America's Road To Fame

Chapter 500: Am I crossing into a primitive society?

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

When Chen William regained consciousness again, many pictures flashed in front of his eyes, the quiet and ordinary college life in his previous life, the struggles after graduation, and the encounter with his wife and marriage...

Then I saw Uncle Tom, Paris, Ivanta... After the subprime mortgage crisis, he became a super rich man, and he continued to expand his business territory. Ivanta\'s happy smile during the wedding was replaced by a dress Paris in the wedding dress, looking at him affectionately...

Suddenly, a ferocious face in a prison uniform stabbed the murder weapon in his hand into his body...

In a blink of an eye, he was in the seat of the "William", watching the plane rush to the ground...


Chen William "suddenly" sat up, gasping for breath, feeling that his body was covered with sweat.

This is where?

William Chen\'s last memory is that he was rescued by the rescue team led by Roger Del Rey in the Amazon jungle. He returned to the temporary camp, hugged Ivanta, and then the countdown ended...

He looked around and found himself sitting in a rudimentary shack made of bamboo and banana leaves, like an expanded version of the shelter he had built in the trees of the Amazon jungle.

In my ears, there was a faint sound of tidal water. When I looked up, I could see the beach and waves in the distance under the moonlight.

How did you appear here? Wasn\'t it just a dream that it wasn\'t rescued?

Or is it actually the one who just woke up from the crash now?

For a time, William Chen was a little confused.


Chen William suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him. He wanted to turn his head to look over. At this time, he suddenly felt a dizziness, as if someone had injected something into his brain, many scenes he had never experienced before. , like the acceleration of a movie, flashed in front of his eyes, and then William Chen fainted again.

"Shouldn\'t I have crossed into primitive society again..."

This was the only thought he had before he passed out.


When Chen William woke up again, he immediately felt two eyes. Beside him, there were two people watching him with concern.

One of them is a beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes, but at this time, she looks a little haggard, which makes her feel a little sicker...

She was only wearing a very short top and a pair of hot pants at this time, highlighting her wheat-colored toned and... broad-minded figure.

The other person beside her was a black buddy with exaggerated muscles and a gold chain as thick as a thumb on his neck, a bit like Dwayne Johnson, but when he laughed, um, right now, Quite a bit of a humble temperament.

"william, thank God, you finally woke up. Yesterday you fainted again. After we called the doctor, he said that your fever has subsided and your body is recovering well, but you have not woken up, and occasionally said some strange things, just We don\'t understand the pronunciation like in kung fu movies."

The blonde beauty said to William Chen excitedly.

"Dude, how are you, do you want us to call the doctor again?"

The black buddy like Dwayne Johnson also came over and asked with concern.

"It\'s alright, I feel fine now, I mean, at least better than yesterday."

Chen William rubbed his temples and talked to them. The headache gradually subsided. At this time, he already knew his current situation.

He didn\'t cross into any primitive society, but I\'m afraid it\'s not much better than that now.

In the future bank interface that he had been able to open, William Chen saw the news of such a task——

[Easter eggs open]:

Due to the excitation of Easter eggs, the user has now entered the random event - [Survivor], until the [Survivor] event ends.

In the [Survivor] event, the random associated technology tree lottery will be scored according to the user\'s performance in the [Survivor] event, and the corresponding technology tree lottery qualification will be obtained.

Friendly reminder: You have obtained the relevant memory of the host before the event, and this memory will gradually fade after the [Survivor] event ends, and will not affect the personality of the ontology memory. Please be sure to keep your "outsider" identity confidential.

Well, after seeing this news, William Chen had a general idea of ​​what happened before. When the plane crashed, he unintentionally inspired the [Easter Egg] prop.

The 72-hour countdown that existed in his future bank did not have much meaning, but the system reminded the user to deal with his own situation within this time, so as to safely enter this random event named [Survivor]. That\'s it.

He is still a little confused about the random event he is in now. Now William Chen\'s memory has something more, that is, some memories related to the former "host" of his body, so that he can know the current situation. the situation faced.

Fortunately, this body, whose original name was william, also avoided the embarrassing situation in which others called him in many cases, but he did not react to it.

I just don\'t know if the passage of time in this event - perhaps it can also be called a "copy" - is different from your original world?

He didn\'t want him to accidentally spend a month or more here. In his original world, he would be in a vegetative state for a month, which would be a bit troublesome.

But it doesn\'t seem to be the time to think about it now, he still has to face his current situation.

In the memory of william - let\'s call him his predecessor, the other party\'s English name is this -, Chen William knew that he was participating in a variety show called "Survivor".

This show is a very popular variety show for Ami, and it has a history of more than 20 years. This program, in simple terms, is to recruit a group of participants, and then go to an isolated island or other uninhabited environment in the wild. These people need to make their own shelter, collect food, and also need to play various competitions. The competition is divided into two types. Incentive and knockout rounds.

The reward game is to compete for food, pots, blankets, fishing nets and fishing rods and other living materials. The knockout game determines who can be exempted from being eliminated. After each knockout game, there will be a tribe meeting in the One vote per person for those who were eliminated that day.

In the early stage, everyone was divided into two or three tribes and competed among tribes, that is, the tribe that lost in the knockout round would be selected for elimination.

In the later stage, the merger of tribes will be carried out, and the elimination of votes at the tribal meeting will be carried out among all people, and everyone will compete to avoid elimination.

At the end, there will be two people left, and then all the people who are eliminated after the merger of the tribes will vote. The one with the most votes will be the champion, who will receive a $1 million prize.

William is an international student from China. Since he first saw "Survivor", he has become a fan of the show.

Last year, his parents both died in a car accident. After returning to China to deal with his parents\' afterlife, he returned to Ami again, feeling a little decadent for a while, so he simply signed up for "Survivor", but he didn\'t expect to be selected. Be part of this season.


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