America's Road To Fame

Chapter 542: When you hit it, you know it hurts

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These fund companies originally wanted to continue harvesting a wave with this skillful operation, but they did not expect that the stock prices of the two companies did drop a lot at the beginning, but then, suddenly there were several media outlets. An article appeared, exposing some of the shady stories of these fund companies, including short-selling profit by screening and even some fictitious negative news. In the use of funds, there are also irregularities of concealing profits and even more.

At the same time, on Reddit, there is a group function for retail investors to call on retail investors who are also suffering from the short selling of these funds to unite and cooperate to carry out the feat of "retail investors vs. Wall Street", so that these fund companies pay the price.

The launch of this event originated from a section called "allstreebets" on Reddit. Here, there are often "civil stock gods" in the United States who post to discuss stocks. Among them, several well-known people have many supporters.

So this activity of retail investors united to raise the stock price started. In it, there was also the help of mysterious funds, which really raised the stocks of the two companies significantly.

Naturally, those fund companies would not sit still, but they did not expect that the power of "retail investors" was so powerful this time, and the final result was because of heavy losses. Several funds were investigated for their exposure, so two funds applied for bankruptcy protection, three funds were directly liquidated, and the remaining funds also suffered heavy losses.

According to the words of William Chen\'s uncle, John Drey, this incident has become so big, and naturally it is also concerned by the general who is facing next year\'s general election and hopes to restore the economic situation of the United States as soon as possible, even in this incident. , Chen William hid himself very well and did not directly use funds to operate, but with the intelligence capabilities of the other party, even if Chen William can get rid of the SEC\'s investigation, he will be warned.

"Aren\'t these normal business practices? Uncle, I don\'t think Datong lead students need to pay too much attention to these. The economic situation in the United States will not have any impact on this, and it is still recovering. However, if If I have time, I would like to talk to him about ATUSD. After all, the flies in the Financial Supervisory Authority can’t help but make some mentally retarded remarks about it. I hope the commander understands that ATUSD is just a network. Tokens are issued with 100% US dollar reserves. We just want to make US dollars more convenient to use around the world. We have no interest in the so-called seigniorage. These can be regulated rather than taken out. All kinds of conspiracy theories."

Regarding Chen William\'s complaints, John Dere was silent for a moment, and said lightly:

"William, I will mention it to the leading students when I have a chance, but I hope you don\'t worry too much. The current situation is relatively delicate. When the dust settles next year, then everything has room for manipulation. We need your support now. "

Regarding John Del Rey\'s request for him to support the Donkey Party, William Chen himself has already decided to do so, but he will not only bet on one side, but follow the trend.

In next year\'s general election, the Donkey Party will naturally have a bigger chance of winning, and he will choose to give more support - the premise is that he can stand on Chen William\'s side... Even the elephant party, a politician who is in line with Chen William\'s interests, can also Get his support.

As for how the commander will fulfill his promise after he can achieve his goal, it needs to be observed.

For capital, only politicians who stand on their side are good politicians. Otherwise, even the great commander will not hesitate to ask him to sit in a convertible car...

Although it is said that those fund companies took advantage of Chen William\'s lost contact with the plane, they shorted the stocks of the companies related to him. In fact, they did not cause much loss to Chen William. The investment fund of the Atlanta Fund, which is in charge of Zhou Fan, has the opportunity to buy stocks of companies including Netflix and Tesla at a low price.

That is to say, the behavior of those funds is more to cut the leeks of retail investors, and those companies related to Chen William have recovered their previous stock prices and even rose after Chen William returned safely.

However, it is still unacceptable for William Chen to get things done on his own head. Give Wall Street a chance.

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Chapter 542 When I hit my body, I knew it hurt free read: https://,!

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A small reminder, sacrificing a few fund companies is also...a more reasonable thing.

After all, hit the body, only know the pain.

What William Chen himself did not expect was that, after a few days at the Atlanta All-Star Carnival, the competition that this world-renowned top star participated in. At present, it seems that ATUSD has benefited the most.

Since the start of this Atlanta All-Star Carnival, ATUSD has accumulated an additional amount of more than 1 billion US dollars, of which more than 90% of ATUSD is exchanged by foreign currencies other than US dollars through paypal.

According to the statistics of the cooperative companies related to the All-Star Carnival, the ATUSD used in this competition and related peripheral products has exceeded 650 million US dollars, accounting for more than 65% of the newly issued ATUSD.

These ATUSD are mainly used in overseas regions of the United States for subscriptions to the Netflix streaming platform, rewards for the Live broadcast platform, and the purchase of related products for the Atlanta All-Star Carnival.

In addition, the AlphaGo, which appeared in the Atlanta All-Star Carnival and received a lot of shots, also because of its excellent performance and smart and convenient functional experience, orders increased suddenly, but because the factory\'s current production is limited, prepaid The order has been placed in the second quarter of next year.

Now the second robot automation factory dedicated to the production of alpha dogs is already working overtime to build this, but in addition, the expansion of the component supply chain is another problem that zero intelligence needs to face.

At the end of November, the Atlanta All-Star Carnival came to an end. In the first round, a total of 55 star guests were eliminated, and 15 of them, that is, three teams, were eliminated; in the second round, the remaining 40 stars Distinguished guests, 10 teams of 4 people in each team were randomly formed again to In this round, 4 teams were eliminated, that is, 16 people.

In the remaining rounds of competition, the two star guests who entered the final were finally decided.

And the star guests who were eliminated before did not lose the opportunity to compete for the final $50 million grand prize. All the eliminated guests can choose whether to stay in the carnival and participate in the final resurrection match. The resurrection match will be decided among the eliminated guests. Select a star to participate in the final together with the two star guests who have entered the final.

The final result was unexpected. The actor and singer Zoe, who got the chance to revive from the elimination group, won the final grand prize of 50 million US dollars. It can be said that her popularity is still worse than other big names. But in the end winning the championship, I have to say that there is also an element of luck, but it is really admirable to be able to persist to this extent.

In addition to winning the $50 million grand prize, at the same time, as the champion of the first Atlanta All-Clear Carnival, Zoe also won endorsement opportunities for multiple brands, and her popularity has greatly increased. The position of the star popularity list has also jumped significantly.

Provide you with the fastest update of "The Road to American Fame and Fortune" of the stubborn bronze saint!

Chapter 542 When I hit my body, I knew it hurt free read: https://,!
