America's Road To Fame

Chapter 396: Fan Welfare

Speaking of Caitlin Foundation, this year\'s donations for charitable purposes will be as high as 3 billion US dollars. This time, most of the funds in Amazon\'s stock reduction were raised to raise this 3 billion US dollars.

According to the agreement reached between William Chen and the American side, at least 30% of the donation fund of the Caitlin Foundation needs to be used in the United States, and a maximum of 30% can be used for the construction of Atlanta. Charitable funds are not required.

Then, the charitable funds used by the Caitlin Foundation in the United States will be at least 900 million US dollars. This part of the funds will naturally be an attractive piece of fat among some high-level people who know the specific content of this agreement. .

For these funds, William Chen also has plans. Not long ago, he donated 100 million US dollars to the National Asian Mutual Aid Charity Fund, where he is the honorary chairman, to fight for the rights and interests of Asian Americans and to ensure the livelihood of the disadvantaged groups. .

After two years of development, the influence of the National Asian American Mutual Aid Charity Fund has not only developed and united Asian American groups in more American regions, not only in California and New York State.

In addition to Chen William\'s cumulative donation of nearly 300 million US dollars, Asian rich people who joined the foundation, including Yang Zhiyuan, Deng Wendi and many rich and executives, are actively raising funds for it. Therefore, at this time, Asian Americans in the United States The Mutual Aid Charity Fund has not only played a great role in helping Asian-American groups, but has also made many efforts to fight for Asian-American rights in politics through its influence in Asian-American groups.

Just like this time, when William Chen’s cousin, Danny Del Rey, was running for the California Congress, in order to win the votes of Asians, he also made sure to protect the rights of Asians, including the exclusion of discrimination in job hunting and promotion, and the elimination of discrimination against others. Promises such as implicit discrimination of Asian-American actors.

In addition, the Caitlin Foundation will also rely on the political views of those politicians, and those who maintain goodwill to them will receive their support in targeted donations, including through donations to some institutions, to hint at their inclinations.

This kind of behavior is not limited to the Donkey Party just because the Drey family belongs to the Donkey Party camp. After all, for Chen William himself, he does not need to have the brand of the camp. For the support of the Donkey Party, it only needs to be obtained through the Dre family, so that he can jump out of the party struggle and conduct more flexible actions for his own interests. Strategy.

Finally, the Caitlin Foundation also has a part of its donations, which are used for "charities" that benefit its brands, such as providing Zoom vouchers to needy families, donating Marvel toys and comics to welfare homes or poor families, Manchester United kits, footballs and more…

The Caitlin Foundation also has a maximum of 30% of the funds for the construction of Atlanta, which is 900 million US dollars. This part of the funds will be mainly divided into three parts, one of which is to establish an agricultural project in Atlanta. The center includes agricultural research for the South Pacific region, as well as local planting and breeding areas, and will also lease a large area of ​​land on the adjacent Marcus Island for planting to provide fresh vegetables and fruits for Atlanta Island.

The second part is to improve the construction of the road network in Atlanta and build branch roads.

Finally, it will invest in the education of Atlanta Island, build school infrastructure from kindergarten to high school in line with the current population size, and cooperate with New York University to establish a branch campus in Atlanta Island.

The "Future" was moored at the pier in New York, and more than ten beautiful women boarded this super yacht with excitement from here one after another.

When Chen William participated in the World Swimming Championships in Magic Capital, countless female fans from all over the world sent him messages with their own "various" photos.

In order to appease female fans, at that time, he selected more than 50 women from these photos, gave each other a one-time-use QR code, and added friends.

The more than ten beauties who came to New York today and boarded the "Future" are loyal fans from North and South America. Of course, their appearance and figure are of the highest level, and they are representative of Chen William\'s aesthetics.

For the sake of safety, before boarding the ship, these beauties were reviewed by a professional team for their backgrounds, passed a detailed health check, and signed a non-disclosure agreement.

The agreement stipulates that all of them must keep things confidential after boarding the ship and cannot disclose it to anyone, especially the public network and media. Those who violate the agreement will face huge compensation.

So today, these beauties from the Americas, Canada, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina and other countries in the Americas have all been taken to New York Harbor and boarded William Chen\'s private "Future", accompanied by William Chen. A super yacht, the "benefits" of crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the destination of this voyage is France, which will take about ten days.

These beauties from various countries in the Americas can be said to have their own characteristics. Not only are they all good in appearance, but they are also fat and thin. They are the kind that can make ordinary people\'s nosebleeds flow. What they have in common is that they are all Chen William\'s "die-hard fans", so they were very excited to get the opportunity to get together with their idols on this super yacht for ten days.

When the "Future" started to leave the pier, UU Reading Chen William met with them. What greeted him was the screams of the girls, the first real contact with Chen William, Their excitement could not be suppressed.

However, it took a long time, so they must be able to get used to it slowly. What they can think of is that this journey will definitely be very fragrant.

The "Future" is already fully equipped, and William Chen has also had the experience of taking a long-distance trip on the "Future", and he will reasonably allocate the entertainment activities of this journey. Of course, he will occasionally take time to deal with some more important work. , both entertainment and work are correct.

At first, the girls were a little reserved, but soon, they had adapted and started to enjoy life on this yacht. After all, besides them and William Chen, there were more than The 20-person service team is dedicated to serving this super rich man and can fully enjoy five-star all-round care.

What surprised them the most was the sense of strength brought by Chen William\'s strong body and his super ability to learn knowledge. Soon, they discovered that they wanted to catch up with Chen William\'s learning progress alone. It is really impossible. For such an outstanding "student" with extraordinary talent, everyone must work together to have a fighting force in learning.

Therefore, they also found that, in all respects, the super rich man in front of them is worthy of being a male **** who can satisfy all their fantasies about men. In the delicious food and beauty along the way, as well as the learning knowledge, time seems to have passed. It was very fast, ten days passed in a flash, and when it seemed that there was still no end to it, the French port of Bordeaux had already appeared in sight.