America's Road To Fame

Chapter 365: Teachers who came after

Fall in love with, the road to fame and fortune in America

Chen William came to Yanjing, and after contacting Liu Shishi, he met her.

"If I didn\'t hear about this, are you going to keep it from me?"

Chen William asked after seeing Liu Shishi.

"I, I\'m just still thinking about..."


"Well, I was a little overwhelmed when I decided on this matter, so I wanted to use a period of time to confirm my thoughts."

Liu Shishi glanced at Chen William beside him, lowered his head and fiddled with his fingers, and said.

When Yang Mi contacted Liu Shishi before, during the conversation, Liu Shishi told Yang Mi that she hadn\'t had a period in the past month, so she secretly bought a test strip and came back. The result of the test was that she was pregnant.

A popular star like Liu Shishi would definitely not dare to go to the hospital to check these things. If the news is accidentally leaked, it would be big news.

Hearing this, Yang Mi also felt very speechless. Sometimes this kind of thing really doesn\'t make sense. Of the three of them, Yang Mi was the first to be with Chen William. Who would have thought that Liu Shishi was only with Chen William for the first time. Once...have it?

After thinking about it, Yang Mi decided to tell Chen William about this matter. After all, this matter is also related to Chen William, so it\'s fine if he doesn\'t know it. Now that he knows, he must not hide it from him.

So William Chen came to Yanjing today. He held Liu Shishi in his arms and said, "Have you decided now? If you are worried about your parents, I can talk to them."

"I\'ve decided that I want this child. Forget it, my parents love me very much. Let me tell you. If you go, I\'m afraid they won\'t be able to accept it for a while."

She knew that if she came forward, she could let her parents get used to it slowly. If Chen William, a super rich man, suddenly went to see her parents, I\'m afraid that the impact on them would be too great.

"Okay, but if you have something to tell me right away, did you hear it?"

"Well, I see."

Since this is the case, Chen William decided to let Liu Shishi go to the same family first and tell her, besides, her situation is not suitable for staying in China to give birth. After all, she is so famous that even going to the hospital is a hassle.

Therefore, after consulting Liu Shishi\'s opinion, Chen William arranged to buy a ranch for her in New Zealand, and hired a full-time local medical team to take care of her.

It happened that New Zealand was not far from Atlanta, so it was convenient for William Chen to visit her.

I don\'t know how Liu Shishi told her parents. She didn\'t say anything in detail. She just said that her parents had been persuaded by her and agreed with her, and her mother would also go to New Zealand with Liu Shishi to take care of her there. She, Liu Shishi\'s father still has a job, but he will often visit her.

After everything was ready, William Chen took them to New Zealand.

Before, William Chen had also met Liu Shishi\'s family. When he first learned that his daughter was pregnant out of wedlock, Liu Shishi\'s parents were indeed very shocked. They are also an artistic family. Liu Shishi\'s grandfather used to be a famous performer of Xihe drum book. As an artist, both parents are also engaged in literary and artistic work. Their daughter will be pregnant out of wedlock, and she plans to give birth to a child. The key is to listen to her wishes. The other party cannot marry her, which makes them very annoyed.

In the end, Liu Shishi had no choice but to reveal Chen William\'s identity.

Originally, when she heard this, Liu Shishi\'s mother thought that the other party was nothing more than an actor or someone from the film and television industry. She was still thinking about who was the most likely person in the crew that her daughter participated in during this period.

But now that I know the identity of the other party, it turns out to be a young super rich man. The key is that Liu Shishi\'s parents still know such a person. After all, William Chen\'s popularity is too high.

Not to mention the astonishing wealth that Chen William possesses, just talking about his people, whether it is age, appearance or ability, is nothing to say. Normally, if his daughter finds the other half is such a person, Then they will certainly not have an opinion, and even be very satisfied.

But the key is that Chen William is too rich. It is said that his net worth is more than the top three on the current China Rich List combined, and the most important thing is that he is married and has a child.

This made Liu Shishi\'s parents feel a little uncomfortable. After all, although their family was incomparable with those of the rich and powerful, it was considered a wealthy family among ordinary people, and it was considered a rich family, even if their daughter found it. The other half makes it difficult for them to accept, or the age difference is too much, as long as she likes it, after a struggle in their hearts, they can recognize it and respect her daughter\'s choice.

But the current situation is that although the other party is very good in every aspect, and they are very fond of them, but the daughter is destined to be unnamed with the other party. Children, this makes Liu Shishi\'s parents very entangled.

Just looking at her daughter\'s persistent attitude, Liu Shishi\'s mother sighed and asked her daughter:

"Teacher, tell your mother the truth, are you with him because he is rich and powerful, or do you really like him?"

Regarding this issue, Liu Shishi herself thought a lot after she knew she was pregnant, so she didn\'t hesitate too much. She glanced at her mother, then lowered her head and said:

"In the beginning, I just thought he was very attractive, but after getting along, I really liked him."

"But you have to know that there are not many women around for a person of his identity. It\'s like even though he is married, he still has you. How does he... how does he treat you?"

Hearing his mother\'s question, Liu Shishi remembered many scenes with Chen William in his mind. The most impressive one was on the "Future". That evening, when he read the magazine by himself, Chen William sat beside her, Gently pulling her into his arms, Master Liu rested his head on his shoulder, feeling very at ease.

"He\'s been nice to me."

Liu Shishi recalled that scene and said softly.

Looking at her daughter\'s delicate face, she looked very much like herself when she was young. Mother Liu talked about it secretly in her heart. She couldn\'t help but think, if she was at her daughter\'s, if she met someone like Chen A man like William would probably be hard to refuse.

In the end, Liu Shishi\'s parents still had no choice, and acquiesced to this matter. Before taking Liu Shishi away from China, Chen William deliberately met with her family. The behavior of Liu\'s father and Liu\'s mother was considered polite. down.

So William Chen took Liu Shishi and Liu\'s mother to New Zealand on his Gulfstream g550 in Yanjing.

In the local Queenstown, Chen William, in the name of Liu Shishi, spent $25 million to purchase a 2,000-acre ranch with an area of ​​almost 8 square kilometers.

This ranch is not particularly large in New Zealand, but the scenery is very good, and the location is not far from the city, which is convenient for Liu Shishi to go to the hospital for medical treatment in an emergency.

Chen William, an employee of the ranch, has all been retained, and he has also specially equipped Liu Shishi with two Asian female bodyguards to protect her when she travels. There is also a private medical team to serve Liu Shishi.

And in this ranch, she is also equipped with a helicopter, which can go to the professional hospital in the city at the fastest speed.

Queenstown is a very famous tourist city in New Zealand, so the facilities are relatively complete. The most important thing is that the scenery here is pleasant and the climate is very good.

After coming here, Liu Shishi fell in love with this ranch. She likes a quiet personality. When William Chen asked her where she wanted to go to give birth, she said that she has always liked the scenery and scenery of the ranch in the movie. Life, I hope to experience it, so there are these arrangements of Chen William.

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