America's Road To Fame

Chapter 40: black swan scroll

On the morning of August 17, Jos finally closed the gold futures position held by William Chen and reported to him the results of this short gold sale.

As for the specific operation, Chen William has generally known before, so what he cares most about is the last figure. The after-tax fund balance is 5.5 billion US dollars, and the profit is 1.95 billion US dollars.

Drawing on the experience that Alicia had talked about to him before, the $3.15 billion that William Chen lent from Future Bank this time was in the form of loans and transferred to the account of Meta Investment Company, so he was repaying this part of the loan. After that, the account balance still had $2.35 billion in funds.

Chen William found that after repaying the future bank\'s $3.15 billion loan, the future bank\'s borrowable limit was updated to $3.3 billion.

That is to say, after deducting the temporary withdrawal amount of 3 billion US dollars due on September 1, Chen William\'s basic loan amount, after this repayment, has directly changed from 150 million US dollars to 300 million US dollars.

This also confirms one of William Chen\'s doubts - after William Chen\'s first repayment, the future bank\'s limit will be changed from $50 million to $100 million; and after his second repayment, the future bank\'s limit will be changed from $1. $150 million to $150 million.

At that time, because the number of borrowings and repayments from Future Bank was too small, he could not confirm whether it was because Future Bank basically increased the amount of each loan and repayment by US$50 million, or because of the investment income of the first loan. higher, so the quota is doubled; while the return on the second investment is slightly lower, so the quota is increased by $50 million.

But this time, after repaying the loan, William Chen\'s basic amount changed from $150 million to $300 million, which also made him confirm this matter. It is true that the increase in the amount will be related to the investment income of the loaned funds. As for what factors will be considered in the specific judgment, Chen William still cannot be very sure, and needs to be analyzed according to the future situation.

In addition to this, there is one more thing, that is, after Chen William opened the interface of the future bank, completed the repayment operation, and checked the increase of the limit, he also found that the activity interface of his future bank was flashing.

This shows that after a period of silence, he has finally received new activities from Future Bank. With a little bit of excitement, William Chen opened the [Event] interface, and he saw that a new event message had appeared in it.

[Experience new function activities] Dear users, it is detected that you already have a new partner binding object, and the function of changing bound partners has been activated. You are cordially invited to experience it, and you will receive a surprise gift.

After watching this new mission, William Chen realized that this might be because he and Erica had an intimate relationship last night, and now the other party has become one of the partners he can bind with.

Sure enough, after opening the [Account] interface, William Chen saw that his currently bound partner is still Paris, but after clicking on Paris\' avatar again, there is an option to change the bound partner, which is currently optional. There are only Paris and Erica.

William Chen recalled the content of the new activity he had just watched, because he wanted to try this new function of changing bound partners, and said that there would be surprises and gifts.

Surprise gift, William Chen couldn\'t help but feel a little excited when he thought of this. I don\'t know what kind of item can be called a surprise gift?

Now that he has paid off all the loans, including the temporary limit of 3 billion US dollars, can he try this function now, so that he can also experiment with what his future bank limit will be after changing his bound partner. Variety.

In fact, William Chen has always been curious about what conditions the bank will pay more attention to in the evaluation of bound partners in the future? Just like when he was not tied to his partner at the beginning, his limit was only $10 million, and he increased it to $50 million after he tied Paris.

So what will be different if you bind other partners? Thinking that he may have more options for binding partners in the future, William Chen still thinks that he should try it now when the influence is not too big.

Doing what he thought of, William Chen opened the [Account] interface, and chose Erica in the option of changing bound partners. After confirmation, William Chen\'s current bound partner became Erica, and Erica\'s avatar was displayed on the [Account] interface.

When William Chen returned to the [Account] interface, he found that his available quota was already under evaluation. After about 5 minutes, the evaluation was completed, and his basic amount changed from 300 million US dollars to 150 million US dollars, which was directly reduced by half.

From this result, in the systematic evaluation, Paris\'s score is much higher than Erica\'s. This gave Chen William a basic analysis sample, that is, from the situations of Erica and Paris, we can preliminarily analyze which situations are more important in the system\'s scoring.

