America's Road To Fame

Chapter 414: Step into capital

On November 10th, William Chen started to leave Atlanta for China.

The Gulfstream G550 took the lead in landing at Yanjing Airport, and when William Chen returned to his courtyard, Yang Mi was already waiting for him at home.

Before William Chen was not in Huaguo, both Huayi Company and Yinghuang Entertainment came to look for him. At that time, William Chen was the one who asked Zhang Zhao and Yang Mi, the CEOs of Future Entertainment Media Company, to deal with him.

Huayi and Yinghuang\'s purpose, without it, is to take a fancy to the project of Marvel Huaguo Company.

Although the specific shareholder list of the company Marvel Huaguo has not been announced, it is natural for the Wang brothers and Yang Shucheng to understand who the company is really talking about.

Moreover, with a series of movies produced by the Marvel Studios under MGM Pictures in the 20th century, the Marvel Universe has caused a wave in the world, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that it has withdrawn almost all superhero copyrights. MGM in the 10th century, how rich is the Marvel Universe series of movies that will be withdrawn next.

It is worth mentioning that at first, William Chen took back the follow-up change rights of the Spider-Man series from Sony at a price of 500 million US dollars. This matter has been announced, and it has also attracted a lot of ridicule, thinking that he is a fool. many.

At that time, the Spider-Man trilogy had almost overdrawn the potential of the Spider-Man IP in recent years, and initially Sony bought the right to change Spider-Man for only $20 million. William Chen used 50 times the amount at that time. Buying back the right to change will naturally not be understood.

But now, all the pressure has been placed on Sony again, and everyone has to admit that it is really wise to spend 500 million US dollars to recover the Spider-Man adaptation rights for this transaction of William Chen.

Especially after the launch of Marvel Studios this year and its unprecedented success, some people even set the valuation of Spider-Man IP at 5 billion US dollars. Although most people think this valuation is too high, its value is far more than $500 million is a widely recognized thing.

In this regard, William Chen is just hehe, this is just the beginning, if they can know that in their previous life, after Disney bought Marvel, when the series became the most successful superhero movie of all time, they hoped to start from Sony Pictures bought back the adaptation rights of Spider-Man, but the other party asked for $10 billion. I don\'t know how it would feel?

Also, Disney later spent more than 70 billion dollars to buy 21st Century Fox, and the public is most concerned about this deal is that Disney can take back the copyrights of X-Men and Fantastic Four... How crazy Marvel Universe.

Back to Huayi and Yinghuang, they are also optimistic about the development of Marvel Huaguo Company, so they hope to start from Chen William\'s side, even if they invest in movies to earn some broth, it will be good.

It\'s not about how much money they can make from investing, but once they get involved, they can also eat fat through the capital market.

Just like after the news that the two companies were involved in the second drama came out, the two companies earned more from just flattening the capital in the stock market than they would earn from filming a movie...

Not to mention that if you can put your own actors into these projects, even if they are not the protagonists, they are already the best resources.

However, William Chen was not in Huaguo at the time. The people who talked to them about this were Zhang Zhao, the CEO of Future Entertainment Media Company, and Yang Mi, the boss of Weimi Investment. These two people were the representatives of the major shareholders of Marvel Huaguo.

After seeing Yang Mi, the Wang brothers felt very emotional in their hearts - thinking back then, this girl was just a new little flower, and Hua Yi could pick up one of such female stars casually.

At first, she was with Chen William, and she once joined Huayi\'s banner. Although their brothers were polite to her on the surface, they were just looking at Chen William\'s face, but they didn\'t think so in their hearts.

But it\'s completely different now. Not to mention Yang Mi\'s current contacts and the right to speak in the entertainment industry through Weimi Investment, it\'s just her net worth at this time. Although she is still weaker than the Wang brothers, it\'s not too different. Far.

Let\'s just talk about Hey Tea Company. She initially held 60% of the company\'s shares, and later transferred 5% to Tang Yan and Liu Shishi each, leaving the remaining 50% of the shares.

After the company was valued at $5 billion earlier this year, HeyTea merged with HT Asset Management, which holds the property rights to more than 300 of its stores...

After the merger with HT Asset Management Company, HEYTEA has become a first- and second-tier city in China, with more than 500 directly-operated stores, of which more than 300 stores have their own property rights and are still rapidly expanding in China. The first brand of new milk tea.

After the merger, the shares of HEYTEA also changed. HT Asset Management, which was merged into HEYTEA, owns 30% of the shares of HEYTEA after the merger. In this way, the shareholding of the original HEYTEA shareholders has become Yang. Mi holds 35% of the shares, Tang Yan and Liu Shishi each hold 3.5% of the shares, the management equity incentive pool holds 7% of the shares, and China Future Capital holds 21% of the shares.

However, the original HT Asset Management Company was a privately held company by William Chen. After the merger, he personally distributed 30% of the shares owned by the HT Asset Management Company and gave them to Yang Mi and Tang Yan respectively. % of the shares of Heytea Company, and Liu Shishi, who has his child, has 10% of the shares of Heytea, and the final 10% is merged into the shares of Huaxia Future Capital.

In this way, in the end, the shareholding ratio of Heytea Company became Yang Mi held 40%, Huaxia Future Capital held 31%, Liu Shishi held 13.5%, Tang Yan held Management Equity Incentive Pool held 7%.

In the just-concluded Series A financing of HEYTEA, HEYTEA raised 2.5 billion Chinese dollars at a post-investment valuation of 25 billion Chinese dollars for store expansion, quality control system construction, and the construction of its own orchards and tea planting bases etc.

This round of financing has caused a sensation in the entire Huaguo, and it has become the largest company\'s A round of financing in recent years. Participating in this financing includes well-known investment companies such as Alibaba\'s Yunfeng Fund, Yida Investment, and IDG Capital.

After this financing, Yang Mi\'s shareholding in Heytea Company was 36%. According to the valuation of this financing, her shareholding in Heytea Company alone pushed her net worth to 9 billion Chinese dollars. So her name is destined to enter next year\'s Forbes list...

At this time, Yang Mi has successfully completed the transition from actor to capital. Facing the once unattainable Wang Brothers of Huayi Company and Boss Yang of Yinghuang Entertainment, it is also true.

When they met, she said:

"I\'m sorry, Mr. William has something to do in Europe recently. He ordered me to come over with Mr. Zhang to discuss cooperation with you."

"How dare you, we have seen it in the news. Mr. William is busy with big things. We dare not bother him with these little things."

Boss Yang is still very shrewd, so when he heard Yang Mi\'s words, he answered quickly.

In fact, although Yang Mi was apologetic at first, the meaning was quite clear. Just like what Boss Yang said, what William Chen is doing now is a business of tens of billions of dollars. Like their case this time, It is indeed not that large, and it is normal to hand it over to the people below.