America's Road To Fame

Chapter 59: WTF?

Nielsen smiled wryly: "He thinks you are the boss of Twitter and are their competitor, so you are not welcome to invest in shares. Well, at least that\'s what he said when he replied."

Hearing this answer, William Chen recalled that there was a rumor in his previous life that Zuckerberg had always looked down on Twitter, believing that the company was extremely bad. It seems that in this world, his views on Twitter are not very big. difference.

It doesn\'t matter. If Facebook refuses, it\'s fine. Chen William remembers that the reason why Facebook developed better later on. It has successfully acquired several potential startups and successfully integrated with its original resources. It is also the main reason. One of the reasons, so William Chen can completely cut off those companies, or similar startups, for Twitter use.

After letting Nielsen and Reed Hastings set a time to meet, William Chen met with John Paulson again, and listened to him report the recent progress of the securities investment department.

Now that the No. 1 fund has been established, US$500 million has been invested in shorting CDOs and longing CDSs. In terms of gold futures, the current gold price is consolidating, the price is around 800 US dollars per ounce, and the current profit is 400 million US dollars, with a total value of more than 2 billion.

William Chen knew that by the end of the month, the subprime mortgage crisis was about to break out, so he asked John Paulson to close some of his gold futures positions and come out with US$1 billion, of which US$500 million would be used to form the No. 2 Fund for short selling and subprime loan bonds. Stocks of related real estate companies and financial companies such as banks. Another $500 million is allocated to the equity investment unit for near-term investments.

The No. 1 Fund is already full, because the real estate market is still rising recently, and the price of CDOs has risen because of the high profitability, so the No. 1 Fund has already incurred a lot of losses. However, Chen William didn\'t care about these floating losses. He knew that this was the last madness of the CDO.

In addition, Chen William\'s future bank has a loanable amount of US$300 million. In the form of loans, he will invest in the company and into the No. 1 Fund, continue to short CDOs and be bullish on CDS.

After these arrangements, the securities investment department of Meta Investments will manage two proprietary funds, of which Fund 1 has an investment scale of US$800 million for investment in subprime mortgage bonds; Fund 2 has an investment scale of US$500 million and uses Investing in subprime-related stocks.

The current size of gold futures is over $1 billion. Seeing that the price of gold is now around $800 per ounce, it is about 30% higher than the previous low of $615 per ounce, so William Chen allowed John Paulson The leverage of no more than 2 times on gold futures is safe within this range.

After making arrangements for the Meta investment, William Chen called his assistant Erica, knowing that she was still following up on the renovation of the Troup headquarters building, so he decided to go there too.

Although the two sides are very close, William Chen still has to drive. Because if you walk, you will be more eye-catching with two burly bodyguards behind you.

As soon as he got into the car, the phone rang. Seeing that it was Paris calling, William Chen answered the phone directly: "F**K, William Chen, you pervert!"


As soon as he came up, William Chen was scolded by Paris and confused. Just returned to New York, what is this girl doing?

At the same time, many thoughts came to her mind. Did she find out about Nozomi Sasaki? Or is her sister Nikki\'s affair uncovered?

Thinking of this, Chen William calmed himself down and asked back, "What\'s your situation, Paris."

"You still don\'t admit it, you big pervert, I didn\'t expect you to like this one and even play candid photography!" Paris said angrily.

Candid photography? what the hell. Although I also had a shooting plan, I can\'t talk about secret shooting at all. When he got here, William Chen felt a little relieved. It didn\'t seem to be Sasaki Nozomi and Nikki\'s side, so he completely calmed down and said directly and confidently:

"What are you talking about, make it clear, I don\'t know anything."

"Hey, I see how you want to make it up. Didn\'t you live with me before we went to RB? Your clothes were taken off in my room at the time. As soon as I came back, the nanny in my hotel told me that I was washing your clothes for you. When I found an SD card in my trouser pocket, I looked at the content and it was all candid photography, don’t say it has nothing to do with you.”

SD card?

When Paris said this, William Chen finally remembered this matter. When I went to TheBoomBoomRoom with the Hilton sisters that night, this stupid girl vomited at the door. As a result, William Chen discovered that a reporter was secretly filming, so he called the bodyguard to grab the other party\'s SD card.

At that time, he put the SD card in his trousers pocket, and then sent the two sisters back to the hotel room. He took off his clothes in the bathroom of Paris\'s room and took a bath with her, and then Nikki... Well, none of that matters.

In short, he changed his clothes the next morning—Paris had already prepared several clothes for him in his room, and then went to RB. William Chen forgot about this matter. After Liz returned to the hotel, she got the SD card again.

