America's Road To Fame

Chapter 75: Chen and Tan

At this time, Marvel needed funds to shoot the movie and recover the copyright, and Meta Investment Company wanted to invest in Marvel, so the two parties hit it off.

But even so, the entire acquisition process is not done overnight. The valuation of Marvel, the audit of the company\'s debt and financial situation, the amount of funds invested by Meta Investment in Marvel, and the shareholding ratio, etc., all need to be carried out. Detailed negotiations.

And William Chen himself had instructed Nielsen to try to prolong the negotiation process as much as possible. Because today is September 12, it is not far from the time when the subprime mortgage crisis broke out.

After the crisis breaks out, Marvel\'s shareholders are likely to be in a situation of financial constraints. When William Chen offers a suitable price, it is very likely that he will be able to buy the entire Marvel directly.

No matter how the world changes, the many superhero characters in Marvel\'s hands will be a huge material library. After the acquisition of Marvel, it will become the richest content source for William Chen\'s film and television production.

Moreover, after William Chen bought Marvel, the first thing he did was not to shoot movies, but to take advantage of the subprime mortgage crisis to recover the adaptation copyrights of the superheroes that Marvel had sold.

At present, the copyrights of Fantastic Four and Wolverine are in the hands of 20th Century Fox, and the copyrights of Spider-Man are in the hands of Sony Pictures.

Twentieth Century Fox\'s film adaptation copyrights may be easier to recover, because the company\'s current situation is not very good, coupled with the background of the subprime mortgage crisis, there is still a great hope of recovering the copyrights.

The Spider-Man copyright in Sony\'s hands is different, because they have achieved relatively great success with three Spider-Man movies since the beginning of the century, so it will not be so easy to let Marvel take back the copyright.

But no matter how you can acquire Marvel, it is the first step to be done, so now Nielsen\'s team is negotiating with the other party rhythmically.

"Is this for me? Thank you, William, it\'s really beautiful."

Ivanta took the bouquet of roses that William Chen handed over with a sweet smile on her face. She looked at the dewy flowers, lowered her head and smelled the fragrance of the flowers, and said sweetly.

"As long as you like it, my dear, you are so beautiful today, ten thousand times brighter than these flowers."

William Chen came directly to the headquarters building, where he received Ivan Tower.

The two sat in William Chen\'s Rolls-Royce, and William Chen sat beside Ivanta and kissed her gently on the cheek.

Today, the two of them went to the party held by Deng Wendi together, and Ivanta said that some people from the fashion and entertainment circles will come over.

In addition to being the vice president of the family company, Ivanta herself also runs some fashion brands, so she is quite interested in this opportunity.

And she has a very good relationship with Wendi Deng, so it\'s no surprise that she will wear William Chen to this reception together.

After the two entered the villa where the party was, Deng Wendi immediately greeted him and hugged Ivanta first. After the two greeted intimately, they didn\'t ignore William and gave him a courtesy hug. Chen William naturally behaved quite a gentleman, but it was just a touch.

"I\'m really happy that you two can come. Every time I see the two of you, I can\'t help but sigh, it really is a natural couple." Deng Wendi said to the two of them enthusiastically:

"William, Ivanta, I won\'t be polite to you. You go ahead and chat for a while. I\'ll greet the guests here."

As a frequent visitor to Deng Wendi\'s side, Ivanta naturally knows a lot of guests. Together with Chen William, she greeted the models and designers in the fashion circle and chatted by the way.

"William, I still don\'t understand."

After chatting with a Chinese-American female designer, Ivanta and Chen William sat on the sofa beside them. She asked Chen William with some doubts:

"Just now ZoeTan said she was \'tomzone\' with you, what does that mean?"

Now Ivanta is also learning Chinese, so when she met the Chinese female designer just now, William Chen said a few words in Chinese to her, and Ivanta was listening carefully beside her, she didn\'t understand place, he immediately asked.

"tomzone? Oh, you are talking about the same clan. The word means that she has the same surname as me. In the concept of Hua Kingdom, it is very likely that they have a common ancestor. The so-called family five hundred years ago, so it is called Same clan."

After trying to understand the meaning of the "tomzone" Ivanta said, William Chen explained to her patiently, "It\'s like when you meet someone with the same surname as Troup, you can also call them the same clan."

"I can understand what you said, but her surname is obviously different from yours. You are William Chen, so if you and Julie Chen are of the same clan, I can understand why ZoeTan also said she is of the same clan as you?"

Ivanta still asked with some incomprehension.

The Julie Chen in her mouth, whose Chinese name is Julie Chen, is a well-known host of CBS TV, hosting news programs and a variety show that is very popular in the United States - "Big Brother". Before her marriage to the boss of CBS TV was also A sensation in America.

However, this question about Ivanta is not easy to explain, and many Chinese are easily confused about the surnames of Chinese descent, but he still tried his best to explain:

"ZoeTan\'s surname is indeed the same as mine, both surnamed Chen. The reason why her surname is Tan in English is very complicated."

"You know that there are many dialects in China, and the same surname is pronounced differently in different regional dialects. The different spellings of English surnames you see mostly left the mainland area and went overseas 49 years ago. Chinese and their descendants."

"Because the Chinese mainland area is the pinyin used after that time, such as my surname Chen, the pinyin spelling in the Chinese mainland area and Taiwan area is like this, so the English spelling is c-h-e-n."

"Before that, there was no standardized English spelling of Chinese surnames, so when many people registered their identities in English-speaking areas, they spelled it in the dialect they used and with the English pronunciation."

"So the same surname is Chen. If his ancestors are from the Greater Bay Area, then the English spelling is Chan, if his ancestors are Hakka people, then the English spelling is Chin, and if his ancestors are Hu Jianren, then the English spelling is Tan. So it is very likely that the ancestor of ZoeTan is Hu Jianren, and he left the Chinese mainland before 49 years. UU”

"I feel so complicated, William, there are so many situations just for your surname, and Hu Jianren is too strange, the others are at least somewhat similar." Ivanta said with question marks all over her head.

"Haha, that\'s just because they have a special pronunciation. And you don\'t need to know so well about these Chinese surnames, Ivanta, because even many Chinese people will be confused about these various surnames. "

Can\'t discourage Ivanta\'s enthusiasm for learning Chinese, so William Chen quickly comforted her.

"What are you talking about?" At this time, Wendi Deng came to their side and asked curiously.

So William Chen told her about Ivanta\'s question and his answer just now.

After listening to Deng Wendi, she smiled and said to Ivanta: "Darling, you don\'t have to have a headache because of these, because when I first came to the United States, I also felt strange about these, and many surnames are still unclear. , but it doesn\'t affect anything, after all, many descendants of Chinese descent now speak English."

"It\'s like my own surname. I use Deng directly, but people from Taiwan always use Teng. The singer Teresa Teng\'s English name is TeresaTeng, and Tang and Tung are also used, just like William said. , all because of the different dialects, so there are these differences.”

At this time, William Chen looked at Ivanta and Deng Wendi, and suddenly thought that Ivanta would not have learned Chinese from Deng Wendi, don\'t say, it\'s really possible.

"By the way, William, let me introduce you to some friends. He also makes movies, but he is the boss of a film company in Huaguo." Deng Wendi said to Chen William.