America's Road To Fame

Chapter 427: sought-after product

After the global finals of the S1 season, Yang Mi came to New Zealand directly from Atlanta to visit her when she got the news that Liu Shishi had given birth smoothly.

However, after seeing the son born by Liu Shishi, she still had some ideas in her heart. After all, this is Chen William\'s first son, and it is likely that he will inherit his property in the future.

At this time, she was also depressed again. She knew Chen William earlier, and the two of them studied more often, but Liu Shishi succeeded in getting pregnant at the first meeting. How could this make sense?

However, for Chen William, there is not much idea of ​​the eldest son inheriting the family business. After all, his family business is really too big. Many people may envy to be able to inherit this kind of power, but this kind of power is also very difficult. Isn\'t it a burden?

After all, even if you enjoy it all your life, how much can you spend? In the end, this enjoyment will gradually wear away the happiness it brings. To undertake these undertakings, it takes effort, which is simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

Therefore, Chen William has long thought that his career will only be inherited in the form of a family forever, and all children, if they do not have the ability to match, he would rather the other party just focus on their interests in a wealthy life .

It will be 2012 when Chen William and Yang Mi have accompanied Liu Shishi, mother and son, and return to Atlanta.

After the Gulfstream G550 landed at the airport on Atlanta Island, Yang Mi said that she would pick up some friends first.

It turned out that she also invited a few of her best friends to come to Atlanta to play. After all, it was January in China, and the climate was already very cold, and Atlanta has a climate of more than 20 degrees in all seasons, which is very suitable for vacation.

"In addition to helping you promote Atlanta, your AT skin care products are really hard to buy. They want to come here to experience the AT skin care center and see if they can buy them in Atlanta."

Yang Mi said this to Chen William.

The global finals of the League of Legends S1 season this time have a good publicity effect on some industries in Atlanta.

Just like the AT skin care products among them, under the word of mouth of the first group of celebrities who came to Atlanta to try the AT skin care center, after the HC fashion group launched AT skin care products, this set contains the magic ball of vitality. The ingredients in skin care products have been well received and are very popular.

Correspondingly, the price of AT skin care products is also unbearable for ordinary people. A complete set of AT skin care suits is priced at $19,999, and due to the production volume at this time, only limited online reservations are accepted.

All customers who participate in the online limited booking can enjoy the benefits of global direct delivery. After they leave their delivery address, they will be delivered by HC Fashion Group.

Although the high price of the $20,000 bonus is indeed prohibitive for ordinary people, because of its anti-sky effect, it cannot stop everyone\'s enthusiasm for snapping up.

The first batch of 10,000 sets of AT skin care products released on the official website of AT Skin Care Company was sold out in just one week, and this time it was 200 million US dollars.

Therefore, it is still easy for women to earn money. As long as they can satisfy their beauty-loving nature, making money is simply faster than robbing a bank!

It is also for this reason that the planting plant of Vitality Ball is currently working overtime to expand on Atlanta Island.

As Chen William\'s women, including Yang Mi, they have already obtained AT skin care kits and are using them.

These girlfriends of Yang Mi also aroused the desire to obtain this kind of beauty-defying beauty after trying out her AT skin care set. Because they didn\'t buy the products on the official website in time, I hope they will first Come and experience it at AT Skincare Center in Atlanta.

It\'s not just Yang Mi, Paris has more people to deal with, but because of the characteristics of the vitality ball, the effect of the essence in the place of origin in Atlanta is the best, while in other places, the effect is worse than that. Compared with other cosmetics, it is much better, but it is still not as good as the effect of Atlanta.

Of course, her reason for going outside is that because of the special geographical and natural environment of Atlanta, the effect of skin care is better. If you open an AT skin care center in other places, the effect will not be so perfect.

But even so, because the first batch of AT skin care kits have been sold out at this time, there are still too many people who hope to open a skin care center in the United States.

Therefore, after the discussion, the AT Skin Care Center in the Meta Future Building in New York is listed in the plan...

In addition to AT skin care, the streamer paint also became popular because of the streamer version of the Model S electric sedan unveiled at the opening ceremony of the League of Legends S1 season global finals.

After other car companies saw the cool effect of the streamer paint, they all sent personnel to contact the streamer paint company, hoping to get the streamer paint from them and use it on their own cars.

However, because of the limitation of production, the current streamer paint does not have much surplus products outside of Tesla.

But William Chen also knows that it is impossible to say that this kind of paint is only for Tesla. Even if he is a major shareholder of Tesla, his support at this time is enough. Sooner or later, he needs to open up the streamer. Sale of car paint.

It\'s just that with the current production and price, UU Kanshu For popular models or even entry-level luxury cars, there is no need to use streamer paint, and it is necessary to maintain the high quality of this paint.

Therefore, in the current surplus production, only a few ultra-luxury car brands are finally approved, which will be applied to luxury models such as Rolls-Royce and Bentley, as well as top models of super-car brands such as Porsche and Ferrari.

It is precisely because of this that Tesla\'s Model S will not only be the only model with a streamer paint that can be purchased under $500,000, but also the only mass-produced model.

The streamer paint quotas obtained by other brands can only be applied to their own limited-edition cars. Anyway, the production is limited now. Anything is better than nothing, and it can better demonstrate the force of their limited-edition models.

Of course, whether it\'s streamer paint or AT skin care products, their miraculous effects did not fail to attract the attention of some interested people. According to Roger, in the past half month, the purpose of the investigation on Atlanta Island was suspicious. , the number of people who are most likely to be commercial spies has reached double digits.

Although some people were expelled from Atlanta after being discovered, it is not ruled out that there are people who really brought the two magical species, streamer grass and vitality ball, out of Atlanta.

However, Chen William is not too worried about this. Anyway, these two kinds of plants will not continue to survive after they leave the range.

But this special substance actually exists in the products of both, if it can really be synthesized? Hehe, how can it be so simple for the future bank products?