America's Road To Fame

Chapter 46: Assistant Erica

In the end, Erica agreed to William Chen\'s invitation. It just so happened that her appointment as a lecturer at NYU was coming up soon.

There are generally two types of teacher associations in American University: one is the promotion from assistant teacher professor to professor, and professors are often tenured, which is a relatively stable job; the other is lecturer, university professor. Lecturers in the school are generally on the appointment system. Generally, there will be an appointment period of 2 to 5 years. After the appointment period expires, it is necessary to re-seek the school\'s employment.

Erica\'s situation belongs to the latter category. After graduating, she got a two-year lecturer appointment at New York University, which happened to expire in September this year. She had already received an intention to continue the appointment at New York University, if nothing else. If so, she was going to agree to stay on.

Now William Chen proposed to invite her as his assistant, Erica agreed after thinking about it, so she would refuse the school\'s appointment after that.

Thinking that before he went to school, he had already hired a lecturer from New York University. Er, the school would not have any opinion on him, probably not, William Chen thought.

The assistant position provided by William Chen for Erica has a basic salary of $200,000 a year, which is twice Erica\'s annual salary as a lecturer at New York University at this time.

In addition, she will have an installation fee of 100,000 US dollars a year to buy cosmetics and daily clothing. After all, as a personal assistant, she often accompanies Chen William and attends some business events. Therefore, although she does not have to say what she wears If it is a luxury brand, it must have a certain style, and it must not embarrass Chen William.

The first time Erica accompanied William Chen as an assistant was to meet the director Andy Haring.

William Chen is no longer suitable for driving his sports car now, and he is also a little tired of driving, because in fact, the driving experience of sports cars is not so good, so he directly ordered an extended Rolls Rice Phantom, now finally arrived.

Normally, ordering a Rolls-Royce requires at least half a year of waiting time, but Chen William Chen used the authority of his own express black card to directly buy the current car reserved by others, so the time was much shorter.

Now a bodyguard is driving, with William Chen and Erica sitting in the back seat, and he can put his hand on Erica\'s black silky leg to help her test the quality.

Originally, Erica wanted to sit in the co-pilot, so how could William Chen allow this, not for other reasons, but mainly to reduce the fatigue of the journey, and to activate the blood circulation of her legs by the way, um, That\'s it.

The place agreed with Andy Haring was in a reception room of Paris\'s Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Seeing William entering the battle, the other party obviously seemed a little cautious. After all, William Chen was accompanied by a beautiful female assistant. , followed by two strong bodyguards like Xiaoshan, which is still very intimidating.

Andy Haring first took out his laptop and played a clip he shot to William Chen. Chen William had mentioned it before, to give him part of the funding, first select a clip from the script, and shoot it for him to see the effect.

This is mainly to see if the shooting style of the other party is in line with the original version of "Magic Mike". After watching the clips he shot, William Chen is still very satisfied, at least the film has a similar atmosphere to the original version.

"It seems that I only gave you 10,000 US dollars. How did you achieve this effect? ​​It looks very luxurious." William Chen asked curiously.

When it comes to movies, Andy Haring lost his initial restraint and began to say vividly: "After reading the script, I went to several dance clubs to observe and experience carefully. When I was shooting this clip , After I talked with the owner of a club, he directly charged a small amount of money and arranged for the handsome guys in the venue to help me shoot, so the effect was not bad."

William Chen was still very satisfied with Andy Haring\'s performance. He thought about it and asked, "If you come to make this movie, which actors are you going to hire?"

"Mr. William, what is your opinion?"

Hearing Andy Haring\'s words, William Chen smiled. This is really a director who knows what to do. He took the initiative to ask him about the actor\'s arrangement. However, he was a little overwhelmed, and William Chen\'s purpose was to hope that the film could produce better results.

I don\'t know how the actors in the original movie are now. Thinking of this, William Chen wrote down the names of the original actors who starred in the original movie, showed them to Andy Haring, and asked him: "Do you think these actors are suitable? ?"

He didn\'t expect that he really knew some of the actors here. After thinking about it, he said, "It\'s really suitable, but if we want to start shooting now, I don\'t know if their schedule is suitable."

