America's Road To Fame

Chapter 447: Atlanta's plan

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

The above can be said to be the "vegetable basket" project of Atlanta.

Next, it is about the introduction of talents from Atlanta. At present, there are more than 5,000 permanent residents on the island of Atlanta, but there are only more than 300 people who have the right to reside in Atlanta. Most of them are the Atlanta Management Committee and the Southern Cross. Some personnel of the security company, and a few, are specially approved professionals.

The rest, all have obtained work visas in Atlanta, but because the time is less than five years, they are not eligible to apply for residency without special approval.

At most, it has been less than two years since the Atlanta Management Committee began to issue visas. Therefore, after more than three years, there will be a large number of applications for converting work visas into residency rights in Atlanta.

At this meeting, Nelly Fischer, a human resources member of the Atlanta Management Committee, proposed that in order to make the structure of Atlanta more stable, it is suggested that from now on, a limited number of open residency rights can be opened. Residential rights are limited to 500 places each year. By scoring the "Magic Mirror System" among the applicants, ranking them, selecting the top 500, and granting the right of residence to Atlanta Island.

This measure has been in place for three years until the current Atlanta residents begin to reach the five-year eligibility period on a large scale.

Why does Atlanta need to control the issuance of residency rights? This is the same reason that many countries restrict the issuance of citizenship rights. On the one hand, it can control the overall quality of naturalized personnel and prevent some people with low quality from entering.

On the other hand, having the right of residence in Atlanta will also enjoy more welfare benefits. Therefore, in order to reflect that these benefits are a measure to give back to the residents who have contributed to the island of Atlanta, this right of residence is also Careful distribution is required.

With the right of residence in Atlanta, not only can you obtain higher consumption subsidies, but also have more preferential treatment for residents, such as free medical care for all, free education all the way to high school, lower public rental housing rents and even exemptions. rent etc.

The proposal put forward by Human Resources Commissioner Nelly Fisher was also approved at this meeting. After formulating more detailed and complete regulations, it will be promulgated to all residents and the application for residency rights will begin this year.

The next project was proposed by Law Commissioner Alicia, who suggested splitting the defense and security departments of Southern Cross Security Company to form a police system directly under the Atlanta Management Committee.

The future Southern Cross Security Company will only keep the part responsible for the defense of the island and become the foreign defense force employed by Atlan Island.

With the increase of residents in Atlanta, more personnel are needed to maintain order and safety. Therefore, Alicia suggested to form a group directly under the Atlanta Management Committee, consisting of fire, security and traffic. Duties constitute the police force.

One thing that Alicia did not directly say is that after cutting the defense and security of Southern Cross Security Company, the different responsibilities inside and outside can be more clearly defined, while limiting the power of Southern Cross Security Company.

Her proposal was finally approved. In fact, everyone felt it. When the population of Atlanta Island was not large, the internal security and external defense were handed over to Southern Cross Security Company. To be responsible, and not too many problems.

However, with the increase of personnel, it would be a bit confusing to carry out these management by such a company. Internally, it is most appropriate to use the most common police system to maintain order.

After that, William Chen\'s **** team, as well as the security personnel responsible for Atlanta Island, including members of the management committee and other important personnel, will also be independent, and the Atlanta Island Security Bureau will be responsible.

In addition, it is about the development of science and education in Atlanta.

In the second half of this year, Atlanta University will start its first phase of enrollment. The faculty of Atlanta University, in addition to its partner universities, including New York University, and professors from some universities in Australia and New Zealand, will come here for short-term exchanges. In addition, Atlanta has also recruited many world-renowned scholars with good salaries to come to Atlanta to teach.

As for the source of students of this school, in addition to some local residents of the school age in Atlanta, there are also exchange students from partner schools, and several well-known schools in China, Atlanta provides high scholarships to attract them. of high-quality students.

These students who have received high scholarships and living allowances have only one requirement, that is, after graduation, they can work freely in Atlanta for two years.

In addition to the construction of the Atlanta School, due to the discovery of the two magical species "Flower Grass" and "Energy Ball", the Atlanta Management Committee, with the support of Chen William, is also preparing to invest a huge amount of money in Atlanta. Lan Island established a biotechnology laboratory and hired top scholars to come here to conduct research on these plants.

At the same time, near the central mountain range, the Atlanta Management Committee will also build a huge data center and customize the most advanced supercomputers to provide data and computing power support for the development of Atlanta.

This time, the meeting lasted from afternoon to evening, and finally determined the development plan of Atlanta Island for a period of time in the future, starting from the establishment of the Atlanta Management Committee, and now, Atlanta Island has initially developed, Owning some industries, it has also gained a certain reputation in the world.

As a result of all this, in addition to Chen William\'s investment, the Atlanta Management Committee, with Erica as the chief member, also played a very important role.

After this meeting, William Chen left with Erica and went to her residence. After that, he would also have a deep discussion with Erica about some plans for the future of Atlanta Island.

When he woke up in the morning, William Chen looked at Erica lying in his arms. From the earliest acquaintance with her to now, it can be said that among his many women, Erica is the one he trusts the most, which is why , the reason why William Chen will hand over the responsibilities of the chief member of the Atlanta Island Management Committee to her.

Chen William now owns a lot of properties. Among them, Atlanta Island will be the foundation of his future. Therefore, the manager of Atlanta Island must need someone who can trust him the most to guard it for him. Chen What William chose was Erica.

At present, she is doing very well, and he also used the [Ability Enhancement Scroll] that William Chen obtained before on Erica, which made her management ability further, and became a management master. .

Thinking of the last time last night, Erica said in his ear that she also wanted a child, Chen William smiled, and it seemed that he still had to work harder.