When William Chen recalled the ins and outs of the incident, he was quite sure. He briefly told Paris what happened, and finally said: "If you don\'t believe me, take a look at the last photo inside, is it when you vomited that night. "

"Really or not, why am I not impressed?" After hearing this, Paris asked suspiciously.

F**K, you were so drunk that night, even your sister... er, William Chen reorganized his language and said, "Whatever you can remember that night, you\'ve been drunk. I told you Don\'t drink so much alcohol in the future, you wait, I\'ll go to your place now."

He was also curious about what photos were in the SD card, so he changed his mind and asked the bodyguard to drive the car to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

When William Chen went to Paris\' presidential suite, he saw that she was in the room, and when William Chen came in, he blushed slightly and said, "William, I\'m sorry, I shouldn\'t have been so impulsive just now."

"Hmph." At this time, he had to be tough, and William Chen said angrily, "Now you know what\'s wrong? Get down on the ground for me."

"Ah?" Paris was standing beside the sofa. Hearing this, she subconsciously supported the armrest of the sofa with her hands, blushing, and said, "William, now..."

But then there was a "pop" sound.

Paris immediately jumped up, clutching her butt: "William, you bastard, dare to hit me."

"Who told you to doubt me without asking indiscriminately, Paris, can you calm down when you encounter things in the future, and think about it with your little brain, I, William Chen, are upright and upright, and I may do that kind of dirty things. Well."

Hmm, it feels pretty good. Chen William went over and hugged Paris, kissed her, and said, "Do you dare to doubt me in the future, I don\'t have the strength to say it. By the way, give me that SD card, and I will look inside. have what."

Paris was in his arms, holding his waist, her face was red, and water seemed to be dripping from her eyes, she leaned into William Chen\'s ear and said softly, "William, why don\'t we... Practice kickboxing."

Huh? Could it be that I unintentionally activated some of her remarkable attributes?


When William Chen finally got the SD card and read the contents on the computer, almost an hour and a half had passed.

Yes, Paris is sleeping soundly now. I have to say that she still looks cute when she is quiet, but there are still some tears on the pillow that is not completely dry.

Wow, flipping through the photos in this SD card, William Chen sighed that the reporter was still a very diligent person. There are at least hundreds of photos here.

But this is also easy to understand. After all, in order to get the most suitable photos, those tabloid reporters who take pictures will take many pictures in succession for them to choose from under each scene.

William Chen pulled it directly to the bottom and started to look at it. Of course, the first photo at the end was a photo of Paris throwing up while leaning on the pillar.

Seeing this photo, William Chen turned his head and glanced at Paris, who was sleeping like a pig. He was a little moved. Would you like to set her as the background of her mobile phone and remind her not to drink so much alcohol in the future?

Most of the photos after that were taken at the entrance of the building where TheBoomBoomRoom is located, and William Chen could see that there were many familiar faces inside.

Among them was the supermodel who gave him his phone number that night. What\'s her name? It\'s like Bar Ferrari... er, no, Bar Rafaeli. Chen William took out his mobile phone and looked at his address and finally remembered the name of the blonde supermodel.

If it wasn\'t for seeing her photo today, William Chen would have almost forgotten about this lady. Thinking of Bar Rafaeli\'s hot body and beautiful face, William Chen sighed: You can indeed trust Xiao Lizi\'s vision.

It seems that I can really ask her out to sit for a while, and we can be friends. Yes, it is like that.

However, when William Chen continued to read, he finally understood why Paris was so angry at that time. It seemed that the previous reporter was not very serious.

Later, some photos were taken secretly of girls wearing cooler clothes, and the angles were very tricky, and there were even photos of the other party at home or when they were changing clothes.

But when he saw the following photos, William Chen\'s pupils shrank slightly. Because of the person in the photo, he is very familiar. Isn\'t this Gared of Kushnar Group?

William Chen looked at the past. In the photo, Gared was in a place that seemed to be a party, with a beautiful woman in his arms, talking to another middle-aged man beside him.

And the middle-aged man who talked to Gared, William Chen also found the corresponding person in the memory of his predecessor. William Chen enlarged the photo and looked at the man\'s face. Yes, he was the manager of the Bank of New York.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the two people when they were talking, William Chen also verified his previous guess, and sure enough, Gared had a connection with the Bank of New York.

In this way, whether it is the funds he previously acquired for the shares of Building 666 from the Andal Trust Fund, or the $3 billion he invested in the Asset Management Company of Building 666 this time, there should be Bank of New York behind it.