America's Road To Fame

Chapter 71: HELLO

"I don\'t think so, Mr. Cheyer. Yes, I admit, Apple looks like a towering tree now, and I\'m just a tiny human being in front of it. "

Chen William made a gesture of the gap, and continued: "Let\'s not talk about whether your company must be sold. After all, the decision of this matter is in your hands. Let\'s talk about whether Apple is a better choice for you. ,is it okay?"

In the eyes of the three, Chen William and Apple\'s Steve Jobs, even if it is to sell the company, which is a better choice, I am afraid you can know it by just thinking about it, but he said these words, but it gave them a little bit. Interested, don\'t know where the other party\'s confidence comes from, think he is more competitive than Jobs?

"I don\'t know what is your goal in founding this company? To change the world?"

"It\'s wonderful to change the world. A lot of people claim that this is the goal, but most people end up having a hard time changing their own lives. But the difference is that I do see the possibility of changing the world on Siri."

"Gentlemen, seeing your expressions, it seems that you don\'t agree with what I said. Maybe you just think I\'m a compliment to you. No, it\'s not like that."

"It\'s true that Apple is a great company. He started the era of smartphones. With the development of the mobile Internet, I think the Internet of Everything will be realized soon. When I saw Siri, I imagined that one by one. Scene, I\'m at home, I can casually ask Siri to turn on the TV, adjust the air conditioner, or even ask him what the weather is like today and any other questions, and I get immediate feedback and answers."

"But I\'m sitting in the car and I can ask Siri to navigate somewhere for me, or play a certain song I like. Even when I take out my phone and take a picture, I can just ask Siri to I sent it to Twitter."

"What does Siri mean in my imagination? He will be my gateway to the ubiquitous Internet connection, and at this moment, it will mean everything."

"Yes, it is undeniable that if Siri is acquired by Apple, then he will soon be able to appear in front of the public with Apple\'s many products, be known, grow rapidly, and have more users than now. But that\'s all, Siri won\'t be everything after that, it\'ll just be Apple\'s Siri."

"As we all know, Apple is very powerful. It has many products, but it is also relatively closed. After Siri belongs to Apple, it will only become one of the many feathers that decorate it, and will never be the key to open the door."

At first, from the faces of the three founders, William Chen could feel their disapproval of William Chen\'s acquisition proposal.

But when William Chen described his imagination about the future development of Siri, he was already able to see some vision and recognition on their faces.

Finally, when he talked about the moment when Siri was acquired by Apple, it would only become Apple\'s Siri, and would not have a broader development. The three people opposite him finally had more reactions, frowning slightly. think.

"Apple is a towering tree, but grafting Siri on it will only become one of the branches, and Apple has too many branches like this."

"As you may know, I bought Twitter, I invested in Netflix and Tesla not long ago, and I will invest more in the future. There is room for Siri in these different areas, and they can all be Siri\'s Nourishment, so that Siri can grow into a towering tree on its own, not just an attachment to another tree."

At this point, William Chen could clearly feel that the attitudes of the three of them had changed, and then they had some discussions on the development and application of Siri.

Finally, Adam Cheyer said to William Chen: "Thank you very much for Mr. William\'s conversation with us today. It was very exciting. We will carefully consider your acquisition intention. I can guarantee that no matter what the choice is, it will be I\'ll give you an answer as soon as possible."

By this time, William Chen had already said everything he could say, so all he had left was to wait.

I hope that even if I can\'t reach an acquisition, I won\'t lose too badly. At least I can invest and get some shares.

Today, what William Chen said is still a little bit reserved, and that is the part of Apple.

Maybe at the beginning, Jobs really saw the subversive possibility on Siri, but in William Chen\'s previous life, Siri did not become a killer application in Apple, but was used by many intelligent voices in China. The applications are overtaken, such as Xiaodu, Xiaoai and other voice assistants. Compared with them, as an earlier Siri, there is absolutely no advantage.

The biggest reason is that Steve Jobs died of illness not long after, and after Apple changed its head, it paid more attention to the company\'s performance, but lost its proud creativity, and never amazed everyone. product appears.

Yes, Apple\'s market value is getting higher and higher, and its market share is firmly in the first place, but it has transformed from its original role as a disruptor in the mobile phone industry to a giant obsessed with deepening its defenses.

When William Chen left Siri, he saw Nelson waiting for him outside. After paying attention to William Chen\'s expression, Nelson asked:

"Boss, how\'s it going?"

"They still need to think about it. Let\'s wait for the time being. Keep an eye on them during this time. I suspect Apple will not let it go, and they will take the initiative to contact them."

In this case, William Chen will not just wait. Twitter CEO Williams has found some people for him, including a young man named David Jones, who is said to be very technical.

At first, Williams even considered letting him join the Twitter company directly, but the other party was not very interested in Twitter, but rather interested in the chat app that Williams mentioned, so Williams finally reluctantly recommended him to William Chen.

At present, the number of people recommended by Williams has reached 7. William Chen just took advantage of this time to talk to each of them individually. He is quite satisfied with Williams\' recommendation this time.

These people are all technical talents and have their own areas of expertise. And after the conversation, Chen William\'s team increased by three more people, exactly ten people-these three are friends with good skills recommended by members of the team for him.

The office space is ready. There are many such ready-made office buildings in Silicon Valley. The specifications are uniform, and you can directly settle in and start working.

This chat app, UU Reading William Chen named it, pronounced "Oula", which means "hello" in Spanish, and it reads more smoothly.

He registered the technology company and invested $1 million. In addition to the 10 members of the technical team, Nielsen also sent people in charge of finance and administration.

In this way, William Chen chose David Jones as the leader of the technical team and officially started the production of the APP.

William Chen requested that the first version of the APP should have functions such as mobile phone number registration, address book matching, text chat, and encrypted upload of chat content to ensure user privacy.

In other words, only the two people who are chatting can see their chat history, and on the server side, the chat content is encrypted. Even within their company, they can\'t see the chat content between users.

In William Chen\'s plan, subsequent versions will add functions such as voice intercom, voice call, and video chat.

The reason why the first version only launched the function of text chat is to launch the APP as soon as possible to seize users.

After conveying his requirements to the technical team, William Chen himself did not understand much technical aspects, so now he is just waiting to see how the team can accomplish.

To put it bluntly, William Chen is more like a product manager. He uses the experience of using those chat apps in his previous life to point out the direction for the production of the app. As for whether the final product can be accepted by American users, we have to wait for the app to go online. feedback later.

Three days after Chen\'s last visit to Siri, Chen got word from Nielsen that the three founders of Siri had agreed that they could start negotiating an acquisition.