America's Road To Fame

Chapter 380: separate

"How\'s your affair with Delphine? When\'s the wedding?"

After talking about these things, Chen William turned to ask about Rick Walton and the LVMH princess. It has been more than a year since they got engaged last year. Chen William asked him once before, but Rick said that Delphine is so busy with her career that she has no time for the wedding.

"I was just about to tell you, William, we have already set a date, and there are still about two months left. I will invite you specially when that time comes."

Speaking of this matter, Rick had a happy smile on his face as he said to William Chen.

There are still two months, that is October, it is also a good time to get married, and the marriage of the two families of Walton and Arnault will definitely be very grand.

After separating from Rick Walton, William Chen returned to the seaside villa in Malibu. Nozomi Sasaki and his daughter Chen Xiran still live here. The daughter is now more than a month old, although there are several servants dedicated to it. Take care of her, but Nozomi Sasaki still does it herself, guarding her at any time.

After returning home, he deliberately shaved his beard first, before William Chen picked up his daughter and kissed her on the cheek, causing her to grab his ear and giggling.

"My baby is so beautiful. Her eyes are like yours and her nose is like mine. She will definitely be a beauty when she grows up."

William Chen hugged his daughter and kissed Nozomi Sasaki on the face beside him. He smiled and said to her:

"With so many servants helping to take care of the children, you don\'t have to stay at home all the time, my dear, you can go out for a walk more, or it won\'t be too boring."

"I don\'t feel bored either." Nozomi Sasaki has always had a smile on her face since she saw William Chen. She said softly, "I feel very happy when I look at Xiran."


The next day, William Chen drove to Laughlin Park in Los Feliz and entered a mansion here.

When William Chen got out of the car, he saw Angelina in a black dress walking out of the door and beckoned to him.

Yes, this is where Angelina lives in Los Angeles. It can be said that Angelina is one of the Hollywood stars who is most keen to buy real estate. She and her boyfriend Pete have bought many mansions all over the world. This mansion is where she is. a property in the name.

Before, she lived most often in another house in Los Angeles, but she moved here recently, and during this period of time, she has been reclusive.

As for the reason, it was not long ago that she broke up with her boyfriend Brad, whom she had been with for seven years, and moved out of their residence in Los Angeles.

As soon as the news was reported, it immediately caused a sensation, because these two people have always been known as Hollywood\'s golden boy and girl, and their popularity is too high. Now they broke up suddenly, which is too surprising.

Therefore, during this period of time, almost all reporters in Los Angeles were looking for the two, hoping to meet and conduct interviews, and to find out the reason for their breakup from their few words.

However, Angelina chose to live in seclusion, and Brad went abroad to relax, so everyone rushed for nothing, but still did not give up searching.

It was at this time that William Chen returned to Los Angeles, got news from Angelina, and came to see her at her home.

At this time, he walked into the house and saw that Angelina had already sat on the sofa. She looked at William Chen who came in, with a smile on her face.

"Aren\'t you afraid of being photographed by a reporter coming to my house? You know, a reporter called a helicopter two days ago to spy on me, but I called the police and drove him away."

"You reminded me. It seems that I need to come by helicopter next time. You should be able to land here."

Regarding Anjilina\'s words, Chen William didn\'t take it seriously at all. He looked at the slightly pale face of the other party, put on a serious look, and asked:

"Angelina, are you telling me the truth?"

"I\'m pregnant?" Angelina\'s eyes met William Chen\'s, she shook her lips, turned her head slightly, looked out the window, and said lightly:

"What if it\'s true? And it\'s not necessarily your child."

"It\'s not mine? Could it be Brad\'s? Then why did you break up with him..."

"Maybe someone else, William."

Angelina interrupted him, pulling the hair from her forehead behind her ear, and said frivolously:

"After all, you know, in those reports, my private not monotonous."

"I\'m not kidding you, Angelina."

"I\'m not joking, William." Angelina looked at him, smiled, and said, "Isn\'t your first question just suspicious, don\'t worry, although you are super rich, I don\'t need it either. Relying on the child to seek something."

"That was not what I meant……"

"And I\'ve decided, William, that I will give birth to my own children and bring them up. You know, I have many children, and I still have experience in raising them."

"At least as the father of the child, I have the right to exercise responsibility."

In fact, after receiving the news of Anji Lina and knowing that she was pregnant, Chen William counted the days and knew that it was likely that he had accompanied Nozomi Sasaki in Los Angeles before, and when he was training swimming, he had several secret meetings with Anji Lina. She had children at that time.

And from the props he owned in the Future Bank—it was also confirmed that the child she was carrying was his own, but what surprised him was that this time there were two more chances to draw...

Could it be that Angelina is pregnant with twins again?

Why do you say it again? Because Angelina has 6 children at this time, of which three children are adopted by her successively, and three children are her and Brad\'s biological.

Among her own children, the girl Shiro was born in 2006 and is now five years old; and the other two are twins born to her in 2008, so now she has one child and two children again. very likely to be.

Thinking of this, Chen William couldn\'t help but glance at Anjilina\'s belly, er, it\'s only been over a month, and I can\'t see anything, but if it\'s really twins, then it will be more obvious in about three months.

It\'s just that what makes William Chen a headache now is that although Angelina chose to break up with Brad after finding out that she had this child, and told herself, but at present, she seems to be reluctant to let herself intervene in her. life, and there is a tendency to take children away from themselves...

This must be something that William Chen does not allow, so the reason why he came here today is to ask Anjilina to change her mind, but as an actress who has been famous in Hollywood for many years, Anjilina is not an ordinary little girl, and she is not so easily influenced , even though Chen William is rich enough to rival the country, but if the other party doesn\'t care about it, then he really has to think about it.

Sure enough, Angelina said with a stern face: "I just let you know, If I don\'t tell you, I\'m afraid you will never know about this matter, but I think it\'s unfair to you. That\'s it. And in fact, you just provided the tadpole, you can completely forget about it, and your life will not be affected in any way."

"How is that possible, Angelina, that\'s my child."

"But it will be born in October of my pregnancy..."

William Chen took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

He walked over to Angelina\'s side and sat beside her. Seeing that she had no objection, he took her in his arms and said to her:

"I don\'t want to restrict you, Angelina, I understand that you have your own life, but I just hope that this child, as a father, can fulfill the responsibilities of a parent with you."

"Then what? Can you marry me? William, I\'m not a little girl." Angelina turned sideways, facing William Chen, and said to him, "I didn\'t deny that you are his father, but you know, I am with you Together, it\'s not because you are super rich, it\'s just that there is something about you that attracts me, and I also admit that your kung fu is also very good, and you are the man that fascinates me the most."

Listening to Angelina\'s words, William Chen, what should I say, I didn\'t know whether to be proud or embarrassed for a while.

"The appearance of this child was something I didn\'t expect, but since things have come to this point, I have also made a decision, that is when I found out that it was you who fascinated me, and my relationship with Brad was gone. What is the element of love, so I chose to separate. But it doesn\'t mean that I have to follow you step by step, William, I mean something is possible, but I won\'t force anything."