If Paris and Erica just look at their appearance, they both belong to the ranks of beauties, and the difference is not particularly big. And in Chen William\'s view, if you compare purely on the basis of body proportions and looks, Erica will be slightly better than Paris.

If you compare her personal qualities, Erica\'s knowledge will definitely be higher. After all, she is a lecturer at New York University, and she is better than Paris in terms of knowledge accumulation and learning ability.

But this is only one aspect. Paris\' emotional intelligence and financial intelligence will be more prominent, as if her business acumen is not bad. Therefore, in general, the gap between the two people in this regard is not particularly large.

Then the only factor that can widen the gap between the two should be the aspect of fame. In terms of popularity and family conditions, Paris is undoubtedly much stronger than Erica.

As mentioned earlier, Paris\'s business achievements are more based on her high reputation. The basis for her success in business is that she is one of the heirs of the Hilton family. She has a high reputation. It\'s also easier for her to be successful by creating her own brand name or licensing it.

So at present, according to the analysis of the result of Chen William changing his bound partner this time, in the future, the bank\'s evaluation of a partner, the other party\'s popularity will be a very important factor. As for whether there are other high-weight factors that he has not discovered, because the current sample size is too small, he also needs to continue the analysis after many attempts by himself in the future.

Now that he has changed his bound partner, he opened the [Event] interface and received the so-called surprise gift from the event. After the prompt appeared, Chen William entered the inventory. All the items he had obtained before had been used up, and now there was only one item in the inventory—

[Black Swan Scroll (Primary)] This is a scroll that can realize a certain wish. Writing a goal on the scroll will release a black swan, which will affect the occurrence of certain events and lead unexpected factors to your goal. Level: Beginner, less impact on unexpected factors, need to cooperate with the general trend to complete the goal.

Seeing this item, William Chen carefully analyzed its description and felt that this item was quite powerful. In the process of studying economics, he knew that there is a concept called "black swan event", which refers to some unpredictable and unusual events. The occurrence of such events usually causes chain negative reactions in the market or even subversion.

For example, everything shows that the economy is recovering and the stock market is getting better, so you are eager to put money into it. The location of the company where you bought the stock suddenly erupted, causing the stock price to fall. This is a black swan event in investing.

The black swan event itself is not necessarily a bad thing, but the results it causes are often negative for the target range.

As for the usefulness of this scroll, an example can be used to illustrate. If the two countries enter a state of tension at this time, war is imminent. Then William Chen wrote "hope for world peace" on the scroll, then there may be an unexpected event that will make things develop in the direction you want.

For example, there is a big disaster suddenly, and the two countries need to turn their heads to deal with it, so as to eliminate the disaster of war; or astronomers suddenly discover a planet in the near-Earth space that is extremely suitable for human existence, and then the two heads of state meet. Slap the forehead, UU read www. Why are still fighting to the death? Hurry up to develop the aerospace business and start immigration.

However, the current [Black Swan Scroll] of William Chen is only a primary scroll, and its influence is limited. So he guessed that in the case of facing war like the example above, if you just use such a basic scroll, maybe the result is that a person named English Nanako suddenly died, although it is also the result of world peace Favorable—well, frankly, not unacceptable—but not necessarily the effect he had originally hoped for.

So it is very likely that this primary scroll cannot be used for very ambitious goals, and if you want to use it to achieve a certain goal, you need to use it at the right time to follow the general trend, as suggested in the description.

As for where he needs to use it, there is no clear idea for the time being, so Chen William finally left this scroll in the inventory, ready to wait until something suitable happens.

At this time, William Chen\'s Meta Investment Company account has more than $2.35 billion in funds. With a big wave of his hand, he first took out $5 million as a bonus, and then the $230 million in the account balance will be used to pay for the $170 million acquisition of Twitter and a $50 million capital injection.

Next, William Chen asked John Paulson to talk with him about his research on the American real estate industry and related bonds.

"I\'m ready. During this time, I designed a complex fund operation model for shorting when the subprime mortgage crisis came. Simply put, it is to short the increasingly dangerous CDOs while acquiring the current cheap prices. CDS." John Paulson said to William Chen.