America's Road To Fame

Chapter 42: lip print

"William, let\'s go over there. Let me introduce you to the sponsor of this charity gala." Ivanta took Chen William\'s hand with a spring breeze and walked to the side of the hall.

Two days ago, Ivanta invited Chen William to attend a charity party with her. Tonight, William Chen was also dressed up to attend, because this was the first time Ivanta had invited him to such a party, so he deliberately wore his favorite suit.

It was a set that he specially went to Manhattan to find Martin Greenfield, a top tailor who had made suits for many American leaders and various celebrities. At that time, William Chen ordered a total of 10 suits. This set is gun gray. is his favorite piece.

When Ivanta first saw Chen William in the evening, her eyes lit up and she said, "William, you are so handsome today, you are just perfect."

"I only found out today? I\'m a little disappointed." William Chen joked.

"It\'s only today...I couldn\'t help but say it, I\'m satisfied." Ivanta sneered for a while.

"Haha, Ivanta, you are the perfect one. Your evening dress today is too beautiful, but it\'s still less than 1% of your beauty. I\'m afraid it will take away the beauty of all the women in the audience."

This is not a polite compliment. William Chen thought so from the heart. After all, Ivanta tonight was also well-dressed. The golden evening dress was more than enough to control with her beauty and perfect figure, which made William Chen bear it. Unstoppably amazed.

The so-called charity gala, of course, is a charity auction. Most of the auction items this time are provided by the organizer. In the previous auction, William Chen bought a collector\'s edition of Tiffany necklace with US$250,000. It is said that this necklace is Audrey Hepburn\'s famous one It was worn in the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany\'s", and William Chen gave it to Ivanta, which also made her very happy. After all, who doesn\'t like Audrey Hepburn, can get this necklace, Ivanta It feels very meaningful.

Of course, William Chen will not favor one over the other. He also used $250,000 to shoot a Hermes collector\'s edition bag. This bag is all made of bright red crocodile leather, has a size of 30 cm, and is inlaid with 18K white gold and diamonds. Still brand new.

This bag was originally bought by an anonymous collector at the beginning of the year for $210,000, but I didn\'t expect it to appear at today\'s auction. Therefore, William Chen bought it directly with 25 dollars and planned to give it to Paris. I believe she will definitely like it.

"William, this is the initiator of this charity gala, Mrs. Murdoch."

Ivanta introduced William Chen after an affectionate hug with a Chinese woman.

"Hello, Ms. Wendi Deng, today\'s party is great." William Chen shook hands with her in a gentlemanly manner and greeted her in Chinese. Since he came to this world, this was the first time he had a conversation with someone in Chinese, and it felt good.

"Oh, William, I\'ve wanted to meet you for a long time. You look even better in person. Thank you for your love for charity today."

Deng Wendi was a little surprised to hear that William Chen spoke to her quite fluent Chinese, but she immediately realized that the handsome young man in front of her had half Chinese blood, and she immediately felt relieved.

Even before, he had never spoken Chinese in public. Now that he can speak Chinese so fluently, Wendi Deng was very surprised. She also spoke to William Chen in Chinese naturally.

At this time, Wendi Deng was still Murdoch\'s third wife, Wendi Deng Murdoch. Just a few years after William Chen\'s previous life, she would officially divorce Murdoch, which became a global sensation at the time.

In his previous life, William Chen had seen a lot of reports and news about Deng Wendi from the media and the Internet. He was described in those reports as a very scheming woman.

But at this time, after many things, William Chen has deeply understood a truth: in this world, you can\'t rely on media reports or rumors to think that you know a person at any time.

Chasing shadows and interpreting other people\'s words and deeds from various angles are all too common in media reports. The established images in the media can only be used as a reference at most. If you want to know a person, it is the most reliable to contact them in person.

Everyone has many sides, and they often show different sides to different people, and people can also change. He has a deep understanding of this in Paris, so facing Deng Wen at this time Di, William Chen will not use those previous reports to presume her image, but will only regard it as a friend she just met, that\'s all.

"Are you speaking Chinese? I don\'t understand." The conversation between the two made Ivanta on the side bewildered and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Haha, Ivanta, you know that I\'m from China, and I\'m still a compatriot with William, so I chatted in Chinese." It seems that Deng Wendi and Ivanta have a good relationship, and the words are very close. She took Ivanta\'s hand and said jokingly, "This is the first time Ivanta has brought the opposite **** to me. You guys look like a perfect match like a golden boy and a beautiful girl."

