America's Road To Fame

Chapter 474: amazon economic circle

On Matus Island, there is also an agricultural base invested by Atlanta, mainly for the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.

The scale of this agricultural base is also expanding with the growth of Atlanta\'s population.

Even so, the fruit and vegetable planting base on Matus Island still cannot fully meet the needs of the residents of Atlanta Island, because some of them also need to supply the needs of the local economic zone.

Therefore, Atlanta needs to re-import fruits, vegetables and grains from PNG as a supplement every day.

There are now three [Heart of Lord] upgrade fragments and one [Energy Shield] in William Chen\'s Future Bank inventory.

The three [Heart of the Lord] upgrade fragments were drawn from last year\'s Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year\'s Day lottery draws.

According to the instructions, five pieces of [Lord\'s Heart] upgrade fragments can be synthesized into [Lord\'s Heart] upgrade crystals, which can be used to upgrade [Lord\'s Heart].

Now, Chen William already has three of these fragments, and there are only two left to collect five, so as to synthesize upgrade crystals. Strengthening, he feels, is still worth looking forward to.

As for the [Energy Shield], it was the item obtained from the high-level lottery from the [Send Child Avalokitesvara] after Paris became pregnant——

[Energy Shield] A prop that can use energy to form a shield to resist damage. It can be used in critical moments to save one\'s life.

In Chen William\'s view, this prop is still very useful. After all, he now has wealth, power, and many women. Compared with these, his life and health are the most important.

And this [Energy Shield], according to its description, is able to resist the damage caused by certain external factors to oneself. At some point, this is equivalent to giving him an extra layer of protection. It is said that it is an extra life. It\'s too exaggerated.

When William Chen came to the eastern part of the Atlanta Economic Zone on Marcus Island, which is also an agricultural base in the central part of Marcus Island, a high-ranking official from Marcus Province came here from the provincial capital Lorengao. Meet William.

Machus Province is the smallest province in Papua New Guinea, mainly including Machus Island and some surrounding small islands and reefs, with a total area of ​​2,100 square kilometers, of which the area of ​​Machus Island accounts for more than 1,600 square kilometers. .

However, Majus Province has a water area of ​​more than 220,000 square kilometers and is relatively rich in marine resources.

The capital of the province of Marcus is located in Lorengo, on the eastern side of Marcus Island - before Atlanta invested in Marcus Island, Marcus Island had very little development area and most of the population was located in West, mainly near the capital Lorengo.

After Atlanta\'s economic zone was established on Majus Island, the economic zone in the west of Majus Island developed rapidly. Coupled with the establishment of agricultural bases, it can be said that nearly half of the area of ​​Majus Island is currently Developed by Atlanta, the province\'s economy has also developed by leaps and bounds.

It is no wonder that the Majus province attaches so much importance to Chen William\'s visit this time.

After all, the population of their main island was only 26,000 before, and the main industries were coconut farming and pearl harvesting, as well as a little tourism, because Matus is also well-known as an excellent diving resort, with rich and diverse marine ecology, coral reefs, Beaches and clear water.

In fact, the whole of Papua New Guinea is considered one of the underdeveloped countries in the world, and because of their geographical location, they have been under the shadow of Australia in the past. At that time, Machus Island even needed to help Australia to receive refugees to obtain income...

In the conversation with the senior officials of Mazusi, Chen William said that the economy between Atlanta and Mazusi is complementary, and the distance between the two sides is very close, and the Yamaha Sea Bridge is also under construction. The bridge across the sea will be completed, and the drive from Majus, Atlanta, will be within half an hour, and the connection between the two parties will be closer.

Therefore, with the cooperation between the two parties in the future, we hope to develop together and form an Amazon economic circle in the South Pacific.

The high-ranking officials of Majus Island are also very supportive of Chen William\'s statement, and welcome Atlanta to strengthen its investment in Majus province.

After all, in Papua New Guinea, those who can sit in this position are also more powerful in Majus. Compared with Papua New Guinea, seeing the rapid development of Atlanta in the past two years, who can move closer to that can make Marcus develops faster and allows himself to get more benefits, he is still very clear.

In fact, at the beginning, Atlanta would invest in Mazus Island, mainly because the infrastructure construction of Atlanta Island at that time, especially the construction of airports and wharfs, took time. In this case, Mazus Island It becomes the best transition location for logistics delivery.

Later, such as cement plants and refining bases, these pollution will be slightly larger, Chen William does not want to affect the environment of Atlanta Island, so he chose to be in the nearest to Atlanta Island. Island to do it.

Gradually, these projects formed the Atlantic Economic Zone of Majus Island.

Now, William Chen realized that the [Heart of the Lord] can be upgraded, so after the [Heart of the Lord] is upgraded, it is very likely that the scope of influence will expand accordingly.

At present, the influence range of [Heart of the Lord] is 50 kilometers, and the statue of Poseidon, the **** of sea, on the central mountain range of Atlanta Island, is just close to the nearest end of Majus About 50 kilometers.

Therefore, once the [Heart of the Lord] is upgraded, the scope of influence will be expanded, and the first to be covered is Majus Island.

It is precisely because of this that the importance of Machus Island to William Chen is becoming more and more obvious.

You must know that [Heart of the Lord] not only has many beneficial effects on the residents, but the current "Flower Grass" and "Energy Ball" can only survive within the range of [Heart of the Lord]. The economic value of the two, after this period of development, no longer needs to be said.

This is why Chen William proposed the concept of "Yama Economic Circle" for the first time today.

After sending off the people from Majus province, Chen William saw a little doubt on Li Ying\'s face and asked:

"See if you have something to say?"

"Just one thing I don\'t understand."

Li Ying said a little embarrassedly:

"Mr. William, why are you so eager to expand investment in Majus Island? After all, the population of Atlanta is only around 50,000, and there are still a lot of undeveloped areas. I feel that Majus Island is too fancy. Here, it belongs to Papua New Guinea after all.”

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