America's Road To Fame

Chapter 442: AT Cup

In this case, Chen William simply said directly that he could cover his eyes, and the person caught this time would not be rude and would need to be punished.

Because Milanda was caught by Chen William unlucky several times before, so at this time, including Ember and Dalula, they were all somewhat confident, and Milanda also said that if this time she still If you get caught, you must be punished.

So in this way, Chen William returned to the cliff, and after covering his eyes with a cloth strip, a fierce man plunged into the sea below...

After entering the sea, Chen William had already observed the direction of the three women before, and he had taken the [Dragon Ball]. In the sea, he was very handy. In addition, Chen William\'s own super perceptual ability, so after a while. Things were quiet, and they felt the direction of the three women. They had been alerted at this time. After the water waves emitted when they were swimming, they dived in their direction.

Well, among the three girls, Miranda is the tallest, while Dalula and Aimebo have similar physiques, and Miranda has been caught several times before, so she is swimming at this time. , The one who moved the most should be Milanda.

Thinking that if she can catch Miranda every time, her reaction must be very interesting, so Chen William chased in the direction with the strongest fluctuations from the perceptual swimming.

As he approached, the fluctuations he could perceive became more and more obvious, so in the end, William Chen successfully hugged him, and in her exclamation, he picked him up lazily.

"Haha, you can\'t be rude this time, you should still bear the punishment!".

William Chen said proudly.

However, after he lifted the other party up, she felt that her reaction was somewhat different, and she didn\'t know if she didn\'t want to be recognized by him. Make noise.

Oh? It seems a little strange. Chen William thought so, and moved his hand up...

With his diligence in learning knowledge, it was easy to notice the difference in his hand. Chen William pulled down the cloth strips from his eyes and looked at what was in his arms at this time, with a shy look on his face. Dalula...

Miranda and Ember had already taken this opportunity to swim to the shore, beckoning to him, and then they sat on the deck chairs on the shore.

At this time, Chen William just let go of Da Lula, but he saw her turn around like an octopus, saying that he hugged him, and he didn\'t mind Chen William\'s special state at this time...

There was a certain light in Dalula\'s eyes, she looked directly at Chen William, and then kissed his lips...

At this time, Ember and Miranda, who were on the shore, could only see William Chen and Dalula, who gradually swam to the distance, until they reached the teacher in the distance, and they were blocked and disappeared. figure.

As for what will happen at this time, they will each have their own brains that are roughly the same, but the details are different, and the two look at each other and smile.

What will happen to William Chen and Dalula during this vacation? For them, even William Chen and Dalula themselves, it seems that it is not difficult to guess, but when will everything happen? , it\'s just something worth guessing.

But at this time, it seems that this is no longer a guess.

This island is already Chen William\'s private island at this time. On the coast where several people are playing, no one else will come. Therefore, at this time, Chen William does not need to worry too much. The only thing that may hinder , that is, in sea water, the resistance of the action will be slightly larger.

It\'s just that these are not challenges for Chen William, who has taken [Dragon Ball] and is a world swimming champion, and he himself likes to learn all kinds of knowledge, so this special situation On the contrary, I have more motivation to learn, as well as the perception of knowledge...


After a few days of vacation, William Chen and the others left Langai Island. He returned to Atlanta Island and joined his personal assistant.

It can be said that this period of vacation has indeed allowed him to learn a lot of new knowledge, and Dalula’s performance later made William Chen doubt whether she would have the possibility of reuniting with Musk in this world. now...

At this time, Atlanta is about to usher in a new event. After all the facilities are ready, the Atlanta station of this year\'s GT Championship will be held here.

At this time in Atlanta, GT teams from all over the world have gathered and are about to compete here.

At the specified time every day, the roundabout road in Atlanta will be opened, and the racers of these teams will be familiar with the test drive of the venue.

Because the roundabout road in Atlanta has been specially designed, all the intersections of the road are designed to be three-dimensional intersections, and there will be no intersections that require traffic lights.

Therefore, it can be said that the entire road around the island of Atlanta is very smooth, and there will be no traffic lights to interfere in the whole process, and the entire road around the island can be run in one go.

Even if it is open to racing cars for practice, it will not greatly affect the normal driving load of the roundabout road, but on the day of the official competition, the entire roundabout road needs to be closed to prevent other vehicles from interfering with the competition.

But fortunately, by now, the road network of the entire Atlanta Island has been relatively complete, especially the Central Avenue, a main channel that leads directly to the north and south ends of Atlanta Island, even if the road around the island is temporarily closed, it will It will not have much impact on the day-to-day operations of the entire Atlantic Island.

In fact, the sub-stations of the entire GT Championship are just a test of the waters of Atlanta\'s involvement in the field of racing events.

What William Chen really values ​​is the electric car racing event in the future, and he holds a stake in Tesla, and will hold a special electric car event in Atlanta after accumulating organizational experience in the GT Championship.

That will also be after the delivery of Tesla\'s Model S officially In William Chen\'s plan, there will be a subsequent event with the Model S as the basic model, and each team will be invited to conduct limited trials on it. An electric car race after modification.

This event, which will be named AT Cup, will be different from the electric car event FE, which will be benchmarked against F1 events in the future.

AT Cup, the participating models will use Model S as the basic model, the purpose is to promote electric vehicles, so this competition will cooperate with Tesla.

It\'s just predictable that at the beginning, the scale and influence of the competition would definitely not be comparable to F1 or even the GT Championship, but with the rise of the trend of electric vehicles, the influence of this competition will also will get bigger.

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