America's Road To Fame

Chapter 541: small warning

The All-Star Carnival is being held, and William Chen is still conducting research on super batteries in a makeshift laboratory.

It does not mean that the finished product can be produced immediately by mastering the relevant technology. Different environments, materials and processes, these specific data parameters, all need to be tried.

And after the experiment is completed and the finished product is produced in the laboratory, it will also require many adjustments before entering the production process.

However, Chen William is still facing a problem. After he woke up, he was "surprised" to learn that three women had conceived a child for him, so he had three more chances to win the advanced lottery in [Send the Son of Goddess of Mercy].

In the three lottery draws, Chen William finally got an upgrade fragment of the [Heart of the Lord] again, and finally synthesized the upgrade crystal of the Heart of the Lord.

It\'s just that he did not use this [Upgrade Crystal] for the time being to upgrade the [Heart of Lord] on the statue of Poseidon, the God of Sea, on the central mountain range of Atlan Island.

Because through the [Upgrade Crystal], he also confirmed his previous guess, that is, after upgrading the [Heart of the Lord], the range of its halo effect will be expanded, from the previous 50 kilometers to 100 kilometers. .

So now the problem is coming. The statue of Poseidon, the **** of sea in the central mountain range of Atlan Island, is about 50 kilometers away from the nearest end of Majus Island. Most of the Marcus Island is covered in it.

In this case, the "streamer grass" and "vitality ball" that can only be planted on Atlanta Island at present, so they can be well kept secret, it will be destroyed, and someone may find it on Matus Island. In this case, private cultivation is thus carried out.

The most important thing is that Majus Island does not belong to the jurisdiction of Atlanta. It is the main island of Papua New Guinea\'s Majus Province, so there is insufficient control there.

Therefore, after hesitating, Chen William decided not to use [Upgrade Crystal] to upgrade [Heart of Lord] for the time being.

He intends to wait until he can have a certain degree of control over Machus Island. This time will not be too far away. With the advancement of the Yamashita economic circle plan, it is destined that Machus Island will be economically important to Atlanta. Dependency will grow.

By next year, the Yamaha Sea-Crossing Bridge will be completed and open to traffic.

At that time, it will take less than half an hour to drive from Atlanta to Machus Island, which is very convenient.

It will also greatly speed up the connection between the two sides in terms of economy and life, so that Machus Island will speed up and move closer to Atlanta Island and become a subsidiary satellite functional area of ​​Atlanta.

"U.S. Senator Mike Franken of Minnesota announced in the Senate on the 18th that he will resign in the next few days.

Mike Franken, nearly 41 years old, is a recognized political star of the Elephant Party and has been gaining support for his radical rhetoric.

Since last week, the Washington Post took the lead in exposing several photos of Mike Franken\'s suspected prostitution, several media outlets have successively reported his many scandals, including harassing subordinates and molesting underage men. child\'s allegations.

After the incident, a female intern on Capitol Hill came forward to publicly accuse Mike Franken of having verbal insinuations and even forced kisses. …

Allegedly, after Mike Franken announced his resignation, he will also be investigated by the US Department of Justice for his peach scandal..."

After reading the news, William Chen whistled and prepared to eat breakfast.

At this time, Cheng Biru walked into the restaurant with a satellite phone in his hand, and whispered in Chen William\'s ear:

"Mr. William, Mr. John Drey\'s phone."

Seeing Cheng Biru\'s well-fitting skirt, which highlighted her already mature figure, Chen William took the satellite phone she handed over and patted her tight spot, which made her a little bit jealous. Eyes, but at this time, the phone is in the state of answering, so she didn\'t say anything.

"Hey, uncle, how are you doing recently?"

Putting the phone to his ear, William Chen asked casually.

"I\'m fine, William."

John Drey\'s voice came from the phone, but he was full of energy. After a slight pause, he said with a bit of caution in his tone:

"You did what Franken did."

"Dear uncle, take it easy. This is just a small matter. Any American citizen will not stand by and watch a scum like Franken in such a situation."

This is the advantage of satellite phones. When SP Telecom\'s communication satellites are already quite large, if you use your own satellite phones, you don\'t have to worry about the possibility of being monitored.

John Del Rey is also an old fox. For this kind of thing, he will naturally choose to use the special satellite phone that Roger brought him to contact William Chen in a safe place.

"Yes, William, the matter of Franken is indeed not that serious, but like the party, the reaction to this kind of signs is very fast, and someone brought it up, and they don\'t want to continue to expand."

Hearing his uncle\'s words, Chen William got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the unobstructed sea outside, with a confident smile on his face, he said lightly to the phone:

"What happens in the future depends on what kind of result they want on their side. Since the mad dog Franken is going to be released to bite people indiscriminately, then the consequences will only be borne by them. This is just for the They are just a warning, I hope to be good to you and But when someone doesn\'t want to be nice, then I\'m not that good."

Regarding the reaction from the elephant party, William Chen was a little disdainful. It seems that they also know that their bottoms are not clean. This is quite normal. Among these politicians in Europe and the United States, especially those old white men, on the surface, one is more liberal and democratic than the other, and they are dirty behind the scenes. I am afraid that ordinary people can hardly imagine the dirty with the help of film and television works.

Just look at what the old confused man did after that, he was really a standard old white man, neither father and son were serious things.

As for the Loli Island created by Epstein, it is only the tip of the iceberg.

Of course, William Chen doesn\'t take his temper. As he said, this time it\'s just a warning to the other party. With the resources he has in hand, if he wants to get rid of a mad dog like Franken, it really shouldn\'t be too simple, even This matter does not need Chen William to come forward in person, and it can be done properly by Roger.

But judging from the performance of my uncle today, my cousin is really, and he didn\'t even talk about this to his father.

"In addition, William, about the recent Wall Street funds, the commander is a little worried about this. He wants me to tell you that he doesn\'t want to make too much noise at this time. After all, you know that the crisis that has just passed has made He\'s in some trouble next year."

John Del Rey\'s voice continued to come from the phone.

As for what he mentioned, it\'s actually very simple, but there are several funds that play short-selling again, and jointly publish a negative investigation report of the two companies in a financial media. \'s stock.

Uh, this routine is exactly the same as when Chen William lost contact with the previous time when he shorted Netflix, Tesla and other companies related to Chen William.
