaying the loan.

Previously, William Chen lent $300 million from Future Bank and transferred it to Meta Investment Company in the name of a personal loan for additional investment in Fund No. 1, bringing the investment scale of Fund No. 1 to $800 million. .

And now, after getting the mortgage loan, the $300 million was transferred to William Chen\'s personal account. In the company\'s accounts, it was equivalent to repaying William Chen\'s previous loan of $300 million.

And through these operations, Chen William can return the 300 million US dollars to the future bank. Now there are four partners he can bind in Future Bank, Paris, Erica, Nozomi Sasaki and Ivanta.

At present, his future bank is bound to Paris. He tried to change the binding to Erica before, but found that after changing the binding, the loanable amount in his account decreased, which shows that in the evaluation of the future bank, Paris Liz\'s rating is much higher than Erica\'s.

Now he has added two more binding partners, so William Chen also hopes to try what will happen after the binding is changed to Nozomi Sasaki and Ivanta. He can also use this to speculate on the future of the bank\'s binding partners. More criteria for scoring.

However, for such a large amount of transfer, the arrival time is often very slow, so Chen William no longer waited.

It\'s half past ten in the evening, and Ivanta hasn\'t come back yet.

After thinking about it, Chen William also knew what she was thinking. It is estimated that she would be a little embarrassed at Deng Wendi\'s house this time.

So William Chen first found out what to change and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower, he just wiped his hair when he heard footsteps faintly coming from the corridor.

In the bathroom, William Chen immediately walked over to the bed, took off his shorts, and got under the duvet.

Sure enough, within a minute, he heard the door of the room being opened, and then Ivanta\'s deliberately lowered voice: "William?"

She probably didn\'t hear his response. Next, Ivanta walked gently into the house. She was afraid that William Chen had fallen asleep and woke him up, so she didn\'t turn on the light.

Taking advantage of the light of the mobile phone screen, she walked to the bedside. Ivanta saw that William Chen was lying on the side of the big bed, and seemed to have fallen asleep.

She immediately breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, when she was chatting with Deng Wendi just now, she already wanted to come back, but she was too embarrassed to take the initiative to speak, for fear that the other party would make fun of her.

Deng Wendi finally came back with her after she was sleepy, but the more she walked into the room, the more her heartbeat became stronger.

Do you really want to sleep with this guy tonight? In case he wants to wait...

And in this case, Wendi would definitely know that she slept with him last night. Thinking of the other party\'s jokes before, Ivanta couldn\'t help feeling a heat on her face.

But when she actually entered the room and found that William Chen had fallen asleep, she felt relieved, but at the same time, she somehow felt a little bit of loss, um, just a little bit.

Ivanta used the faint light of her mobile phone to find her clothes and cosmetics, and took them to the bathroom several times.

After Chen William heard Ivanta\'s footsteps entering the bathroom, he quietly opened his eyes and saw the light coming from the crack of the bathroom door.

He waited patiently, but after half an hour, Ivanta still didn\'t come out. He could only hear the sound of bottles being put down in the bathroom. He couldn\'t help complaining that women were really troublesome. He heard the sound of the shower and knew that she was finally taking a shower.

But another half an hour passed. At this time, William Chen felt really sleepy. No, how could he fall asleep at this time? He secretly pinched his thigh, but he didn\'t expect that the strength was not well grasped, so he almost shouted, It hurts.

But fortunately, the spirit has been a little more uplifted. Finally, after the sound of water running, the sound of a hair dryer came from the bathroom. Chen William was bored and secretly counted, blowing one, two, three... ...No, I almost hypnotized myself to sleep, and I was careless.

After he waited anxiously, the restroom finally opened. William Chen felt a darkness in front of him. Knowing that it was Ivanka who turned off the lights in the bathroom, he quickly closed his eyes.

Then a drowsiness hit...

Uh no, then there was a sound of footsteps that were obviously deliberately lowered, all the way to the other side of the bed, and then he felt the quilt move, the bed next to him sank, and Ivanta had got into the quilt and lay on the other side of the bed .

Now, William Chen\'s brain is spinning rapidly, should he pretend to turn over and hug her? Or just hug her?

The first one is a bit fake, too deliberate; the second one, uh, too direct.

I don\'t want to, just come directly.

Just when he opened his eyes to determine the position of Ivanta, he was greeted by a pair of eyes like water, in the darkness, like stars in the night sky.

The two looked at each other like this, and they could feel the tenderness in their hearts. William Chen leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

Then he hugged her, feeling like his soul was floating in the sky, immersed in soft clouds.

At this moment, Chen William just wanted to pour the tenderness all over his body into every part of this white cloud.