America's Road To Fame

Chapter 529: Yang Mi's choice

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

As William Chen\'s physical condition stabilized—of course, including Ivanta, Paris, and other eyes around him.

I know that in fact, I have nothing to do at all, everything is due to the system.

In Chen William\'s second plane crash, only Chen William and Zhang Jiao and Cheng Bi survived.

Cheng Biru was in the Amazon jungle and was bitten by poisonous insects. After being rushed to the hospital for treatment, she has been rehabilitated in the hospital in Atlanta.

Zhang Jiao didn\'t have anything to do. After the plane crash, she was psychologically afraid of taking the plane. After being rescued, she showed it very clearly when she took the plane on the return journey. Therefore, I am afraid that she will no longer be able to work as a flight attendant in the future.

The other two pilots and five members of the **** were all killed.

His remains, and when rescued, were brought back to Atlanta.

However, Atlanta gave financial compensation, and after Chen William woke up, he also took some money and gave it to his family in his name.

In particular, the five members of the **** team, whose homes are all allowed to be granted the right of residence in Atlanta, will be properly taken care of.

Chen William specially visited Cheng Biru in the hospital, and now his complexion is wrong. The doctor said that his physical condition is no longer a problem, and he just needs to rest for a while.

After seeing Chen William, Cheng Biru was also very happy. After Zhizhi was rescued, he suddenly fell into a coma and never woke up. He was also very worried. Now that everything was normal with Chen William, he was relieved.

It can be said that although Zhang Jiao and Cheng Biru, it was all thanks to Chen William who used the energy shield at the moment to protect the two, so he was able to survive.

But the three shared the experience of handing over their lives to each other after three years of survival in the Amazon jungle, and the relationship and trust between them are also very unique.

Therefore, William Chen decided to take Cheng Biru back to the City of Liberty to continue recuperating until he fully recovered before returning to work.

Cheng Biru has a close relationship with Chen William\'s decision, so he has no objection.

As for Zhang Jiao, because of her psychological condition after the plane crash, she is already suitable to continue her job as a flight attendant. After seeking advice, William Chen will arrange to stay in Liberty City and be responsible for helping William Chen manage the mansion on Atlanta Island. maids and their waiters.

In this way, after making a proper arrangement for the two, William Chen began to devote his energy to the restoration of the famous business empire, and to thoroughly master the scientific and technological knowledge obtained by the technology tree lottery.

Knowing what Ivanta said to Paris, Paris would always accompany her during the evening. When William Chen asked, he naturally said:

"William, Ivanta all think that although the body has slowly recovered, it still needs attention, so I am completely at ease, and I hope to be able to control a little..."

Sure enough, knowing that Paris is pregnant, it is naturally convenient to learn knowledge together. I am afraid that Ivanta will decide to stare at herself after talking to Paris, and also look at it a little bit, after all, if Chen William really wants to Ivan What is the tower doing... Reasonable, I am afraid it is difficult to refuse the temptation.

Of course, there is no doubt that Chen William is also suspected of settling accounts in the autumn. After all, during the period of loss of contact and coma, it is difficult for the two girls to understand how rich and colorful Chen William\'s private life is.

Even though I had already made a lot of psychological preparations for this, it was the same, I know, I saw it with my own eyes - especially when the women gathered... when the grand occasion was right around the eyes - I felt exactly the same.

Hey, looking at eliminating the follow-up impact of a plane crash, it\'s so simple to take care of yourself, the women around you, and the many reports of the whole incident, the impact on the public is so simple and needs to be downplayed.

"Where are you going? Stay in Atlanta and return to China?"

In the garden of the City of Liberty, William Chen accompanied Yang Mi for a walk, waiting, although Yang Mi was pregnant, her belly was still obvious.

During the period of William Chen\'s birthday, Hou Huai, who went to Atlanta for "vacation", arrived now, and it was two months later.

Initially, after Chen William\'s plane lost contact, when he heard the news, Yang Mi was also very anxious when Hua Guo said that the relationship between the two - Chen William\'s only male, and after having known each other for a few years, he has regarded him as his own support - even if The entanglement of interests between the two is also difficult to keep things out of the way.

Therefore, after hesitating for a long time, he finally made up his mind and drove off to Atlanta Island alone, no matter how good or bad, he hoped to be the first to get the news about his man.

On the way to catch the plane, I suddenly felt very strong vomiting, and I felt very uncomfortable all the way.

After arriving at Atlanta, the hospital received some complicated news that she was pregnant.

There is no doubt that the child of William Chen, after all, the story of Maria only exists in mythology.

The mood is complicated. Being able to conceive Chen William\'s child has always been something that I have been looking forward to - when Liu Shishi, the third sister, was the first to conceive Chen William\'s child, and gave birth to a baby boy, it used to be quite delicious - but finally, finally Get what you want, but the father of the child is not yet alive, and the fate of life is somewhat impermanent.

No matter what, the decision is made, no matter what the result is, the child will be born.

Just because as a descendant of William this child can become one of the heirs of the world\'s largest business empire, then the will of William Chen announced by Tom Hanks has been guaranteed.

And as the man who likes to worship the most, he has always wanted to be able to give birth to a child for William Chen.

What\'s more, with Yang Mi\'s net worth, if Chen William has any accident, he doesn\'t need to rely on others at all, and his own strength is enough to ensure that the child will be rich enough to live a prosperous life.

The final result did not disappoint. William Chen miraculously returned home safely—although there were some twists and turns, but now, he was extremely satisfied.

"For the time being, I want to go back to China to arrange the company\'s affairs. When the day is approaching, I will cultivate by Atlanta."

Being held in Chen William\'s arms, Yang Mi put his head on his shoulder and said so.

For a moment, I felt extremely secure and stable.

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