America's Road To Fame

Chapter 372: 1 hit

Chen Yiran has been around for five months now. Because of her meticulous care, her little face has grown to death, her big eyes are rolling, and she looks very cute.

Even Paris, facing her rival and Chen William\'s child, looked at her angelic smile, she couldn\'t help feeling like she was infected, she couldn\'t help thinking, whether she would be the same as Chen William\'s child in the future. Will it be so cute?

Well, my child, it will definitely be more lovely and beautiful.

"She\'s so cute, William, she really looks more like you."

Paris said so.

Hearing her words, Ivanta resisted the urge to roll her eyes, hehe.

Although there are many small episodes, but fortunately at least on the surface everyone is still very "friendly" and "harmonious".

After waiting until after dinner, Paris and Nikki went back to their room to rest due to jet lag. William Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was really a waste of time for this birthday.

But this is not over yet. Some of Paris\'s words just now stimulated Ivanta to some extent, so at night, William Chen still needs to appease his wife.

However, when Paris came to China this time, in addition to celebrating William Chen\'s birthday, she didn\'t want to come here specifically to give Ivanta a face, but more for work.

She had discussed with Chen William before that she was going to expand the brand store of hc fashion group to the Huaguo market. Before that, when Chen William met Wang Jianlin of Yida, she had already talked about hc fashion group in general. \'s brand stores settled in Yida Plaza.

Paris came to Huaguo this time to prepare to sign a cooperation agreement with Yida Group, and to carry out business promotion for hc fashion group. Before coming to Huaguo, she had already contacted a special brand promotion company. During Paris\'s trip to China, she will also participate in some activities, including certain TV shows and interviews.

She was originally well-known in the United States and even around the world. Even in China, many people have heard of her, so she is also welcomed by many programs.

After all, the celebrities of the wealthy American family, together with Chen William\'s rumored girlfriend, and the head of the fashion group who owns the top luxury brand Hermes Group, these identities make Paris a very high topic.

After listening to William Chen\'s opinion, according to Paris\' plan, we plan to open brand stores in first-tier cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, to test the waters. If the response is good, we will continue to expand the scale.

But I don\'t know if Paris came over this time, and after seeing Ivanta and Chen William\'s daughter, she was stimulated again. Anyway, at a few points later, she still complained that Chen William didn\'t work hard enough here. There is time to pester him to learn knowledge.

Of course, if it\'s just herself, in front of the talented Chen William, the level of effort to learn knowledge must be incomparable. Therefore, her sister Nikki is helping Paris to consume Chen William\'s energy in the study together. .

It\'s just that Nikki only plays a supporting role. Paris, who has a purpose, of course, has to bear more rain and dew.

In this regard, Chen William\'s heart is just hehe.

Because after Liu Shishi had a child before, Chen William won a high-level lottery in the item [Send Son Guanyin Statue], and the item he drew was—

[One hit is a hit] Select the target, charge up, and then send it into the soul. Select a specific target and enter the charging phase. The charging phase lasts for three months. During this period, you cannot achieve the effect of hitting. After six months, you can hit a single hit and complete the birth of life. Note: Respect for science, please choose the opponent\'s non-safety period to hit it with one hit.

So since Paris is so eager to have a child, the time is not right, because she is not as easy as Sasaki Nozomi and Liu Shishi. Once she has a child, she will definitely ask to marry Chen William, and now Chen Yiran is the only one Less than half a year old is not the right time.

Therefore, William Chen used [One Hit Hits] on Paris, so that within half a year, it would be safe to be with her. After half a year, it would be a more appropriate time to have a child with her.

Chen William thought so, and felt that the arrangement was perfect.

After his birthday, William Chen also got this year\'s birthday package, which is still a few props——

【Random Seeds】Able to grow plants with random effects. Note: This plant can only survive within the lord\'s heart.

[Eye of Surveillance] It can follow the target to collect sound and video data, and can set the opening conditions, and the cumulative recording time is 48 hours.

[Experience Amplification Ring (Intermediate)] can greatly increase the comprehension speed of a certain skill. It will take effect when you wear it on your hand. The cumulative effective time is 72 hours. When the effective time is exhausted, the item will disappear automatically.

For this [random seed], Chen William is still a little curious. He doesn\'t know what kind of function the so-called random effect will have. Could it be that the kind of spirit grass with the anti-sky function can be randomly obtained? Well, it doesn\'t seem impossible.

And the key point is that the plants randomly grown from this seed can only survive within the scope of the [Heart of the Lord], which is very satisfying to him. That is to say, even if you really get a powerful plant, It can\'t be stolen and planted by others, because in other areas that the [Heart of the Lord] cannot cover, this kind of plant cannot survive.

It\'s just that the statue of Poseidon, the **** of the sea, is still under construction in Atlanta, and it will take a few more months to complete it. Therefore, William Chen\'s [Heart of Lord] is still not in There is no way to experiment what kind of species this seed will randomly produce, and we can only wait for the statue to be built.

As for the second item, [Eye of Surveillance], after Chen William saw the description of this item, he thought of its use target, but although this item is powerful, it can be completely invisible and monitor without trace. The behavior of the other party, but its recording time is only a mere 48 hours, so how to use it still needs to be well planned.

As for the last intermediate [Experience Amplification Ring], William Chen got it once in last year\'s birthday gift package, and he didn\'t expect to be able to get it again this year.

He has used this ring twice, once for the primary and once for the intermediate, and the results are very good. After using last year\'s Intermediate [Experience Amplification Ring], Chen William\'s mastery of swimming postures and movements has become very professional, and he is still very satisfied, so he is also very happy to get this item again this time.

Although the number of props obtained from opening the box this time is not as many as last year, these props seem to be quite useful, so Chen William is quite satisfied, and it is June 25th, you know, In a few days, it will be the second anniversary of William Chen\'s acquisition of Future Bank, and the anniversary gift package at that time seems to be very worthy of his expectation.