America's Road To Fame

Chapter 428: Carnival idea

At present, the holding of the League of Legends S1 season finals this time has a very good effect on the promotion of various industries in Atlanta.

Therefore, encouraged by this incident, Chen William gradually came up with a grander vision, that is, to bring together the most popular stars in the world for an event, which can also be said to be an entertainment program. Good results.

It\'s just that the specific rule setting needs to be carefully demonstrated and designed.

To this end, William Chen began to convene professionals related to variety shows and competitions to discuss and design this major event, which will be named the Atlanta All-Star Carnival.

First of all, if this event wants to be sensational enough to attract global attention, it must gather the most popular stars in the world, including actors, singers, athletes, hosts, etc., and those who can achieve a certain level of popularity. among the invitations.

To this end, it is related to another plan of William Chen, that is, he plans to rely on data such as Meta Cloud and Alibaba Cloud, plus data capture software specially designed for this purpose, and use his global big data analysis agency to produce global celebrity popularity list.

This list will calculate the popularity value of a celebrity from multiple dimensions. Through the frequency of media reports, the frequency of being mentioned on the Internet and other data, through the most suitable formula, the global popularity value can be calculated.

With such a list, it is a strategic weapon for the entertainment empire controlled by William Chen.

And through this list, he can also define the star threshold for the carnival he will hold in Atlanta in the future.

I believe that with the participation of many of the most popular stars in the world, this carnival will definitely attract the attention of the world to Atlanta.

Another question is how to make these most popular stars willing to participate in this carnival? First of all, for celebrities, exposure is the most important thing, so as long as the carnival has enough attention, they will be willing to participate.

And this carnival will not be held by Chen William alone. He will be jointly organized by entertainment, fashion, consumer and other company brands. In this case, such as those fashion brands - LVMH\'s brands, and HC Fashion Group\'s brands, or even Sports brands such as Nike and Adidas will naturally encourage their spokespersons to participate in this carnival in order to gain higher exposure and generate advertising effects.

The spokespersons of these fashion and sports brands will definitely be very popular stars.

In the end, it is driven by interests. Since such a world-scale carnival is held, the final championship bonus must definitely attract these extremely high-income stars.

If the ordinary bonus is not attractive enough for these stars, how about the $100 million bonus?

You know, in last year\'s global star income list, the highest annual income was the talk show queen Oprah, who earned $165 million in 2011.

And William Chen\'s global star carnival this time is going to be held in a month. In this case, to get the final championship income of 100 million US dollars a month, I am afraid that it is very attractive for any star. Bar.

And in fact, even if the final prize is 100 million US dollars, I am afraid that all this money will not have to be taken out by Chen William at all, and all the well-known brands in the world will be united to allow them to appear in this carnival, and the family will pay some "admission fees". "In the end, not only will he not have to pay the bonus, but after the scale is expanded, he may still be able to make money.

After all, if this kind of carnival has always been held in Atlanta, then in fact, many carnival facilities are a one-time investment and can be used for a long time afterwards.

So after the world\'s most professional people in variety shows and entertainment events arrived in Atlanta through his assistant team, William Chen asked these people to sign a non-disclosure agreement and took them to Atlanta. The "Future" on the island\'s pier started a sea trip to the Magic Capital of China.

In this journey, these people need to brainstorm to improve the rules and procedures of this carnival event.

The first is the number of guests invited to this carnival. In Chen William\'s view, the more the better, but since this will be the first time it will be held, it is necessary to accumulate experience and avoid too many complicated settings due to the large number of people. Therefore, these The "competition experts" suggested that the number of people in the first session should be maintained between 20-40 people, and if it exceeds 50 people, it will be more difficult to control.

However, with the experience gained later and the gradual improvement of the process, it is also possible to continue to expand the number of guests, and even reach a scale of over 100.

As for the selection of guests, we need to follow up with various top brands, but since we want to achieve the effect of global attention, we must choose the most popular stars in the world, but we also need to adapt to different regions, such as large In China, many stars may not be as famous globally as European and American stars, but they are top-notch in this region and can also be invited.

Next, it is the form of the game, because the number of people will not be too small, and William Chen hopes to play the game within the scope of the entire island of Atlanta, so after the "game expert" discusses it, it is recommended to use the form of a chessboard, or The game is said to be played in a form similar to the Monopoly game.

It is to simulate a specific area of ​​the entire Atlanta Island into a chessboard, or a map similar to the "Monopoly game". All the guests determine their positions on the chessboard through geolocation, and finally show on the show~www or in the big screen display during the game, the position of the guests will be demonstrated in the form of this "virtual chessboard".

Then the guests decide the distance or direction of their progress through some mechanism, which can be a dice roll or some kind of random event. The guests who finally meet will face off through a competition, and decide to eliminate or increase or decrease the score.

In this way, if there are too many people at the beginning, the guests can also randomly draw lots to form a team through certain rules, so that the group stage will be played first, and then after the number of people is eliminated to a certain level, each guest can disband the team and use their own personal Continue the game in name.

Of course, the rules of team formation must be balanced, and the strengths of each guest must be taken into account. For example, the same team needs to be good at knowledge, athletes with excellent athletic ability, and those with excellent communication skills, etc... …

Otherwise, if one team is full of athletes and the other pair is full of singers, it is very likely that they will eventually meet a physical fitness competition, and the singer team will stop.

Moreover, the project setting of the competition also requires more trade-offs. It is impossible to say that the physical requirements are too high. It is enough to maintain it at a level that is slightly difficult for ordinary people. Otherwise, it may be difficult for non-athlete guests.

In addition, other types of competitions also need to be set up. The purpose is that everyone can have their own type of competition and complete the group stage through team cooperation.

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