America's Road To Fame

Chapter 84: Deng Wen?f's circle of friends

When he came to China this time, William Chen\'s main purpose was to accompany Ivanta to travel and experience the real China in person.

In the afternoon, the group of them went to visit the Forbidden City first. The advantage of being in China is that he and Ivanta are far less well-known here than in the United States, so they can swim together openly and openly. If they were in the United States, they would be the entertainment headlines of many newspapers that day.

However, their group also brought four bodyguards, which also attracted the attention of some tourists.

Knowing that they were going to visit the Forbidden City in the afternoon, Li Bingbing left after lunch, because after all, with her popularity in China, it would be too noticeable to go with them.

And Deng Wendi will hold a party at home in the evening, inviting some friends from Huaguo, and Li Bingbing and Wang Zhonglei from Huayi Company will also come over.

After visiting the Forbidden City, Deng Wendi went back to prepare for the evening party, and Chen William and Ivanta went to the nearby shopping mall for a while.

After coming to China, with the language environment, William Chen can clearly feel that Ivanta\'s Chinese has made great progress.

She now tries to use Chinese with William Chen, Wendi Deng and others in her usual chats.

And after coming to Huaguo, she had intuitive contact, and Ivanta\'s many stereotypes here have also changed greatly. Now she finally believes what William Chen said to her before, those related to Huaguo. things are up.

"Ivanta, how do you feel about the courtyard in Wendi?"

"I think it\'s great. It has the traditional Chinese style, and the decoration inside is also very distinctive. I like it very much."

Speaking of this, Ivanta was full of praise. Chen William can also see from her performance at Wendi Deng\'s house that Ivanta really likes that house very much.

"Then I\'ll buy a courtyard house similar to hers here, how about that?"

To be honest, in William Chen\'s impression, the previous courtyard houses were all relatively old courtyards. Although he had also heard about it in his previous life, and there were often high-priced courtyard houses, but he didn\'t come to Yanjing very often at that time, and he didn\'t personally experience those renovated courtyard houses on the spot. After Deng Wendi\'s house, she also liked it very much and became interested in the courtyard house.

And as far as he knows, the price of Siheyuan is still not at the top, so it is a relatively suitable opportunity to buy a phone.

It seems that you can buy a very good house for less than 100 million Chinese dollars now, but in William Chen\'s previous life, the highest price of the courtyard houses you have heard about can reach more than 2 billion.

"Do you want to buy a courtyard house? But even if you do, we won\'t have many chances to come and live there."

Hearing Chen William mention that he also wants to buy a courtyard house, Ivanta asked in a puzzled way.

"There should be a lot of opportunities, because I am very optimistic about the future development of Huaguo, so I will have some investment here in the future, and I will come here a lot in the future. Since you like Wendi\'s house so much, then we will also Buy a building and come back to Yanjing later to have a place to live.”

Regarding Chen William\'s desire to buy a courtyard house, Ivanta just thought that there were not many opportunities to live in after buying it, so it was not so necessary.

As for whether his financial resources can buy it, Ivanta is not worried about it. Because a courtyard like Wendi Deng\'s is now worth less than ten million dollars, and William Chen\'s villa in the Upper East Side was worth $25 million before, and with the rise in house prices during this period, There are a lot of people rushing to buy it for $28 million.

It can also be seen how hot real estate in the United States has become during this period of time.

"William, I do admit that the construction of China is beyond my imagination, but do you think it will continue to develop at a high speed? As far as I know, they have maintained this rapid development for 30 years, and many economists have It is believed that under this development, there will be many problems, and now do you still think this rapid development will continue?"

Hearing William Chen\'s point of view, Ivanta refuted with some disagreement.

This view of Ivanta is currently very common in the mainstream of the West. William Chen smiled without explaining too much.

Basically every few years Western economists. The "collapse theory" against China will always be repeated. And it is in this time and again that the economic development of China still maintains a high speed.

Just like Chen William told Ivanta before that he was not optimistic about the future of American real estate, he was not worried that if he said this, he would reveal some secrets.

Because these words have been put forward by some people before him, but the reality is that the entire United States is currently blindly optimistic. They believe that housing prices will continue to rise, at least not fall for a short time.

Through the rise of real estate, all the so-called bubbles and hidden dangers will be eliminated in this process.

If it weren\'t for this kind of common blind optimism, how could it have caused such a big consequence, not only hurting the American economy, but also affecting the whole world.

In the evening, William Chen and Ivanta attended a private party hosted by Wendi Deng at home. During this gathering, William Chen met a lot of people.

Including Su Yan, Liu Wen and others in the fashion industry, film and television stars Liu Jialing, International Zhang, and Wang Xiaofei, one of the "Four Young Masters in Beijing" at this time, and his mother Zhang Lan also came here, and Wang Xiaofei also With his girlfriend at this time, Zhang Yuqi, an actress whom Chen William knew in his previous life.

As the host of this party, Wendi Deng specially introduced these guests to William Chen and Ivanta. There were some visitors who didn\'t know William Chen and Ivanta before, but after asking quietly, they also showed an expression of sudden realization.

It is worth mentioning that the international chapter that often appears in Hollywood knows William Chen and Ivanka, so he is more enthusiastic about them, and came to chat with them specially.

At this time, the international chapter has broken up with the Israeli rich vivi and regained his singleness.

After losing the support of the super rich who is said to be the largest private investor of Goldman Sachs Group, the largest individual shareholder of Time Warner Group, and the assets of about 5 billion US dollars, in order to develop later, she needs to make more contacts, so This move is not surprising.

"Mr. William, hello, I\'m Zhang Lan from South Beauty Company."

Ivanta was pulled over by Deng Wendi and went to chat with those people in the fashion industry and the film and television industry. To be honest, William Chen didn\'t have much interest in those people, and those actresses were very interested in those people. It wasn\'t particularly attractive to him, not to mention that Ivanta was here, and he didn\'t have much room to play, so he wanted to go to the yard to breathe.

At this time, someone stopped him, and Chen William turned his head to see that it was the owner of South Beauty, Ms. Zhang Lan.

She took her son, Wang Xiaofei, and his star girlfriend to Chen William, and introduced herself to him:

"This is my son Wang Xiaofei, who also studied abroad. You are all young people, you can talk more when you have time. Xiaofei is still very familiar with Yanjing. If you want to go to play, you can ask Xiaofei. Fei is a tour guide."

This lady Zhang Lan is very familiar, she said to Chen William. I also pulled my son deeply and asked him to say hello to William Chen.

For this scene, William Chen felt a little speechless. What do you mean by young people? Your son is not nearly thirty, he is much older than me.

However, on this occasion, he was still very polite, Wang Xiaofei shook hands and said hello, and nodded to Zhang Yuqi, who was looking at him curiously behind him.

At this time, William Chen suddenly heard someone calling him, and turned his head to see that it was Wang Zhonglei and Li Bingbing from Huayi Company who came in together.

This time it happened to relieve Chen William, so he apologized to Zhang Lan and others, then turned around and walked towards Wang Zhonglei.

"Mr. William, I\'m sorry I have something in the company today. I\'m only here now. Let me introduce to you. This is the chairman of our company, Wang Zhongjun."

When William Chen heard Wang Zhonglei\'s introduction, he looked at a middle-aged man wearing glasses who looked a little older than Wang Zhonglei and stretched out his hand to him with a smile.