"You are the director, I respect your opinion and try to use these actors as much as possible. If the schedule is not suitable, then find some that you think are suitable. My only requirement is to shoot according to my script and sub-shot script. After I finish, I will find someone to edit, it is best to have more time when signing an agreement with the actors, and maybe there will be a need for reshoots in the end." William Chen instructed Andy Haring.

Hearing that William Chen said this, Andy Haring felt a burst of excitement in his heart. He knew that this meant that William Chen had already set himself up as the director of this film. He said with a smile on his face: "Don\'t worry, Mr. William, I will do my best to make this movie well."

"Are there any problems with filming? How long do you expect the film to take?"

"The film I made before, some people are good, you can call over to set up the crew, and the remaining people, just ask the economic company to fill it up. If everything goes well, I expect to be able to shoot in three months. It\'s over." Andy Haring replied, he had studied the script and sub-scene script of the movie, there are not many scenes in "Magic Mike", and there are not many actors. The customers of the guest dance boys club, so the difficulty of shooting is not high.

"However, one thing to note is that there are still many dancers\' performances in this film, and there will be dance skills learning interspersed in the middle, so it is necessary to hire a few professional dancers to let the actors learn dance skills." Andy Haring remembered this and added.

"You\'re the director, you can handle all of this by yourself. I\'ll give you a budget of $7 million, do you think it\'s enough?"

"These need to be calculated by the producer, but in my experience, the actors are not too famous, the remuneration will be very low, and the sets are not complicated, so it should be enough."

William Chen is the producer of this film, but he certainly can\'t have time to spend three months with the crew, so he is mainly a producer in name and will check the final editing. After that, he will invite a producer from Hollywood to follow up with the team and supervise the use of funds.

After finishing the conversation with Andy Haring, William Chen also finally decided on the director of "Magic Mike", the next thing is much easier, he just needs to make sure that Andy Haring can successfully complete the film.

I hope he won\'t let himself down, at least he can shoot according to the sub-shot script he provided, so that the final editing can be smoother, and there is no need to make up shots.

After having lunch with him at the Waldorf Astoria, William Chen took Erica back to the office in Building 666.

Erica used to come here every day, but this was the first time she came here as Chen William\'s assistant. William Chen took her and re-introduced Erica\'s identity to the company\'s main management, including Nielsen, manager of the equity investment department, John Paulson, manager of the securities investment department, and Joss, the head of the trading team.

After learning that Erica is now William Chen\'s assistant, they all exchanged contact information with Erica. After that, some accounts or project briefs that need to be reported will be sent to her first, and then submitted to William Chen.

Of course, these are general reports. If it is a more important matter, they will still contact William Chen directly.

After arranging an office for Erica in the room next to William Chen\'s office, some of Anne\'s work will directly serve William Chen in the future, such as informing visitors, making coffee, and organizing the office, which will be handed over to Erica. to do it. UU reading www.

Naturally, after learning about this, Annie\'s attitude towards Erica was not so enthusiastic. Although it wasn\'t too obvious, Erica could easily feel it.

However, she doesn\'t care too much about this, because as Chen William\'s assistant, she only needs to care about Chen William alone. As for what happened to other people, as long as it didn\'t affect her work, she didn\'t care at all.

Not long after, Erica came to William Chen\'s office again and told him that Ms. Alicia had arrived.

Alicia took the initiative to meet with William Chen. Before, Gared came to find William Chen and proposed to him a new plan to renovate Building 666. That is the plan, which gave William Chen some other ideas.

However, regarding the operability of the idea, William Chen still needs to demonstrate in multiple ways. Before, he has consulted Nielsen on related issues. He has worked in Deloitte Consulting Company before. As a world-class consulting company, he has also encountered He has been to many relevant cases, so through him, Chen William\'s thinking can be improved.

And calling Alicia here today is to reduce the chance of making mistakes at the legal level. William Chen saw Alicia walk into his office. She was wearing a burgundy shirt and black trousers today. Although her height was not as slender as Erica and Ivanta, she was still taller than 170 cm. The proportions are still good, and there is a mature and intellectual charm in every gesture.

Coming to William Chen\'s side, Alicia gave a clear answer to his question, and explained some of the points that need to be paid attention to. After this conversation, Chen William filled up some loopholes in his plan, and he felt that it was very feasible.