America's Road To Fame

Chapter 73: Healing and saving lives

After the trance, when William Chen looked at his phone again, Nozomi Sasaki had sent a text message again.

"Are you too busy with work to be inconvenient? That\'s fine, you can do it next time."

This girl is really considerate, William Chen shook his head, thinking so.

"Of course not. I miss you too. When will you arrive? I\'ll pick you up."

Soon, he received the news that Nozomi Sasaki came back——

"Really? I\'m so happy, William, it should be done in a few days. I\'ll tell you in advance."

"Who are you sending a message to?" Nikki had already stood up, and she wanted to come over to take a look while sorting her hair.

William Chen quickly put away the phone. This made Nikki quite dissatisfied. She gave Chen William a blank look, picked up the mineral water, took two sips, and turned to leave the study.


Before leaving, she did not forget to ridicule.

I said, how did you have the position to say that about me?


After his work in Silicon Valley came to an end, William Chen was ready to return to New York.

As for this, William Chen has informed David Jones of his specific thoughts on the initial version of the APP. He is leading the technical team and strives to complete a stable initial version demo in the shortest time.

Paris is also planning to go back to New York with William Chen. First, she will upgrade her ParisHilton brand management company to ParisHilton Company. William Chen will first invest $25 million and hold 5% of ParisHilton\'s shares.

Paris is going to use the money to first establish her own perfume workshop, try to produce ParisHilton brand perfume independently, and start to open ParisHilton brand fashion store.

If the attempt in perfume can be successful, Paris will gradually withdraw her brand authorization in other fields, and gradually complete independent production with its own production line.

However, after learning of her plan, William Chen suggested that she first focus on the establishment of a perfume workshop, and the ParisHilton brand fashion store can be delayed. After all, the subprime mortgage crisis is about to break out, and the rent of shops is about to fall.

When leaving for New York, Paris covered her head tightly throughout the whole process to avoid being photographed by reporters, because her face has not yet subsided.

Nikki also accompanied them back to New York. Under William Chen\'s special precaution, she never had the chance to become secretary Nikki again, so she looked at William Chen in a bad way.

After the plane arrived in New York, William Chen first sent Paris and his sister to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. It is worth mentioning that, because of Paris\' previous drunk driving accident, knowing that she returned to New York today, there are also a lot of reporters at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

But after all, it\'s a Waldorf Astoria, and it\'s already prepared for these. When William Chen\'s car enters the underground parking lot, there will be a special passage, which can avoid the eyes and eyes of reporters and go directly to Paris\' presidential suite.

"Beautiful Erica, did you miss me?"

"Ha ha."

At William Chen\'s house on the Upper East Side, Erica looked at him as he came back and sneered, "I\'m afraid you have forgotten your current student status. The dean of the College of Arts and Sciences has asked me several times—you When are you going to class?"

"In addition, I asked for an increase in my salary, because I found that my workload is getting bigger and bigger, and I am almost overwhelmed."

Now William Chen finally realized how difficult it was for an ancient emperor to conquer the country outside and stabilize the harem inside. What can he do, of course, to appease him first.

But think about it, Erica\'s workload is indeed not small now. With the increase of his investment, the things that come to her side are also increasing every day, and she has to contact the school to help follow up on that. progress of teaching.

"I\'ll go to class tomorrow to give you more subsidies, and I can recruit a few more people to assist you."

"Really? Then I\'ll think about it. Is it a good idea to hire some handsome guys with six-pack abs to look good on the eyes."

Hehe, I think you have a fever and need an injection.

Without saying a word, Chen William walked to Erica\'s side, picked her up, and walked to her bedroom.

Not to mention, her pair of stockings feels pretty good, but I don\'t know how the quality is. Well, I have to test it...


"How\'s it going in Building 666 lately?"

Chen William\'s medical skills became more and more exquisite. After more than an hour of injection treatment, Erica\'s fever was successfully relieved. After all, the patient is a big one, and at this time he has time to ask about other situations.

"Maybe it won\'t be called Building 666 in the future. According to Mr. Tom, he heard the news that Gared and the others have discussed changing the name of Building 666 to Kushnar Building after the renovation is completed. Currently, the first phase of the Kushnar Group is 10 The USD 100 million has been credited, and the USD 1 billion in the second installment will be credited within 5 days, all of which will be deposited into the special account of the No. 666 Building Asset Management Company. Mr. Tom will follow your instructions and keep an eye on the use of these funds. ."

William Chen nodded, and the final installment of US$1 billion, according to the agreement, would arrive in less than 5 months, but William Chen estimated that it would be a problem whether it would arrive on time. As for renaming Building 666 to Kushnar Building? Let\'s see if they can complete the renovation of the building. Come on, Gared.

"What about the decoration on the Troup headquarters building?"

"I just went there to see it yesterday, and it\'s going relatively smoothly now. Miss Ivanta has specifically urged it there, and it is expected to be completed within two weeks."

After that, William Chen continued to catch up with Erica to catch up with the progress of the New York University course. At this time, the advantage of having her as his assistant was reflected, and he was able to give him a more detailed explanation.

On the second day, the bodyguard sent William Chen to the College of Arts and Sciences at New York University. William Chen finally came to class for the first time after the school started. Before that, William Chen made a special trip to see his mentor, Thomas Sargent.

Thomas Sargent is in his sixties and has deep attainments in economics. Although he knows that Chen William has changed a lot compared to the previous rumors of "prodigal son", and has been very active in recent investments. Like his acquisitions and investments, Professor Thomas has also heard about it, but in terms of academics, he does not have great expectations for Chen William.

After all, although he also graduated from a famous school before, his studies in economics are still somewhat different from the current economics, and since college, he has been working as an actor, plus he entered school through donations from his father, and he has never attended school since the beginning of the school year. Course, so he has such an impression is very reasonable.

However, after William Chen asked him some questions that he still did not understand in the homework he studied yesterday, through the exchange of the two people\'s courses, Thomas Sargent unexpectedly discovered that William Chen was still very interested in the study of this professional course. Solid, it can even be said that among his classmates in this MA program, he is also an outstanding one.

Therefore, I have a good impression of him, and I also exchanged contact information with him, expressing that he understands that William Chen will be busy at work, but if he has any problems with his studies, he can call him directly to communicate.

This is also the greatest achievement of Chen William today. Being able to directly ask this mentor is something that Chen William could not ask for.

But after only one day of class, Chen William decided to come to school less in the future. It was mainly his female classmates, who were so enthusiastic. Almost everyone asked him if he could keep up with the course. They also took the initiative to contact him with their own notes, and even said they could help him with his homework, uh, Specifically, it can be done anytime.

Moreover, he is only 21 years old this year. At this age, he is already relatively young in this MA program, so those girls may feel that they have an age advantage, and they are somewhat unscrupulous to attack him. Hey, what does that say, boys have to protect themselves when they are outside.

It seems that after that, I will mainly rely on Erica to help me follow up the course, and then give him a lesson. Anyway, I just need to make sure that I can get enough credits for the exam.

Chen William has decided that he can give Erica a raise in return and assign her two capable and handsome assistants with long legs. As for what she said about the handsome guy with six-pack abs... I want to eat **** , No matter how handsome he is, he can be more handsome than me, and he has six-pack abs, but I have eight.