Regarding Deng Wendi\'s ridicule, even Ivanta showed a bit of shyness. She said coquettishly, "Wendi, we are just friends, don\'t talk nonsense."

"You are friends now, not necessarily in the future. You are all very good people, and it is also a matter of fate to meet." I wonder if Chinese women at this age have a hobby of matchmaking, Deng Wendi seems to be is also like this.

Well, Chen William doesn\'t have a hard time saying anything about this scene, so he can\'t deny it. The girl said it was reserved. If he also denied it, Ivanta might have meant something else.

But fortunately, Deng Wendi is also able to grasp the degree of jokes, just a few jokes, the three of them chatted about other things. He also deliberately chatted with Chen William about her time in China. He was afraid that he would not understand some things, so he made some special explanations.

Although the predecessor of Chen William\'s body can really only be regarded as a second-generation Chinese, but his soul is a pure Chinese, so he and Deng Wendi have a lot of topics, and they chat more happily, after all, up to now , there are not many opportunities for him to communicate with others in Chinese like this.

Knowing that William Chen is now the owner of Twitter, Wendi Deng also said that she has signed up for Twitter and followed each other with him. In general, the relationship between the two can be regarded as friends. Although Deng Wendi\'s appearance doesn\'t quite match her own aesthetics, and her age difference is a bit different, but if she\'s just a friend, Chen William still admits that she has her own unique charm, and getting along with her will feel like a spring breeze ,very comfortable.

"How are you feeling tonight, William."

At the end of the dinner, William Chen drove Ivanta back. He and Ivanta\'s bodyguards both drove their cars and followed behind. When William Chen parked the car at the door of Troup\'s headquarters building, Ivanta smiled at Chen William said.

"Yes, I met some friends, especially with you. I\'m very happy, Ivanta." Ivanta opened the car windows a little, and the evening wind came in, and her hair fluttered, letting him look at her. Chen William, a hint of being lifted up in his heart.

"You had a good chat with Wendi."

"Ms. Wendi Deng? She\'s your friend, isn\'t she? So I also regard her as a friend, and it\'s true that I rarely have the opportunity to communicate with others in Chinese, so I feel intimacy."

Seeing that the two of them stopped the car and never got off, William Chen\'s bodyguard was very discerning. He stopped the car about five meters away from the sports car they were in, and waited there. And Ivanta\'s bodyguard had already parked the car and stood at the door of the building waiting for Ivanta.

"Looks like I need to learn Chinese." Ivanta said suddenly.

"?" William Chen looked at her suspiciously, wondering why she suddenly had such an idea.

"This will make you feel more intimate, and next time you chat with Wendi in Chinese, I can chat together." Ivanta laughed and said briskly.

"This is a good idea. There is a free Chinese teacher in front of you. You can think about it."

"Look at your performance." After Chen William finished speaking to Ivanta, she nodded and opened the car door.

"I\'ll go back first, William, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Just when William Chen thought she was about to get out of the car and leave, Ivanta suddenly approached him and left a lip print on his face.

"Thank you for your present today, William, I like it very much. Of course, I would be happier if you hadn\'t photographed that The beauty left gracefully, leaving her last words.


Nelson soon completed his resignation and came to William Chen\'s Meta Investment Company as the manager of the equity investment department.

He did not come alone this time, but also brought his previous team from Deloitte Consulting to join him.

This is also something he discussed with William Chen before, because the equity investment department was newly established, and there were not many people in Meta Investment Company. Therefore, if Nielsen wants to start work as soon as possible, he must have his own strength. man hands.

In the end, he persuaded his team at Deloitte Consulting Firm that everyone was willing to follow him to Meta Investment Company.

The first thing Nielsen did when he joined the company was to send an employee to the Twitter company in Silicon Valley to represent William Chen as the company\'s daily operation and financial supervision.

At present, the equity investment department not only needs to acquire or invest in the targets given by William Chen, but also manage the daily operations of the companies he invested in or acquired. Every once in a while, the operating conditions of these companies will be summarized and submitted to William Chen for review, so that he can know the situation of the companies he invests in at any time.

But William Chen can predict that as more and more companies invest, the number of personnel required will also increase accordingly. Therefore, the personnel of his Meta investment company are still in a state of shortage and need to continue to recruit. .

And now the office space of Meta Investment Company is a little crowded in comparison, but it doesn\'t matter, there are still many vacant areas in Building 666, so he continued to rent a place, and after a simple renovation Can be used for office.