America's Road To Fame

Chapter 391: oriental superhero

Previously, Fan Bingbing and Quan Zhixian were both producers of the second episode of "Extreme Games" and were following the production crew.

This time Fan Bingbing took time to come back, mainly because Huace Film and Television was preparing to make a big move in terms of movies.

Before that, Huace Film and Television\'s shareholding structure was that founder and CEO Zhao Yifang held 41.3% of the shares, Future Entertainment Media Company held 41% of the shares, and Fan Bingbing Studio held 17.7% of the shares. Chinese company.

It is worth mentioning that Fan Bingbing’s studio has changed its name and registered as an official film and television investment company. .

At the beginning of this year, Huace Film and Television landed on the A-share market, known as the "first share of TV dramas" in Huaguo, especially the "Extreme Game" that they cooperated with Netflix to become popular all over the world, so their IPO was extremely successful. , the stock is very popular, because the investors were too active during the road show, and the number of pre-orders was several times the number of shares issued. Therefore, the issue price was continuously increased. The final issue price was 50 yuan, and 42.36 million shares were issued, accounting for the total share capital. 25% of the 169.44 million shares, calculated at this price, after the issuance of new shares, Huace Film and Television will be valued at 8.472 billion Chinese yuan, becoming the third largest private film and television company in China after Huayi Company and Enlight Media.

After Huace Film and Television was listed, founder and CEO Zhao Yifang held nearly 52.48 million ordinary shares, with a shareholding ratio of 30.975%; Future Entertainment Media Co., Ltd. held 52.1 million ordinary shares, with a shareholding ratio of 30.75%; The investment holds 22.5 million ordinary shares, with a shareholding ratio of 13.275%.

On the day Huace Film and Television was listed, it jumped 62% at the opening, and the opening price was 81 yuan. The highest price of the day touched more than 90 yuan, and finally closed at 85.5 yuan.

According to this price, the market value of Huace Film and Television is as high as nearly 14.5 billion Chinese dollars. Now, after Huace Film and Television has successively acquired a number of film and television production, distribution and content companies in China, the latest stock price is 127 yuan, with a market value of 127 yuan. As high as 21.5 billion Chinese dollars, it is close to Enlight Media, which ranks second among private companies.

If calculated based on this market value, the Huace Film and Television shares held by Fan Bingbing’s Meishen Film and Television Investment Company are worth 2.8575 billion Chinese dollars. She and her mother only hold shares in Meishen Film and Television Investment Company, and their net worth has reached It cost 1.57 billion Chinese dollars, which is terrifying.

There is another reason why the stock price of Huace Film and Television has risen so fast. Although the outstanding shares account for 25% of the total share capital, after its IPO and listing, the future investment company has been continuously absorbing Huace. The stock of film and television currently holds 16.9 million shares of Huace Film and Television in the future, with an average share price of about 75 yuan (the total average price after IPO issuance and listing), accounting for 9.975% of the total share capital.

In this way, the three companies, Future Entertainment Media, Future Investment and Meishen Film and Television Investment, hold a total of 54% of Huace Film and Television\'s shares, ensuring the actual control of this company.

Next, Meta Entertainment Media Company, which holds the copyright of Marvel Comics, will form a joint venture company with Huace Film and Television Company in China. The new company will be called Marvel Huaguo Company.

In the Marvel Huaguo Company, Meta Entertainment Media will put the superheroes related to Huaguo in the Marvel Comics universe, as well as the rights to use the background of the Marvel universe and the adaptation rights of related plots, at a valuation of US$150 million, into the A joint venture with a 30% stake.

And Meta Entertainment Media Company promised to allow Marvel Huaguo Company to communicate with Marvel Entertainment and create new superheroes and characters related to the Huaguo plot in comic works.

Huace Film and Television Company invested 100 million US dollars, and provided related film and television production and publicity resources, and held 30% of the shares of Marvel Huaguo Company.

WSS Investment Company invested 50 million US dollars and held 10% of the shares of Marvel Huaguo.

Wei Mi Investment Co., Ltd. invested 25 million US dollars and held 5% of the shares of Marvel Huaguo.

Meishen Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd. invested 30 million US dollars and held 6% of the shares of Marvel Huaguo.

Future Entertainment Media invested 60 million US dollars, as well as related film and television resources, and held 19% of the shares of Marvel Huaguo.

After the share allocation was completed, Yang Mi knew that Meishen Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd. was a company controlled by Fan Bingbing, and she also knew about other companies. She looked at the name of WSS Investment Co., and she said, "Will William and Shishi?" Knowing the inside story, she understood that it should be the shares that Chen William gave to the pregnant Liu Shishi.

Having a child is different. His Wei Mi investment can only get 5% of the shares. Thinking of this, Yang Mi couldn\'t help rubbing his belly. what.

But thinking about his recent busyness, and thinking that Liu Shishi will leave his job because he is expecting to give birth, or even leave Huaguo for at least a year, well, let\'s wait, let\'s talk about the foundation of my career.

In the current Marvel universe, after the launch of two "Iron Man" movies and one "The Incredible Hulk", this year\'s "Captain America: Avengers Pioneer" and "Thor" will be released. These movies have caused controversy. The popular response, and the box office also satisfied the 20th Century MGM Films, so the filming of "Avengers", which will be released next year, will bring together many superheroes.

Therefore, against this background, coupled with the development of the film and television industry in China, in addition to producing the traditional American storyline of the Marvel Universe in Hollywood, it seems like a good idea to open up the Marvel Universe’s storyline in China.

In fact, in the original Marvel comics, there are many Chinese characters, including villains and superheroes, such as Manchu, Shangqi, Wanzhongxia, etc. Even Huagu has a superhero organization similar to the "Avengers". , such as "Chinese Team", "Immortal Weapon", "People\'s Defense Force"... and even " which evolved from myths and legends~ If it is shot through Marvel Huaguo Company based on China, or the Marvel Universe film and television works in the Greater China region including Japan and South Korea, then some of these characters can be used or learned from, but it is definitely necessary to make some modifications to the characters, plot, background, etc. The re-creation even required the creation of some new superheroes.

After all, the characters and stories about China created from the point of view of the Americans can be understood by everyone, and it is almost impossible to describe them in words.

In this way, Marvel Huaguo has obtained the authorization of the use and re-creation of the Chinese superheroes in the Marvel Universe, so that it can shoot the Huaguo version of the "Avengers" series of movies, and inject it with Huaguo\'s own The connotation of the essence of culture, rather than the pure American worldview, is what William Chen is looking forward to. It should be quite interesting for Captain Hua Guo to meet Captain America in the future.

Of course, with the current situation of Marvel Huaguo Company, although there is no shortage of funds, it is a bit difficult to make movies directly. First of all, it will not be like these Marvel Universes produced by the Marvel Studios of MGM Pictures in the 20th century. Movies have a mass base.

Therefore, at the beginning, Marvel Huaguo Company will first conduct fan-art writing activities for superheroes in the Greater China region of the Marvel Universe through the China Literature Group, a subsidiary of Future Entertainment Media Company, as well as related content. Launch superhero comics and other forms for promotion and content construction.

Then Huace Film and Television will cooperate with Netflix to produce related Chinese superhero dramas.

Finally, after these Chinese superheroes have a certain popularity and mass base, they will launch related movie works.