America's Road To Fame

Chapter 361: 0 team battle

Therefore, William Chen directly rejected the proposal of Boss Ma, he said:

"Old Ma, you know, I have always been very optimistic about Ali, and I have been supporting your operation of Ali. You should understand that I don\'t have too many ideas about Ali. I will only consider investing in Ali as a financial investment. In the future, I will reduce my stake in Ali, but not now."

"Is this price far from your expectations?"

Boss Ma heard the meaning of Chen William\'s words.

Er, although Boss Ma gave the impression before that he often spoke rhetorically and was suspected of bragging. But in the end, it seems that most of his bragging rights have been realized, and this is his brilliance.

But I am afraid that now, even he himself will never imagine that Ali\'s market value will reach 850 billion US dollars in the future. Therefore, if Chen William said this at this time, I am afraid that Boss Ma will go crazy and think that Chen William is bragging. Criticism is higher than him, and even suspects that he does not want to sell Ali stock at all, just using this as an excuse.

Therefore, under consideration, Chen William was prepared to be conservative and said:

"Even at your current price, the valuation of Ali is only $50 billion. This is not the Ali that I am optimistic about. In my opinion, if Ali is listed as a whole, then the valuation of $200 billion is relatively normal. "

After Chen William finished speaking, he only saw Boss Ma\'s eyes widen, and his expression almost blurted out: "You really can blow!" Such words came.

It seems that even Chen William\'s conservative figure has shocked Boss Ma, which can\'t help but make him feel how lonely his eyes that can see the future make him.

"I can give this price." Boss Ma said angrily: "It\'s not that I want to buy it, it\'s those investment companies in China who want to buy it. You know these requirements actually make me very embarrassed. Ali wants to develop. It will be smoother. It is necessary to let some state-owned assets in. If I tell them your asking price, they don’t know how to scold you for being greedy behind your back.”

"So, old horse, those people can\'t accept this price, it only shows that they lack confidence in Ali. Anyway, if it is lower than this price, I will not shoot."

Chen William glanced at Boss Ma and said lightly: "Old Ma, I also understand your thoughts, don\'t worry, I have no other thoughts about Ali, otherwise, I\'m not stupid, Ali can only be in your hands. The development is better, and with the growing size of Ali, even the Huaguo side will not allow foreign capital to control the management rights, and financial investment is already the biggest possibility."

What William Chen said, Boss Ma also understood, he pondered for a moment and said: "William, even if you don\'t take out your own shares to those state-owned assets, before Ali goes public, you will definitely raise money again to let the national team Come in, you have to be mentally prepared for this."

"I understand this, old horse, don\'t worry, I\'m different from those people on Wall Street. I understand everything you said. As long as the other party is not too outrageous, I will agree."

Chen William paused and continued: "But old horse, in fact, Ali, the place that needs their support is not the most important. If you want to raise funds, you don\'t need to put too many shares out. The one that needs their support the most is Alipay. So If Ali raises funds and they can restrain themselves, I can agree that before Alipay IPOs, I will transfer my Alipay shares to them at a suitable valuation.”


Boss Ma\'s eyes lit up after hearing William Chen\'s statement. Indeed, as William Chen said, compared to Ali\'s e-commerce, in fact, the payment field such as Alipay requires the participation of the national team and strives for their support. If it is really as William Chen said, he will be able to hold his All the shares of Alipay are taken out and sold to those national teams before the listing, so this is a better choice for Boss Ma.

Because e-commerce is okay, to be honest, whether Chen William invests and holds shares, whether it is Jingdong - he actually doesn\'t pay much attention to it; or Zoom - it is naturally not easy to enter the Chinese market. Ali\'s threat is not too big.

But in terms of payment, PayPal\'s threat to Alipay is what Boss Ma is most worried about. If Chen William can give up all his shares in Alipay at that time, it will be a worry for Boss Ma, he will I am not afraid that PayPal can detect the business content of Alipay.

According to Chen William\'s previous life, if Boss Ma finally distributed more than 30% of Alipay\'s shares to Chen William and Sun Zhengyi, then Chen William can get nearly 20% of Alipay\'s shares, which is not a small proportion. certain influence.

The reason why Chen William made this decision was to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Because he knows that the IPO of Ant Financial is destined to be full of twists and turns in the future. It has already been approved, and it was urgently stopped. There are too many tricks in it...

Well, Chen William might as well use a relatively good valuation to cash out those shares before that.

The conversation between the two has reached this point. Although Chen William refused to sell his 10% of Ali shares at a price of 5 billion US dollars, his later statement made Boss Ma still relatively satisfied.

After that, the two were just chatting, talking about the group buying war that has become more and more popular recently.

At this time, group buying is a very popular concept in China. Since the first group buying website in Huaguo was launched in early 2010, the number of group buying websites in Huaguo has exceeded 5,000 so far.

Among them, many major portals have joined, and there are also new group buying websites. Platform-based Internet companies such as Zhalang, Penguin, Kaixin, and Renren have also entered the field of group buying, and group buying has almost become a standard feature of Internet companies.

And the reason why so many companies have joined it has something to do with William Chen.

Because of the earliest group buying website Groupon he invested in, this company can be said to be the originator of group buying. At the beginning, in Groupon\'s A round of financing, Zoom invested 40 million US dollars and got 40% of the shares.

Later, in the B round of financing, Meta Investment Company also participated and obtained 20% of the shares with an investment of 100 million US dollars, while Zoom Company followed the investment and maintained 40% of the shares. This time, the financing will also be Groupon\'s valuation rose from $100 million to $500 million.

With the support of these funds, Groupon became one of the fastest growing companies in the world last year.

At the end of last year, Google made an offer to buy Groupon, and their initial offer was $2.5 billion, which was rejected by Groupon founder Andrew.

Until February of this year, Google\'s offer for the acquisition of Groupon had reached 5 billion to 6 billion US dollars, because this company has been developing rapidly in the process, resulting in Google having to adjust again and again. High purchase price.

But in the end, Groupon rejected Google\'s acquisition because they were preparing for an IPO. As of now, Groupon is in the process of an and the crazy thing is that the company\'s valuation The value is already as high as 25 billion US dollars!

The wealth myth created by Groupon in the field of group buying also encourages those entrepreneurs. As we all know, many domestic venture capitalists in China like to look for similar investment projects in China compared to those successful Internet companies in the United States. .

For example, everyone will think of Ali as China\'s eBay or Amazon, Alipay as China\'s PayPal, and Youku as China\'s YouTube... In short, whenever there is an Internet myth of making wealth in the United States, then those Investors immediately hope to find a similar company in China and invest in it. Maybe it will be the next wealth-making myth.

And at present, it seems that this investment model has really been successful!

Therefore, with the acquisition of Groupon by Google for 6 billion US dollars and their IPO, the valuation is as high as 25 billion US dollars. In China, various venture capitalists have also begun to frantically flood into the group buying track, investing in their companies. Good project.

The result is that in a short period of time, more than 5,000 group buying websites have appeared in Huaguo. Chen William knew that in the entire thousand-group war, a total of more than 7 billion Chinese dollars of venture capital investment will be burned, and finally in a few months. After that, less than 1,000 of these group buying websites will survive, and the others will die in this brutal money-burning war.

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